Ming Dynasty, starting from the empty seal case

Chapter 110 4 Civil and Imperial Examinations!

Chapter 110 The Four People and the Imperial Examination!
In an instant, Zhu Yuanzhang's smile froze on his face.

He looked at Su Xian quietly, wondering if he was too happy just now. This kid was still agreeing with him just now, but he changed his words in the blink of an eye.

Do you really think he can't hear it?

The warm sun was soft at the moment, but Zhu Yuanzhang only felt it was dazzling. He simply stood in the shadow, and his voice seemed to have a touch of chill.

"The people live and work in peace and contentment and enjoy peace forever from generation to generation. Even if it's just in that one place, what's wrong with it?"

"What's more, why did we formulate the Four Citizens and solidify household registration? Your father only wanted to make the treasure banknotes circulate faster and spread more widely. But he never thought about the root cause of this!"

"You are too young, and you only know about the so-called righteousness of the sages in books. But empty talk on paper will only mislead the country and the people. When you grow up, go out and see what kind of people there are in the Ming Dynasty. How to live."

At this point, he seemed to be still angry, and continued to pick on Su Xian's words:

"What ants? What swan geese? Does this metaphor mean that we have restricted them? But it has been like this for thousands of years. One family can live in a village for generations."

"As long as there is no war or plunder by the wealthy gentry, is this not the biggest wish of the people? This is the basic need that we, the emperor, can bring to the millions of people in the Ming Dynasty!"

"Your Majesty has divided the various household registrations very carefully. There are also carpenters, stonemasons, and blacksmiths in the craftsmen's households, so they can identify themselves more quickly."

Su Xian went on to say: "First of all, the 'scholars, farmers, industry and merchants' of the four peoples were not solidified in the Ming Dynasty. They were a class that gradually formed from the beginning of the farming environment."

"Oh?" Zhu Yuanzhang was a little surprised.

Su Xian sighed helplessly, "What do you think, Your Majesty? How long can this kind of restricted household registration last?"

But after thinking about it carefully, these things are closely connected with the "imperial examination". Anyway, we have already talked about this, so Su Xian went on to say:
"Why did Your Majesty fix his household registration? Of course I know that. This is not what I read in the book."

"But these people need to be supported by the people, they need thousands of miles of fertile fields, and they need people to farm and even fight. Therefore, the more people who farm, the stronger the country will be... Later, the craftsmen will provide skills, make weapons and agricultural tools, and finally the merchants will trade around the world. , prosperous city scene.”

"Also, since you know, you shouldn't say anything like ants or swan geese?"

Suddenly, Zhu Yuanzhang spoke slowly, "Your father doesn't know the things you know, so he told us those bastard things today."

"Farmers, craftsmen, merchants, and even...military households! Once a decision is made, it cannot be changed!"

"And the lowest level of nobles is the scholar!"

Zhu Yuanzhang's face was deep in thought, while Queen Ma looked surprised.

“Scholars, farmers, industry and commerce have their own background, and it has been passed down to the present.”

Even Queen Ma and Zhu Biao looked over quickly.

"Scholarship, agriculture, industry and commerce were formed entirely because of the importance of a transition."

"The people were displaced. Some fled the war and entered the mountains. Some simply fell into danger and became bandits. This situation cannot continue. Therefore, strong measures must be taken to help the people settle down as soon as possible, which is also a process for the Ming Dynasty to restore its national strength. "

"But Great Qin doesn't need it. Even the lowest-ranking grass bandit, without the most common name of Guizhou leader, will one day be able to become a marquis through military merit!"

"This is the original interpretation of 'Shi'."

"Before the Qin Dynasty established military merit titles, the Emperor of Zhou enfeoffed the world. Duke Zhou enacted etiquette and enfeoffed titles. These are called nobility. What are nobility? Destined by fate!"

"As we said before, take your words back and listen to Su Guiyuan, so that he can calm down a little bit."

Su Xian changed the topic again.


Zhu Yuanzhang did not interrupt, because he knew that the next step would be his limited household registration.

