Chapter 112 Bragging
The Ming Dynasty was founded and everything was renewed.

The first lunar month is not over yet, and the streets of Beijing are still full of New Year flavor.

Five days have passed since Su Xian said those words in the palace.

When she got home, her mother was overjoyed at first. After taking Su Xian to look around for several times, she sighed. When she went to pick her up yesterday, she heard a lot of rumors along the way. Today she was frightened again. Fortunately, her father had gone to Fengtian Hall early...

Su Xian's left ear went in and his right ear came out.

In the past few days, he has actually been thinking about how to engage in this new study.

to be honest.

If there was no father in Fengtian Hall, the sudden changes would change the four people. There was no resumption of the imperial examination by several masters, and there was no sudden inquiry from the emperor.

Su Xian really didn't expect to go to Xinxue.

However, if we really talk about it, it is really thanks to them.

Su Xian hopes there are three types.

The Renaissance in the West is about to begin. From the 14th century onwards, it has begun to step on the accelerator. The industrial age is beckoning. The increase in productivity has made the West seem to be favored by God. Each and every name will shine in future generations. Ever shining in the sky!

Just say that now... Su Guiyuan has to be remembered wherever he goes.

If you don’t have the heart to explore, you will become inward-looking, and being inward-looking will lead to comfort, and being comfortable will lead to internal fighting, and internal fighting will lead to a weakening of weapons, fighting for power, and then the history cycle will lead to destruction...

Zhu Yuanzhang must have thought about preventing this phenomenon. For example, enfeoffing kings was a way for him to check and balance the powerful officials in the government and the opposition, and to prevent chaos in the government.

But it's a pity that internal fighting is good!

According to the historical context, the former is like the scorching sun in the sky, but it does not take long for the sun to set.

One thing confirmed...

Su Xian really has to plan for the future.

Riding on the torrent of history, sooner or later this small flame will become a raging fire that sweeps the world and even changes the world!

There used to be two types.

Restructure the treasure banknote lifting system!
Suddenly, a new term about Su Guiyuan appeared in the Ming Dynasty.

If he hadn't managed well in the palace, he would have cured the princess by donating medicine and become famous in the capital again!

Hu Weiyong, headed by the Huaixi forces, is now in charge of Zhongshu Province and has strong power. The method of recommendation was originally a method that could be used by all officials in the court and local officials to select officials, but it was not as good as the enemy holding the official department in his left hand and the imperial censor's desk in his right hand.

It's a pity that Su Xian and them can't go together no matter how they talk about it.

Sooner or later you have to enter the officialdom whirlpool!

But the latter is getting older and stronger, and will soon have an unknown number of years of life.

But after Su Xian proposed the investigation of things, the more he combined it with the current situation, the more feasible it became.

Although this is like Suiren making fire, it is just a small flame at first.

Great Confucianism transformed the princes, civil servants sat in the court, and local officials governed the world. Although they do not have the domineering spirit of generals, they will take the lead under subtle influence.

When fighting internally, these people are far more united than imagined, and even use all kinds of methods to prevent them.

It's not that he doesn't have confidence in himself.

New officialdom!

At that time, in terms of seniority in the court, you are my husband, I am your fellow countryman, my father was an old minister of Yuanting, a Southeast official family, we are all one family...

The other one was silent and looked like a soft persimmon. He couldn't even recommend a decent representative civil servant, and even asked Song Lian to ask the old man to propose something that had been raised and abolished before - the imperial examination.

This was the house that my father, Su Guiyuan, had worked hard on before and after the founding of the People's Republic of China.


My family has no background in the capital. In terms of family background, there is no official in Yuanting, let alone an official in the southeast. In addition, Baochao Tisi has great financial power.

The Su family's ancestral home was in Guanzhong, and his grandfather and his father lived in Huguang. By chance, they came to Nanjing and had a small courtyard before Zhu Yuanzhang became emperor.

And the Su family’s holy family is strong!
Just yesterday, another sensational news came out. Zhu Yuanzhang invited two prime ministers, six ministers, imperial censors... and other officials of third rank or above to the Wenhua Palace.

The day after Su Xian came back, the old lady from the Chang Mansion even came to thank her personally! With that kind of scale, Xinghua Lane was almost packed to the point of explosion.

If the imperial court really establishes the imperial examination in the future, it will regard the "Four Books and Five Classics" written by the sages as their guide and the only criterion for selecting officials in the country.

but now……

In today's court, there is a trend in selecting officials.

It was impossible for the Ming Dynasty to fight wars every year, as there were not so many new nobles and generals. But the imperial examination held every three years is enough for the civil servants who are still the "weak side" to gradually become more powerful and gradually control the court!

Su Xian was really not sure whether he could hold a firm place in the Hongwu court in the future, or even maintain his current "leading position".

