Myths and Dharma, starting from Erlang Shen

Chapter 209 Why not choose King Wu?

Chapter 209 Why not choose King Wu?
"Everyone in the government and the public thinks that King Ming is ridiculous. Does Mr. Lu think it is possible for King Ming to become King Ming?"

Ji Ren looked at Lu Xianzhao and got straight to the point.

"Why not? King Ming is still young, everything is possible. And if King Ming ascends the throne, the Prime Minister will still be the Prime Minister, and as long as the Prime Minister is here and His Majesty has complete trust in the Prime Minister, then what does it matter even if His Majesty sings and sings every day and favors beauties? ?" Lu Xianzhao looked at Ji Ren and smiled.

His decision was not made hastily. After all, it was related to the future of the Lu family.

He was well thought out.

After what happened to Lu Xiantang, even if the Lu family survives, their vitality will be severely damaged, and his position as Minister of War will basically be taken away.

As the head of the Lu family, Lu Xianzhao had to consider the future development of the Lu family.

Although the Lu family now has two great kings, they are not afraid of being bullied when they leave the court.

But Da Qi's resources are all in the court, and the Lu family's way is to fight with the army.

Without the ability to unite the army, the Lu family would not be able to understand the true meaning of the two great Dharma ministers, Lu Xun and Lu Kang.

In this world, there is no greater merit than Conglong's merit.

Except for the Sun family, the rest together are not enough for the Lu family.

Therefore, if Lu Xianzhao leaves, the Lu family, which does not have a heavenly king but has two purple-level ministers, will immediately become the target of public criticism.

Moreover, the talents displayed by Ji Ren are getting more and more terrifying, so the possibility of King Wu ascending to the throne is getting smaller and smaller.

It would be more embarrassing if the Lu family went in.

After considering Ji Ren's side, Lu Xianzhao suddenly discovered a blind spot that he had never noticed before.

After all, our ancestors suffered in this aspect.

But it happened that neither of them died so early, and then there was a problem. Lu Xun participated in the dispute between the two palaces in Sun Quan's later years, so Sun Quan repeatedly blamed Lu Xun, which eventually led to Lu Xun's death in sorrow and anger.

For this reason, the Lu family is reluctant to participate in party struggles, especially with the Lu family's strength.

Seize the direct descendant.

The two heavenly kings are qualified to be centrists.

Then you have to think about the future.

But he was so stubborn that he got involved in the Sima family's mess.

But who to support is a big and serious question.

And to further develop the Lu family, the fastest and best way is to participate in the fight for heir apparent.

Like the prince, his subordinates have many powerful forces and are basically stereotyped. The Yuan family is also xenophobic.

After all, the Lu family's status cannot be lowered when they participate in the fight for the heir, but now that the power of the princes has basically been established, the Lu family's status is a problem if they want to squeeze in.

Lu Xun and Sun Quan knew each other well. If one of them died early, it would be a good story about the relationship between king and minister, which would be sung by future generations.

But, there is a problem. If King Wu does not deal with Ji Ren, that is, if he does not deal with the Zhuge family, now it is the Prime Minister's Mansion that is really holding the Lu family's lifeline in check. Are you seeking death by cooperating with King Wu at this time?

The Lu family originally did not want to participate in the fight for the heir.

The most suitable one is King Wu, because King Wu is relatively weak.

Ming Wang Zhang Jingshou!
Although he was very nonsensical and the Dharma Minister was not from the Three Kingdoms, no one took him seriously in the past.

But the king can do whatever he wants, and it won't be a big problem. As long as you give the power to the prime minister, you can just waste it yourself.

As long as you can appoint wise ministers, lustful and playful people will not destroy the country.

Just like Duke Huan of Qi, he never restrained himself and still became the first of the five hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period.

It was not until after Guan Zhong died and there was no one around Duke Huan of Qi that he was abolished.

Therefore, Da Qi's requirements for the emperor were not very high.

As long as you are self-aware, being mediocre or lustful or playful is not a problem.

Why can't Zhang Jingshou become emperor?
After all, Zhang Jingshou is very self-aware.

And there are several advantages to supporting Zhang Jingshou. First of all, no one supports Zhang Jingshou now. If the Lu family supports it, they will be the first to support it.

The icing on the cake is not as good as providing timely assistance.

I would rather make a chicken head than a phoenix tail.

If Zhang Jingshou ascends the throne, what does the Lu family's current affairs mean?
At that time, it will be close to the Zhuge family and become the second aristocratic family in Da Qi.

This was something that no other prince could give him in the Lu family.

After all, they already have people under their command. Secondly, Zhang Jingshou does not have no advantages at all.