Zhu Yuanzhang asked directly: "Tell me the reason, why do we do this?"

"As mentioned before...before the military merit titles of the Pre-Qin Dynasty, nobles not only needed blood, but also needed the etiquette of Emperor Zhou to be affirmed."

"And therefore, after the establishment of farmers, craftsmen, and merchants, the people can also settle down and perform their duties. They will not envy the merchants for making a lot of money and leave the land to do business. When the government needs craftsmen, they will directly choose them from the craftsmen. That’s right. Of course, more people rushed into the farmers’ households.”

Su Xian listened to the emperor's resonant voice. To be honest, he also had a headache.

"Because princes, generals and prime ministers would rather have the seed!"

At this moment, Zhu Yuanzhang, Queen Ma, Zhu Biao and others were listening. These things are not profound knowledge. But when they heard that Su Xian had this opinion, they were still a little surprised.

"Because Da Qin has left a passage for everyone to go up."

"This is why Great Qin is stronger than other countries and can still dominate the world!"


At this moment, Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes were extremely sharp, and he looked at Su Xian almost instantly, and Queen Ma's expression also became solemn.

"As for encircling people and restricting one area, it is also to restore land cultivation as soon as possible. This is also the purpose of relocating people over the years."

Zhu Yuanzhang's expression, which had just softened, became serious again, "What do you mean?"

"Because of the war at the end of the Yuan Dynasty, Your Majesty wants stability faster!"

"And the limited household registration set by His Majesty also has a background, and to a certain extent, it deepens the four people and solidifies it."

As Su Xian finished speaking.

Obviously he didn't expect that such a young child would actually have unique insights?
"You are better than your father!"

Su Xian said bluntly: "We have finally ended the troubled world, but what we can see is ruins. Although there are thousands of miles of fertile fields in some places, no one is cultivating them, so that the land is deserted."

Although I don’t know why my father suddenly brought up the four people at this time.

Su Xian changed the topic, "Only nobles have complete names, surnames and surnames, bloodlines and fiefdoms, binding noble bloodline to etiquette."

I have to say, this kid is really brave. Can he say these eight words casually? This place is not a Sutra feast!
"Your Majesty, you don't have to look at me like this. The moment these eight words were heard from Qin Mo, the world has changed since then, and it has even become an objective fact."

"If a man practices martial arts, he should be made a marquis immediately! At the time of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, Wei Qing was no more than a horse breeder, but he could still be made a marquis and marry a Han princess... Huo Guang was just the second son of the commoner Huo family. Even though he had the shadow of his eldest brother Huo Qubing, But he can still use his own abilities to become the powerful prime minister who supports the Han Dynasty!"

"In the future, the trend of imperial examinations has begun, and the way for the people at the bottom to go up has become the torrent of history. Anyone who blocks it will be like those long-lost aristocratic families, using their arms as a chariot and overestimating their own capabilities!"

Su Xian's words were indeed bold. If not for his young age, Zhu Yuanzhang would have asked him personally.

If someone else had to say these words, they would probably have been yelled angrily: "Get out of here."

But even so, his face still turned blue and white.

"Boy, are you ordering us?"

"Your Majesty asked me first. Besides, it's impossible for Your Majesty not to know these things." Su Xian continued.

Only then did Zhu Yuanzhang calm down his emotions.

But then Su Xian said again: "But even though His Majesty knows it well, he still insists on having his own way."

"Huh? Why do you insist on having your own way? Don't tell me this."

"Compared with the overall situation of the world, which requires stability, what is the imperial examination? The imperial examination is held every three years? How many truly poor people can stand out?"

"I know better than you what the imperial examinations in Hongwu's three years were about."

"On the contrary, we have opened official schools, social schools, private schools, and private schools all over the Ming Dynasty. If the people are willing to study, can study, and know how to study, these talents will naturally be transported to our country step by step by the prefectures, states, and counties. Zixue!"

"This is still the best talent in the world, all of it is in the bag!"

"This is the dragon gate we open for the people of Ming Dynasty!"