That’s definitely delicious!
There is no need to think about the future. Emperor Hongwu is fifty this year, his father is only thirty, and he is only seven years old.

And this, to put it bluntly, is a matter of the direction of the wind.

He could see that Zhu Yuanzhang was also hesitant about the selection of officials in the dynasty, otherwise he would not have delayed it for so long.

Thanks to this, Su Xian also had to take precautions.

But once the imperial examination is established, the path of the Ming Dynasty is almost destined to be no different from that of the Song Dynasty - subject to the hands of civil servants!

And the ancient great country in the East has been far ahead in terms of system, culture, military and technology for thousands of years! But the pause or even reverse button was pressed!
If you are not reborn in the raging fire, you will be burned to ashes by the raging fire, and then become the nourishment of others.

But again.

In this day and age, it is necessary to bring the new learning to the temple, be recognized by the people of the entire Ming Dynasty, and be respected by students all over the world. Even the Confucian scholars will hold their noses and admit it!
It’s as difficult as climbing to the sky!

Therefore, the first shot you learn must be done well!

And you can’t delay, you have to act quickly.

Of course, the most important thing is-quality talents!
Already powerful, he is destined to have a great influence in this court in the future, and can even decide the general trend of a country!
The tower near the water gets the moon first.

In fact, there is no need to think about it, it is in the main hall where Su Xian is!
As for the talents to be recruited in the future, once the source is determined, the vitality will gradually come.

Su Xian wanted to arouse the interest of these people first, and then give Lao Zhu a shock.

Then in the debate between the two parties competing for "future official selection", let this spark start a prairie fire as soon as possible.

As long as the new learning is completed, in this Ming Dynasty, it seems that only the rootless duckweed "Jian is in the heart of the emperor" can be considered to have true roots.

And during the period of development, he could just miss the most frightening time points of Hongwu's murders.

There is one more important thing!
Taiyuan Hospital must be restructured! What my father said in the court that day simply spoke to his heart.

You know, from the beginning of the whole Kongyin case, I have been helped by Zhu Xiongying invisibly.

The Crown Princess is fine for the time being.

But Zhu Xiongying is the top priority.

As for why he died young, the biggest conjecture of later generations is that he was infected with bean disease, that is, smallpox!
Even in later generations, it would be difficult to completely cure smallpox. Even if you are lucky enough to be cured, your body will still be left with pockmarks.

And the chance of healing in ancient times seemed to be at risk of death?
But it is preventable and was even the first disease to be eradicated by humans in later generations.

Therefore, Taiyuan Hospital is the "target" that Su Xian is targeting. In the next four years, no! Within three years, preparations must be made in advance.

Coincidentally, Taiyuan Hospital has a hereditary household registration. Compared with farmers, craftsmen... etc. in Zhu Yuanzhang's heart, it is not a soft persimmon.

And in the late Ming Dynasty, the Emperor of Ming Dynasty dissolved in water, dissolved in medicine, the red pill case... the emperor was put to death and still promoted, it is simply an ancient and modern anecdote!

After figuring out his future direction and even the foundation of his entire family, Su Xian immediately took action.

He first put on the token, went to the palace prison, and began to explain some things in detail.

As mentioned above, this first new learning...

Do not!
Now I still have to keep a low profile. The new learning is too big and I can’t resist it.

If you want to say it, say it, and practice it yourself... "The Book of Rites·University" is about investigating things!
The first shot of this object must not only be a blockbuster!
It also needs to be lively, attract everyone's attention, and leave a tail to arouse everyone's expectations...

And these will require some small means from later generations.

Relying on the current craftsmanship, it is still impossible to achieve this level.


And just when Su Xian, the internal official supervisor in the palace, was chatting enthusiastically with the father-in-law.

at the same time.

In the main hall, during this period, preparations have to be made for the appointment of King Qin and King Jin as vassals.

Therefore, the princes, with permission, went hunting with their brothers and reminisced about old friendships. After all, they left this time and they didn't know when they would see each other again.

Zhu Yuanzhang also stayed with his sons these days, giving them advice.

At this moment, Fang Xiaoru made a cup of tea for her teacher Song Lian.

Then he sat down and said, "The prince will become a vassal. Our opinions are completely useless. It is a certainty that the prince will have his own way."

"But it is useless for us to mention the selection of officials in this country. I really don't know what the emperor wants us to do when he asks us to come to this main hall?"

He has a strong personality and sharpened his sword twice in a row, but suffered major setbacks both times. What's more important is that even his own teacher will be killed because of this.

For a moment, Fang Xiaoru only felt that the past "ambition" of inheriting the unique knowledge of the past saints and creating peace for all generations seemed to be no longer possible to be realized.