One of his two uncles is in the Ministry of Personnel and the other is in the Ministry of Household Affairs. They are both departments with real power.

It's just that this nephew is really not up to par, and there is no hope that he can be helped up, so no one wants to help him.

But if King Ming really fights, then these two uncles will have to help even if they don't.

Because of this kind of thing, he has both prosperity and loss, so he has no choice at all.

If King Ming failed to participate in the heir apparent, their careers would have come to an end.

Next, there is Ji Ren.

It is not a secret in Chang'an City that Prince Ming and Ji Ren can wear a pair of pants even if they have a good relationship.

Now everyone in Chang'an City knows that if they want to find Prince Ming, they should go to Qing Yongbo's Mansion.

This relationship is clear at a glance.

As for Ji Ren, let alone his current relationship with the Prime Minister's Mansion, let's talk about his terrifying potential. In twenty years, who knows what level he will reach in his cultivation?
Not to mention people like Tian Zhi and Zhang Gan.

Lu Xianzhao had really calculated it. If Zhang Jingshou participated in the seizure of the heir, and with the support of the Lu family, he would have great hope of success.

Moreover, being loyal to the future emperor and bowing to the current prince is not a psychological burden for the Lu family. Otherwise, if you are loyal to Ji Ren, the Lu family cannot do such a thing, and the Lu family will lose face.

In addition, you can also make friends with Ji Ren.

After all, he did not believe that Ji Ren hoped that King Wei and King Wu could successfully ascend the throne.

Moreover, Ji Ren and the Yuan family have been in conflict in recent days, and they probably don't want the prince to ascend the throne.

Ji Ren's relationship with the King of Han was obviously not as good as his relationship with Zhang Jingshou.

So supporting Zhang Jingshou is inevitable.

Even Lu Xianzhao felt that this was a big chess game played by Ji Renbu from beginning to end. He used the name of the Chamber of Commerce to expand the manpower, create power and cultivate confidants for King Ming.

After all, if King Wei or King Wu ascends the throne, I am afraid they will not let Ji Ren go.

Therefore, supporting King Ming will gain you many benefits in one fell swoop.

"Hiss~" Ji Ren took a breath, but was asked by Lu Xianzhao.

What does it matter?

It doesn't seem to matter.

Daqi is close to a constitutional monarchy in a sense.

And Zhang Jingshou also admired Zhuge Qinglan very much.

If Zhang Jingshou didn't make any mistakes when he came to power, and just thought about how to make money and enjoy himself, he would really not be able to subjugate the country.

"The King of Wei is suspicious and the King of Wu is cunning. Both of them have enmity with Uncle Qing Yong. Uncle Qing Yong will definitely not want them to ascend the throne. So the most suitable candidate now is King Ming. As long as Uncle Qing Yong saves me, Lu Our family has escaped this calamity, and I, the Lu family, are willing to participate in this grand event with Uncle Qing Yong." Lu Xianzhao said.

Ji Ren frowned. What Lu Xianzhao said made sense. If this was the historical world, and he, as a person who had offended almost all the princes, really wanted to think about a way out, then it would be a good idea to cooperate with Prince Ming. choose.

But, the problem is that this is not a historical world, it is a fantasy world.

Emperor Qi didn't know what state it was, but no matter what, he still had at least sixty or seventy years to live, and after sixty or seventy years, if Ji Ren had not yet entered the transcendent world, Ji Ren could commit suicide.

And if you become transcendent, does it matter who the emperor is?
In other words, it is up to Ji Ren to decide who is the emperor.

Therefore, he actually didn't consider this at all.

I never thought about making Zhang Jingshou the emperor. With Zhang Jingshou's temper, letting him become the emperor would make him go to jail.

Moreover, senior brother is working very hard, so don’t put any burden on him.

But is it so straightforward to refuse right now?
That's obviously not a wise plan.

First of all, Emperor Qi was lenient. This time Lu Xiantang's matter was not a small one, but neither Lu Xianzhao nor Lu Xianjie was involved, so the Lu Xianzhao brothers would most likely survive. The help of the two heavenly kings was very important.

At least it's important to Ji Ren now.

Secondly, if Ji Ren doesn't agree, then who will the Lu family turn to?

Most likely, King Wu!
Among the five princes, the one who had the most intense conflict with Ji Ren directly sent a killer.

If he had put all his efforts into planning and let King Wu take advantage in the end, Ji Ren would really kill someone.

Thinking in his mind, Ji Ren looked at Lu Xianzhao and said, "The King of Wu has always been close to the Lu family. During the secret realm assessment at the end of the year, the Lu family was still with the King of Wu. Why not choose the King of Wu?"

(End of this chapter)

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