China Entertainment: I just want to give my child a home

Chapter 136 The movie is finished, will it win an award? able!

Chapter 136 The movie is finished, will it win an award? able! (Please subscribe!)

While everyone in the outside world was still happily eating the melons contributed by Chen Dong and Liu Yifei, Chen Dong himself, Ye Ning, and Wang Changtian "quietly" signed an agreement on behalf of Dongcheng Pictures, Wanda Films, and Enlight Media respectively. A contract regarding the opinion agreement and equity structure ratio for the acquisition of Blog China.

Although this project was proposed by Chen Dong, because he did not have time to do it himself, he gave the initiative to Ye Ning and asked Zhong Lifang to follow up.

He left the capital on the afternoon of the 20th of this month and flew to Xiangjiang.

Yes, Miss Liu did not choose to be together.

The nature of her work is relatively free, and she does not have to go to Yinghuang's music studio to practice singing.

Hongxingwu also purchased a set of music equipment specially for her. If she is not professional enough, she can also go to a recording studio.

Secondly, Miss Liu is pregnant, and neither Chen Dong nor her mother wants her to fly around.


It was past twelve o'clock in the morning when Chen Dong returned to the crew. He thought everyone had taken a rest, but he didn't expect that everyone knew he was coming back tonight and they were all sitting and waiting for him.

The question is, what are you waiting for?

Of course it’s a celebration!
  But forget about the fireworks and salutes, what's going on with this big cake?

It's not his birthday today.

Although he also ate it.

Okay, it smells great.

When Chen Dong recalled it the next day, he still felt that he still had more to say.

He admitted that he hadn't eaten cake in half a year, and because the atmosphere was right last night, it tasted different.

In order to give back to everyone, the lunch box at noon is cake, and the lunch box in the afternoon is also cake.

Then Chen Dong received feedback, please stop sending out candy!

While Chen Dong was concentrating on filming the remaining scenes of "Hachi the Dog", Fang Xinguo finally couldn't hold on any longer.

Because it cannot attract investment, Blog China is like a dying patient. Not only is it unable to receive treatment, but its competitors are also using knives to continuously cut its flesh on its body.

It is only a matter of time before the distance falls completely.

Just when Fang Xinguo was preparing to file for company bankruptcy.

Actually, three parties appeared at the same time to find him.

Could it be said that this is an opportunity for Blog China to usher in a turn of events?
  Of course not.

Two of the three companies that approached him were competitors that kicked him down from the peak to the valley - Sina Blog and Tengxun Blog.

And when these two families came to Fang Xinguo at this time, it was naturally not a timely help.

I just want to completely annex his blog China. After all, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

If Sina Blog completely swallows Blog China, it can leave Tengxun Blog far behind.

On the contrary, if Tengxun Blog swallows Blog China, it can even the gap with Sina Blog.

If no third party comes to the door at this time, although Fang Xinguo is extremely unwilling, he will probably only choose one between Sina and Tengxun, and then package and sell his blog China, which he has worked hard for many years, to them.

The third party who contacted Fang Xinguo was none other than Ye Ning.

In order not to alert others, neither Wang Changtian nor Zhong Lifang showed up.

"Mr. Ye, did I hear you right? Do you want to invest in my blog China?"

"No, Mr. Fang, you did hear it wrong. I said acquisition, not investment."

"Acquisition?" Xinguo was even more shocked.

If he didn't get Alzheimer's disease early.

The Ye Ning in front of me is the president of Wanda Film, right?

And the Wanda Group behind him is only engaged in real estate.

The Internet he created is not comparable to eight poles, but at least it has two tracks.

Why do you suddenly want to acquire his blog China?
  "Yes, it's an acquisition..."

"Can I ask Mr. Ye, why do you want to acquire BlogChina?"

"Haha, of course I am optimistic about the future of blogging websites."

Ye Ning said this as if he hadn't said it yet.