"Once upon a time, when His Majesty asked me to be the prince's tutor and teach the princes, I thought the same thing as you. But now, it has not changed." Compared to Fang Xiaoru's fierceness, Song Lian's tone was calm.

Fang Xiaoru raised his head in astonishment, and other gentlemen such as Li Xiyan also looked at him one after another.

"To wait for!"

Song Lian said softly: "Look at the world, it has been eleven years since the founding of the country, and the first batch of students to accept our teachings will soon grow up."

"Over the years, we and other great scholars have gone to various places to spread the scriptures and teachings of the sages. There are also edicts in various places to deal with this matter!" "The Holy One has never given up. Why are you so impatient? You have to give up." ?”

Fang Xiaoru said anxiously: "But there is Hu Weiyong in the court, and even your son, teacher, wants to enter the Zhongshu Province. All the officials in the court will see it."

Li Xiyan spoke even more fiercely, "If we don't defeat Hu, we won't be able to pass the imperial examination!"

"It is said that the Right Prime Minister is in charge of personnel affairs. On the shoulders of Prime Minister Wang, not to mention the promotion of officials in the Ming Dynasty, and even in all provinces and levels, why can't he even handle the selection of officials?"

As the people talked, they became more and more angry.

Suddenly, one of the gentlemen stood up and said leisurely: "Guys, if the right minister can't handle it, then it's up to us."

Fang Xiaoru looked around and found that it was Zhao Jing, a great scholar who had recently been transferred to the main hall and was also famous in Jiangnan!
He is tall in stature and has a pure and elegant demeanor. When he is sitting leisurely, he has a warm and smiling face, which makes people can't help but get close to him, but at this moment, his eyes are sharp.

"Rely on us?" Fang Xiaoru hadn't reacted yet.

He saw the other party saying: "In the entire dynasty, Prime Minister Hu does not dominate the sky with one hand. Although he has a good reputation among the Huaixi generals and has overwhelming power among the officials. But General Xu Da can't stand him!"

"What's the use of saying all this? Hasn't His Majesty appointed Prime Minister Hu? General Xu Da is still in Peiping."

Zhao Jingdao: "When I talk about General Xu Da, I just want to say that he does not cover the sky with one hand. You know... in this dynasty, although there are many people who want to enter his gate, there are also many people who always remember what happened back then."

As he spoke, the atmosphere here seemed to suddenly become serious.

Zhao Jing focused the eyes of several people and said one word at a time:
"In the eighth year of Hongwu, Mr. Qingtian!"

As soon as these words came out, almost instantly, the faces of several people, including Song Lian, changed drastically.

"What are you talking about? Mr. Qingtian has died of illness a long time ago..." Fang Xiaoru said quickly. Although he was strong, he did not want to step into this vortex.

But Zhao Jing did not give up, "Who said he died of illness? Over the years, Mr. Qingtian's eldest son Liu Lian has been going to various government offices to demand justice."

"But it's a pity that the country was covered by someone's hands and the holy will was not observed, so his son had no way to go to heaven and no way to go to earth. If this continues, the case of Mr. Qingtian back then will be re-tried. I don't know when it will be?"

Seeing him talking more and more.

Song Lian couldn't help but said: "Still..."

But Zhao Jing seemed to know what the other party was going to say, and immediately interrupted him, "Master Song, your son has entered Zhongshu Province and has reached great success. But you have the great wish to hold an umbrella for students all over the world, can you? Have you forgotten?"

"Are you relieved when Zhi Shi leaves?"

Fang Xiaoru and Li Xiyan were furious.

But Song Lian stopped them, "Well... I just want to remind you to be careful and not to take this matter too seriously..."

In fact, it was as early as after his son was transferred to Zhongshu Province and served as Zhongshu Sheren. Song Lian knew that his official career was really over.

Hu Weiyong's move is not bad. You all say that he controls the selection of officials.

But the real personnel power has always been with the right prime minister. What does it have to do with him?

Moreover, Prime Minister Hu transferred your son to his side regardless of previous suspicions. Zhongshu Sheren said he was a seventh-rank official, but to put it bluntly, with such a close distance to the Prime Minister, Prime Minister Hu was even willing to let your son monitor him!
In the court that day, this could be regarded as serving the country with a public heart.

What else do you want?
Zhao Jing didn't know what Song Lian was thinking, so he just shouted: "What is absolute? We just want to seek justice for Mr. Qingtian's buried soul."

"Now they have forced us to this point? Why don't you want to fight back?"

"Take five steps back today, ten steps tomorrow, and then sleep peacefully overnight?"

"Hmph! Ever since Mr. Qingtian was killed..." He directly finalized the case, and then looked at everyone, "Prime Minister Wang was supported by His Majesty three times, but he didn't ask a question. In the past, Mr. Qingtian's good friends were either killed or demoted. There are so many ministers who have no time to take care of themselves. Now, as soon as the imperial examination is mentioned, it is directly dismissed by his few words. "

"We won't fight today? When will we fight?"