Seeing that Su Xian didn't speak, he seemed to be convinced by himself.

Zhu Yuanzhang said proudly: "Limiting household registration is definitely better than not limiting household registration. If there are young talents who want to become an official in the court, there are naturally many ways."

"We know what you want to say? You are just like those great scholars in the country, telling us what to say about reinstating the imperial examination."

"But without the imperial examination, I would still transfer in Ming Dynasty."

"One imperial examination cannot change the general trend of the world!"

When Zhu Yuanzhang said these words, he seemed to be infinitely confident. However, he saw Su Xian looking at him and seemed not to be convinced by him.

Su Xian cursed in his heart: If I hadn't known that you would restart the imperial examination later, I would have been deceived by you.

However, he still said seriously: "I told Your Majesty just now that I did not say that I would restart the imperial examination!"

Hear this.

Zhu Yuanzhang's expression froze on his face again, and he seemed helpless as he looked at Queen Ma beside him.

This kid didn't admit it even after he said it.

"Sister, and Biao'er, are you all listening? Did he really say that to us just now?"

But even he himself was a little confused in the argument just now.

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he actually thought about the bet he had just made with Zhu Biao.

So before Queen Ma and Zhu Biao nodded, Zhu Yuanzhang looked to the side and then sat down directly.

And at this time.

Lu and Zhu Yunwen looked at this scene with complicated expressions. She has not yet recovered from the feeling of worrying about gains and losses.

I saw with my own eyes that Su Xian, a son who was only promoted to the eighth rank, actually talked eloquently in front of His Majesty.

From the current situation, she can also see that His Majesty is obviously nurturing this child for the future.

Therefore, when the other party utters those "wild words" one after another, the other party is not only not angry at all, but is ready to continue arguing with him.

Contacting Su Guiyuan again, the current treasure plan lies with one of them.

This small family that was almost destroyed by the Kongyin Case is now rising to the forefront of the Ming Dynasty's officialdom at an unimaginable speed.

Perhaps it won't be long before Su Guiyuan can be called a new noble in officialdom!
What about the future?
What will happen to the Su family when this child grows up?

It's a pity that my Yunwen... has already missed the best!

Lu lowered his head and looked at Zhu Yunwen, who was looking longingly in Su Xian's direction, but felt bitter.

In just one night, it first rose from the earth to the sky, and then returned from the sky to the earth.

This feeling of ups and downs is really uncomfortable, but what his father Lu Ben said to him that day kept ringing in his ears like a curse.

Once the seeds of desire are planted, they can never be plucked out from your heart!
And just when her thoughts emerged.

Zhu Yuanzhang did not pay attention to this, but looked at Su Xian, "Explain it to us clearly!"

At this moment, Su Xian was also a little helpless.

"I have never felt that the imperial examination could solve the problem of consolidating the four people. Moreover, whether the imperial examination is implemented or not, its importance does not lie in the selection of talents itself."

"It's just using the upward passage to announce something to the people of the world." Zhu Yuanzhang looked at him and motioned for Su Xian to continue.

"Now is the Ming Dynasty that has re-established Han rule!"

"People all over the world should know from these sages' classics that we are the same ethnic group, have common ancestors, and once lived on the same land!"

"Qin Hui once proposed that southerners return to the south and northerners return to the north. This is absolutely not allowed in our Ming Dynasty and must be severely punished! It must be nailed to the pillar of shame in history."

“To put it simply, it’s cohesion.”

"Of course, the general term is - the people's support!"

At this moment, Zhu Yuanzhang's expression became rare and solemn.

What Su Xian said was similar to what Song Lian said in the court hall!

"Use the imperial examination to educate the people."

"But these are not as good as one sentence: the people's support!"

Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes suddenly became serious. Perhaps when Song Lian and others talked about it, the repulsion in his heart was too strong and he didn't even think of it.

Or maybe it was what Su Xian said, which deepened the impression again and combined it with the previous four people.

Especially this - the people's support!
It had an infinite attraction for him.

