The Working Emperor starts with Conan

Chapter 205 The foreseeable huge network of relationships

Chapter 205 The foreseeable huge network of relationships
  Toyama Fei's report on the bourbon anomaly also came to Rum's desk, which gave Rum a big reminder.

There are bad people among the cadres of our black organization!

Although Bourbon's explanation that he was just unhappy that an ordinary member of Toyama Gate was riding on his head was accepted by Rum, it did not mean that this incident had no impact on Tohru Amuro.

For Rum, he is not afraid of members or cadres in the organization who have their own personalities. What kind of demons and monsters are there in the organization?

If you just have a unique hobby and a little bit of a maverick, this is not a problem at all.

The organization can even use Chianti's female nerves with confidence, not to mention some unique little quirks.

But Bourbon did not listen to Rum's command, and even tried to expose Toyama Kai, the nail in the Metropolitan Police Department, during the mission.

This violates Rum's taboo.

Rum is not afraid that his men will look unhappy at each other, and Binga, his man, will look unhappy at Gin.

How about being his right-hand man?

The principle of not allowing other officials to conspire against me also applies to Rum, the second-in-command of the black organization.

But Bourbon almost exposed Toyama Fei, a nail in the Metropolitan Police Department, because of his own selfish interests. It cannot be said that he was exposed.

Instead, Toyama Fei and Bourbon were connected for no reason.

Such contact is unnecessary.

If one day Bourbon is sent to perform some kind of difficult mission, and then fails and is arrested.

Won't the agency that arrested Bourbon investigate Bourbon's interpersonal relationships?
  If we really conduct an investigation, wouldn't the nail that Toyama Fei finally penetrated into the Metropolitan Police Department be exposed just like that?

Originally, being an informant of the Toyama Tobi Police Department was not very important to the organization.

It is not that no members of the organization have taken the informant route in the past, but because the informants were too passive for the police, they could only passively wait for the on-line police officers to contact them.

Every time the police contact them, they hope that the informant can provide them with valuable information.

For the organization, this type of nails will only waste resources, but provide no useful information back to the organization.

Over time, the organization let these members go their own way.

But Toyama Fei was different. A simple informant route made him play tricks.

With his strong social skills, Toyama Tobi not only became a serious informant on the Metropolitan Police Department's books, he even made friends with the middle-level officials of the Metropolitan Police Department.

The entire Metropolitan Police Department Investigation Division, from the management officer to the frontline police officers, is full of good brothers from Tobi Toyama.

Toyama Fei's current influence does not seem to reach that of the top brass of the Metropolitan Police Department, but what about the future?

The current high-level people will one day retire, and the people below at the middle, high-level, middle-level, and grassroots levels are not allowed to move up?

As long as Toyama Tobi can maintain such social skills, he will one day be able to weave a large enough relationship network within the Japanese police force.

This network of relationships was almost destroyed by Bourbon for his own selfish purposes. How could Rum possibly have a good impression of Bourbon?
  It remains to be seen whether Bourbon will be given a useless codename because of the reputation of the Bourbon codename.

If this was an ordinary or peripheral member, Rum would have had him put into a gasoline barrel, filled with cement, and sunk into Tokyo Bay.

Speaking of which, the black organization also made a great contribution to Tokyo's land reclamation project.

What is the sense of social responsibility of an outstanding capitalist?

Generally speaking, it is basically impossible for Bourbon to gain Rum's trust in the short term. At the same time, the Bourbon incident also served as a reminder to Rum. That is, even if a member of the organization gets a code name, everything will not necessarily be fine. What's more, Reina Mizuno's getting the code name Kiel was accidental.

Neither Rum nor Gin are willing to directly use Kiel as a cadre. At this time, an organizational cadre quality inspector is needed to step in to see if Kiel can be used.

So this task fell on Yuan Shan Fei's head.

The partnership between Toyama Fei and Keir can make Keir keep an eye on Toyama Fei and stop him from doing anything casually.

You can also ask Toyama Fei to examine this lucky guy Kiel to see if she has any problems and whether her abilities are sufficient.

If there is no problem with Kiir and his capabilities are sufficient, considering the general environment of Tokyo's shortage of cadres and manpower.

It is expected that there will be a number of tasks that need to be handed over to Keir, and at the same time, Keir will gradually be exposed to the core industries and tasks of some organizations.

If there is nothing wrong with Kiel but his ability is not good enough, then use Kiel as a mascot.

With Brother Gin's efficiency in earning money from missions, it is not difficult to support a freeloader like Gill.

But if there is a problem with Kiel's identity, then don't bother the two masters and just let Toyama Fei deal with her.

This is another very convincing letter of nomination for Yuan Shan Fei.

The reason why Toyama Fei was asked to hand in the certificate was not because Rum or Gin didn't trust Toyama Fei.

Rather, within the organization, the behavior of "submitting names" such as undercover agents is ongoing.

On the one hand, such behavior indirectly cuts off the cadres' escape route; on the other hand, it is also a manifestation of the organization's greater trust in its members.

Why is Gin so trusted by Renya Karasuma?
  It's not because he is good at killing undercover agents, enjoys killing undercover agents, and even regards killing undercover agents as a career.

Basically, all the undercover agents of the intelligence agencies who have been named have been killed by Gin, which means that Brother Gin actually has no way out and can only follow the organization all the way to the dark side.

How can you not trust such a cadre Karasuma Renya?
  Therefore, the organization's preferential treatment for internal members has a price clearly marked on it.

Just waiting for the destined person to give up everything and come to exchange.

So, in the early morning of the next day, when Yuan Shanfei woke up and opened his phone and saw an email from Rum, he was shocked to realize that he actually had his own code name and was even assigned a beautiful partner! .
  "Spirytus, a distilled vodka originally from Poland.

With an alcohol content of 96%, it is the most alcoholic and potent wine in the world.

Westerners call it "the water of life."

Ever since he found out that he had traveled to the world of Detective Conan and even successfully joined the black organization, Toyama Tobi had done a lot of research on various foreign wines.

In his previous life, the Water of Life was famous, so Yuan Shanfei naturally had some knowledge about it, but he didn't expect that his codename would actually be this.

Could it be that Spiatus Karasuma Renye gave himself this code name to mean that he was very energetic and easily fooled?
  Yuan Shanfei felt that he was just an ordinary worker and had no intention of trying to figure out his boss's thinking.

As a half-hearted part-time worker, the most important thing is of course salary, benefits, and beautiful colleagues~
  After checking the benefits of Code Cadre, Toyama Fei closed his phone and prepared to go to the Japanese TV station to meet his future partner.

In the email, Rum wrote what Toyama Fei should pay attention to after partnering with Kiel. Toyama Fei believed that Kiel must have a [Notes] similar to his own email, but with completely different content.

As a "secret investigator" from the CIA, Toyama Fei is the best at dealing with people like this!
  After all, I also carefully watched and learned from each teaching video in my previous life!

 Update 1

  (End of this chapter)

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