Zhao Jing stood up and said, "Liu Lian is going to Beijing soon. This time, the Holy Emperor intends to reuse him to oversee Jiangxi affairs. I don't know the specific position, but it is inevitable to meet the Holy Emperor."

"If you are afraid, let Zhao set off the first big scene!"


Zhongshu Province.

Hu Weiyong was grinding it himself and wrote several lines of regulations on it.

Li You stood on the side for unknown lengths of time, just watching.

at last.

Hu Weiyong put down his pen.

"The treasure bank transfer department is reset..."

"The Baoyuan and Baoquan bureaus of various places were merged into it, and the two bureaus of demonetizing paper and printing banknotes were added, and the Mint Department was added."

"Abolish the bank and use the treasury, establish a money transport department! Bring all the banks under control."

"New Issuance Department and Banknote Supervision Department were established..."

He talked a lot, and the more Hu Weiyong talked, the more angry he became.

"Although the new name of the treasure bank transfer department has not yet been decided."

"But let's take a look? In the past, the ambassadors of the two banks and two treasury could not even get a turn. Now, every department is almost equivalent to the previous treasure bank transfer department."

"It has a complete range of duties. Your Majesty has even set up internal supervision."

"As long as it involves the Chief Envoys' Department, the Inspectorate's Envoys' Department, and the Treasury of the Ministry of Household Affairs in various places, we must provide immediate assistance during the establishment and operation of the Money Transportation Department."

"Is your power as high as the sky?"

Li You on the side was full of envy, "Then what rank is this Su Guiyuan?"

Hu Weiyong's expression was gloomy and uncertain. Once upon a time, this yamen, with the highest rank of the eighth rank, was initially just a subsidiary yamen to support the shortage of coins in the Ming Dynasty.

Seeing that the situation has changed and a new government office is about to be opened, the hot cakes and cakes in hand are getting further and further away from me.

"This person once sang harmoniously with those rotten scholars in the court, huh! Not only does he want the right to choose officials, but he also wants to shake the foundation of the four people?"

"Why didn't Your Majesty just give him up?"

After pondering for a moment.

Hu Weiyong suddenly sighed slowly, "It seems that I have been too easy-going during this period. I need to change my tactics. How are you doing?"

Li You heard this and knew what Hu Xiang was referring to.

Originally, they wanted to take advantage of Su Guiyuan's credit for checking old banknotes and give him a promotion.

But now, he has really been promoted. No matter how much credit he gives, he will not be promoted again in a short time.

"I'm afraid these old banknotes are now..."

"Give it to him!" Hu Weiyong waved his hand, "You also want to do something good, and find a way to see if you can make the Holy Emperor value him again, transfer him to another place, become a local official, and be promoted to the central government in the future. Court.”

As he said this, Hu Weiyong himself started laughing, "It will be easier to do things if we move away from the center."

Li You suddenly realized.

Then he thought of something and said: "Hu Xiang, it seems that Liu Lian is going back to Beijing."

"Liu Lian?" Hearing this name for the first time, it seemed a little strange, but Hu Weiyong's eyes immediately turned cold.

"Come here and seek death yourself!"


It's night, and the wind is blowing coldly.

But Zhu Yuanzhang seemed unaware in Jinshen Hall.

He and Zhu Biao were working on the memorial together. Suddenly something occurred to him and he asked quickly: "How is the princess?"

"It's much better. I can go to the ground today."

Zhu Biao couldn't help but be happy, "Speaking of which, I would like to thank this Qilinzi properly."

"Yes." Zhu Yuanzhang also had a smile on his face, but when he was about to say something, he quickly remembered something.

"No? Why do we feel that we have forgotten something?"

"Then after the kid boasted a lot that day, there has been no movement for several days? What about the new thing he keeps saying?"

Hear the words.

Zhu Biao also looked strange.

Zhu Yuanzhang had no intention of reading the memorial anymore. "Wang He?"

"My slave is here..."

"Then what are you doing these days? He's not really fooling us, is he?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, there is not much movement from Young Master Su."

"Look!" Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Zhu Biao, "I was probably deceived by him."

But the next moment, Wang He's voice continued to sound, "But Young Master Su went to the inner prison and asked them to make something?"

"Huh?" Zhu Yuanzhang asked subconsciously: "What?"

The voice's answer seemed a little strange this time, and I didn't know whether I should say it or not.

But he still said quickly: "It seems to be two pots..."

Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Biao looked at each other.

"By the way, there's also a piece of cowhide!"

Zhu Yuanzhang immediately narrowed his eyes, "Does he really want to brag to us?"

(End of this chapter)

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