Seeing this, Su Xian continued:
"Who am I? Where am I? Where do I come from? This is an eternal puzzle with hundreds of answers, and the purpose of the imperial examination is other than selecting officials."

"The more important purpose is to magnify this problem again, throw it all to the people of the world, and then solve it step by step."

Zhu Yuanzhang sat on the stone bench and placed his hands on the stone table. The weather was still cold and cold to the touch, but Zhu Yuanzhang felt that his heart was burning.


But suddenly...he reacted quickly.

"Since the imperial examination has so many benefits, why do you tell us that you have never thought of letting us restart the imperial examination?"

Zhu Yuanzhang tapped his fingers lightly on the table. He actually had his own thoughts about the selection of officials in the dynasty.

It’s just that there are many steps to go through and it needs to be connected with other “big things”.

Only when he really has no more doubts will he continue to think deeply.

However, it is foreseeable that, as Baiguan thought, he would never tolerate the smooth promotion of officials, all of which were controlled by one person. It is also intolerable that the talented and virtuous people in the world do not worship the Emperor Longmen!

But I don’t know where to open the Lonely Soul Temple!
and so……

He had reasons not to hold the imperial examination, but also had the idea of ​​rejecting Song Lian.

But at the same time, Song Lian and Liu Sanwu, the old and young people in the country, should also know that they value education so much that they even hired them into the palace to teach the prince.

You should have guessed that there is also a need to reopen the imperial examination!
It's complicated to say, but that's how national affairs are, weighing all sides.

The right time, right place and right people are indispensable. When necessary, there is a good opportunity!

But what Su Xian said before and what he said now are very contradictory.

While observing the world through his innocent vision, he was also weighing his own thoughts. For example, the support of the people just now has actually increased the weight of "restarting the imperial examination".

But Su Xian then said that he was not talking about restarting the imperial examination.

This contradiction made him hesitate.

And at the same time.

Queen Ma and Zhu Biao obviously had the same idea.

Su Xian said: "It's very simple..."

"If by any chance, the imperial dynasty really wants to hold the imperial examination, what will be the content of the exam?"

After hearing this, Zhu Yuanzhang just thought about it for a moment and said: "Of course it is the great righteousness of the sages, based on the Four Books and Five Classics."

"The former Song Dynasty left us a good example. After Wang Anshi's political reform, the imperial examination should be emphasized...the classics and righteousness should be asked, and current affairs should be studied!"

"Using "The Analects of Confucius", "Mencius", "The Great Learning" and other sages' classics among the four books, combined with current affairs, let students from all over the world answer."

Su Xian asked again: "If students from the south and the north receive different teaching, then for the sake of fairness..."

Zhu Yuanzhang immediately replied: "Don't worry, as early as the third year of Hongwu, we discussed it with the great scholars of the country. As I said just now, we limited the test questions to the "Four Books and Five Classics". Even if the students all over the world answer, the allusions, The words of the sages must also be quoted from them.”

"Otherwise, you are inferior!"

"In this way, no matter how much everyone learns, the test questions are always fair!"


When Su Xian heard this, his eyes were stunned and he began to curse in his heart...

Sure enough, the tide of the times has been advancing. In the future, the Ming Dynasty will really hold imperial examinations, and it will really be based on the "Four Books and Five Classics"!
Moreover, in order to take care of students from all over the world, Zhu Yuanzhang would limit the examination questions to the "Four Books and Five Classics".

However, at first glance, it does seem fair.

The world was set for the first time, and the teachers in different places, as well as the environment and background for Ming students to receive education, etc., were also different.

For example, in the southeast, after the Jingkang Disgrace, most of the northwest fell into the hands of the Jin Kingdom, but the Confucian scholars and officials in the Southern Song Dynasty also ushered in more prosperous development.

After the Yuan Dynasty, due to the tax farming system, it basically had little impact on the south.

Therefore, the legacy of the Song people in the south is much greater than that in the north.

The progress of the imperial examinations after the Ming Dynasty was also wonderful.

He was severely criticized by later generations, and some people even shouted that "eight-legged selection of officials harms the country and the people."