Fang Xinguo saw that Ye Ning in front of him was unwilling to elaborate, so he didn't ask any more questions.

So I changed the topic.

"How much money does Mr. Ye plan to spend to acquire Blog China?"

"Of course it's based on the current market price..." "Market price?" Fang Xinguo's eyes clearly flashed with surprise, although he immediately concealed it.

However, Ye Ning still caught it keenly.

He smiled casually, "Haha, Mr. Fang thinks I will lower the price?"

Fang Xinguo saw that his thoughts were being read by the other party, and adjusted his glasses in embarrassment, "It made Mr. Ye laugh. In fact, I'm not surprised at all that you are trying to lower the price. After all, the value of blogs in China is depreciating every day."

And he firmly believed that even if Sina and Tengxun wanted to annex his blog China, they would definitely not be able to offer the market price Ye Ning said.

It was obvious that he was moved.

But Fang Xinguo did not agree to Ye Ning immediately because after Blog China received financing, he was not the only shareholder.

If he wants to sell it, he has to hold a shareholders' meeting to discuss it. Even if the shareholders don't come, he still has the obligation to inform.

Ye Ning's visit to Fang Xinguo this time is not really news, but people who are interested still noticed it.

For example, Cao Guowei from Sina Blog and Tengxun Blog.

Both families were puzzled...

However, what they were thinking of was that Fang Xinguo had secured investment from Wanda Group, not that Ye Ning wanted to acquire Fang Xinguo's Blog China.

Although Chen Dong was filming, he also learned the news immediately.

He had no objection at all to Ye Ning’s acquisition of BlogChina at market price.

After all, after the acquisition of Blog China, he will continue to be used to manage the company.

Why would people be willing to do things for you if you don't give them any sweetness?

Acquiring a company is not something that happens in a day or two.

Many of the information involved must be verified one by one by a professional team of lawyers to avoid contract traps.

Fortunately, both parties are willing to cooperate and everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

On the Internet, the enthusiasm for Chen Dong's proposal to Liu Yifei slowly dissipated after a week.

November passed quietly.

According to the solar calendar, the last month of 2006 has arrived in a big way.

Two days ago, the crew of "Painted Skin" wrapped up filming.

Today, Chen Dong's "Hachi" also ushered in its final filming scene.



When this shout came out, hundreds of pairs of eyes from the crew all turned towards Chen Dong.

He didn't respond in a hurry, but pulled back the scene and looked at it carefully.

I felt it was OK, so I picked up the director's trumpet, stood up from the chair, looked around, and said loudly:
  "I declare that "Hachi the Dog" is officially finished."

Whenever this time, Chen Dong hears everyone's cheers, and today is certainly no exception.

The life producer who was responsible for arranging the wedding banquet reported the time and location to Chen Xi, the chief producer.

At this time, Chen Xi saw that everyone's emotions had calmed down a bit. He didn't need the small speaker in Chen Dong's hand and shouted directly to the crew of hundreds of people:

"Everyone, please be quiet and listen to me. Tonight's closing banquet is on the third floor of the Anhe Hotel. It starts at seven o'clock. Remember, it starts at seven o'clock. Don't be late. Everyone, please listen. Is it clear?"


While everyone responded loudly, they couldn't help but sigh in their hearts, 'This girl has such a good voice! '

This made Chen Dong look at the small speaker in his hand and thought, "What do I need you for?"

That night, Huo Wenxi also appeared at the closing banquet.

Chen Dong thought she was just here to congratulate the film on completion.

I didn't expect that she had another purpose...

"Director Chen, I wonder if you are interested in sending "Hachi the Dog" to register for the Academy Awards next April?"

"Can I win an award?" Chen Dong just subconsciously joked.

Unexpectedly, Huo Wenxi gave him a very definite answer: "Yes!"


Chen Dong smiled coquettishly: "Then what reason do I have to refuse?"

(End of this chapter)

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