The prototype of the eight-legged essay seems to have been decided as early as the moment when it was limited to the "Four Books and Five Classics".

Because the topic selection is just that.

The first part of the imperial examination was fine, but the further it went, the more the imperial court had to play tricks on the Four Books and Five Classics in order to select officials.

Therefore, when students take exams, they must not only answer the content, but also fix the "form". For example, every sentence must be balanced, and the words must be beautiful and elegant...

Later, it had deviated from the original intention of selecting talents...

However, these are things for later.

At least in this Hongwu period, this kind of eight-part essay would never appear.

There is only one reason why Su Xian does not agree to restart the imperial examination now...

And the most fundamental!
While thinking about it, Su Xian also looked at the most distinguished family in the Ming Dynasty.

He asked his last question.

"The words of the sages are indeed small and righteous. But has your Majesty ever thought... Why did the same words of the sages in the Western Han Dynasty have the words of great revenge [the hatred of nine generations can still be avenged]?"

"During the Eastern Han Dynasty, such words of revenge were banned?"

"Why did it lose its exclusive status as Confucianism during the Wei and Jin Dynasties? Why did it end up arguing with Buddhism and Taoism, and even move closer to metaphysics?"

"And why did Confucianism regain its brilliance during the Song Dynasty, leading to the emergence of Cheng-Zhu Neo-Confucianism?"


Zhu Yuanzhang's expression was serious. He didn't care why these words came out of Su Xian's mouth. He just cared about the fundamental purpose of Su Xian's words.

And this time.

Zhu Biao and Queen Ma looked at each other and wanted to ask again.

But Zhu Yuanzhang interrupted, "Keep talking!"

Su Xian paused and finally said: "Confucianism spread from the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, and eventually became the mainstream of learning for students all over the world."

"It's not just the glory of the sages, it really shines from the Spring and Autumn Period to the end of the long river of history!"

"But at different stages, there are successive Confucian teachers who are annotating it!"

“What the world’s scholars learn is not the subtle words and great meanings, but the explanation of the small words and great meanings!”

"So, if our Ming Dynasty really wants to launch the imperial examination, will it be based on the Four Books and Five Classics of Confucianism?"

"Follow... whose annotation is it?"

"Nowadays, most of the great Confucians gather in the southeast, while the northwest is known as a barren land for Confucianism, where not even a blade of grass grows!"

"Once schools are opened and the imperial examinations are restarted, a scene that is even more extreme than the recommendation system will probably come."

"The same topic is obviously from the same Four Books and Five Classics, but the annotations are different... so students all over the world give different answers!"

"When the time comes, will the selection of officials in the Ming Dynasty be a dragon gate open to people all over the world, or a dragon gate open only to the southeast?"

this moment.

Queen Ma and Zhu Biao both had serious expressions, and even Lu's eyes became solemn.

"How could you come up with this?" Queen Ma couldn't help but ask, and Zhu Biao's eyes suddenly glanced at him. It was obvious that he couldn't have said what he just said without systematic study.

Zhu Yuanzhang also looked at it. His eyes were wandering. What he just heard made him think that the person in front of him was not a child at all, but a great Confucian who had been immersed in Confucianism and studied for many years!

Su Xian was silent for a while, and then replied: "Because my father, the imperial examination in the third year of Hongwu used different annotations!"

"So, I can only get the reputation of being a scholar!"

Several people looked at each other, Zhu Biao wanted to ask something else.

At this moment, Zhu Yuanzhang had stood up suddenly. From the other party's words, he had contacted the previous four people, the so-called upward path.

He guessed that the other party was probably going to say something to himself.

Now that the words have come to this, I must care.

"Don't interrupt him, just keep talking..."

Su Xian paused for a moment, and then suddenly asked the question he had been preparing for a long time:

"Now the Ming Dynasty has witnessed the rise of all kinds of abolishments, and the imperial examination has been abolished again and again..."

"Should our Ming Dynasty continue to use Confucianism today? Or should we start a new study?"

(End of this chapter)

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