Follow Zhu Yuanzhang to conquer the country

Chapter 117 Joining for the immortality of China, Zhu Yuanzhang goes to Hezhou

Chapter 117 Joining for the immortality of China, Zhu Yuanzhang goes to Hezhou
"Mr. Zhang said that we cannot deceive ourselves."

"The theory of destiny is not credible at all. Even if you tell people in the world countless times, when the time comes to rebel, some people will still rebel."

"So, what Mr. Zhang means is that when governing a country, one should seek truth from facts and follow the truth. Since the Mandate of Heaven does not exist, one should openly admit that it does not exist. Otherwise, one will dumb down both the people and oneself!"

"It's enough to fool the people. Only when you fool yourself are you digging your own grave! For example, many Confucian scholars have actively dumbed themselves down to the point where they begin to admit that the barbarians are the masters of their true destiny! "

“As for stabilizing the country, we can only start with institutional reform.”

Yang Xian replied.

After hearing this, Song Lian asked: "Then how does Mr. Tazhang plan to change it so that the people of the world are willing to accept his view that it is up to the Chinese people to decide whether they are rich or not?"

"Mr. Zhang plans to let representatives from all walks of life participate in the construction of the rebel army. Even among the small officials of a society, Datong members, landlords and gentry, and scholars and merchants each account for 30%. However, the main officers must be members of the Datong society, and the assistant officers should follow this principle. distribute."

"Of course, the official schools in the rebel army can only be the official schools for people from the Datong Society."

"In short, representatives from all walks of life, together with the Datong Society, determine the direction of the New Deal and the direction of the world."

Although Song Lian had this question, he could not deny it because he had not yet seen whether a country with an enlightened people would be better off after reform.

After Yang Xian said that, he said: "In order for the scholars in the world who care about the people of the world to help our rebel army to benefit the people, Mr. Zhang specially asked me to set up the Lixian Courtyard, and specially invited the wise men from all over the world to come to the Lixian Courtyard. Discuss the world's major plans, and elect representatives to serve as senators, and govern together with Mr. Zhang and others."

Song Lian said: "But when the time comes, I am afraid that it will not be the country that will perish, but the world's etiquette."

Song Lian couldn't help frowning and thinking deeply. He didn't expect that Zhang Cheng, the rebel army, did not intend to use the Confucian "mandate of destiny" to ensure the long-term peace and stability of the country he conquered in the future. Instead, he planned to use "continuous restructuring" to ensure long-term peace and stability.

In the past dynasties that advocated the "theory of destiny", there were actually many emperors or rulers who still resorted to restructuring in order to rejuvenate the country and continue the national destiny.

Because in that case, it would be nothing more than a return to the "natural authority of kings" model, and as a member of the landlord class, he would still have little influence.

Because he knew that Song Lian was a good writer.

Because he had to admit that, as Yang Xian said, the rebel army in front of him was the most powerful in mobilizing people's power. Even if there were a large number of cavalry, it would be difficult to even collect a tax, and it would be difficult to organize the people to build a river, but it would cause trouble in the world. Yuan Ting, who rebelled, was too strong, which meant that he had the greatest chance of winning the world.

But now there is actually a shortage of people around Zhang Cheng who are good at writing articles to do publicity work.

"Of course!"

Both the "Preface to Sending Ma Sheng to Dongyang" and "Fengtian Northern Expedition to Yuan Dynasty" are both of high quality.

He only knows that in the past dynasties where the people were as docile as possible, restructuring did in many cases turn into further plundering of the people.

Zhang Cheng was also very happy after learning that Song Lian came to Lixian Court.

But many times, it turns out that restructuring actually accelerates the country's demise.

Song Lian decided to put aside this controversial point for the time being.

Therefore, Song Lian still planned to join the Lixian Academy.

Zhang Cheng especially liked Song Lian's "Fengtian Northern Expedition to Conquer the Yuan Dynasty".

At worst, he is not afraid that the rebel army will die due to improper restructuring in the future.

Therefore, Zhang Cheng is very willing to see Song Lian join.

Does he think that after the people become wiser, restructuring will be more beneficial?

As for whether the rule can be stabilized through continuous "restructuring" after the people's wisdom is enlightened.

Zhang Cheng replied, realizing that Song Lian seemed not only interested in writing articles, but also concerned about political reform.

Therefore, it is impossible for Song Lian not to seize the opportunity to join, otherwise, if he is late, he will fall far behind in terms of qualifications when the dynasty really changes in the future.

The reason is that the "theory of destiny" is not a truth obtained by seeking truth from facts. It can easily fool the people and ourselves, and is not conducive to long-term peace and stability.

Therefore, he didn't know what motivated Zhang Cheng to rely solely on "restructuring" to ensure the long-term stability of the country?

Song Lian then asked: "Mr. Zhang must really feel that the restructuring of previous dynasties has often become a government that burdens the people, and it is all related to the lack of wisdom of the people?"

But Song Lian was confused, so he did not directly object and chose not to join the Lixian Academy.

After all, if he really just wanted to make a living by writing articles, he might as well work in Yuanting.

Zhang Cheng replied with a smile and asked Song Lian: "Reforming the system without enlightening the people's wisdom. Can this kind of reform be called reform? That is called papering!"

Because of this.

"At this time, the fate of heaven is circulating, the energy of the Central Plains is strong, and among the billions of trillions, a saint will be born to drive away the barbarians, restore China, establish principles and disciplines, and save the people."

But he actually chose to take the risk and join the rebel army because he wanted to be a high official like Zaizhi.

You know, Emperor Yuan Shun could recruit him as a Hanlin editor.

After Song Lian met Zhang Cheng and exchanged pleasantries and flattered each other, he did not mention anything cultural. Instead, he asked Zhang Cheng directly:
"Mr. Zhang really thinks that after the people's wisdom is enlightened, the country can be stabilized just by restructuring?"

"Of course!"

Zhang Cheng said: "Etiquette must also keep pace with the times! How can we go against the trend?"

This paragraph in his article is still used by people such as Sun Yat-sen in later generations and modern times.

Anyway, the rebel army now welcomes scholar-bureaucrats like him, so he cannot be too aloof because of this.

Song Lian didn't know that Zhang Cheng only valued his literary talent.

Yang Xian said to Song Lian: "Since you are here, why don't you come to Lixian Academy to discuss the affairs of the world?"

Song Lian wanted to say it.

"Appreciate further details."

Song Lian asked with a smile and cupped his hands.

Zhang Cheng said: "If the restructuring does not focus on mobilizing and enlightening the people, but only wants to complete the restructuring through landlords and bureaucrats, and promote the advantages and eliminate the disadvantages, no matter how good the restructuring strategy is, it will become a policy that burdens the people."


Song Lian asked curiously.

Zhang Cheng said: "Because the landlords and bureaucrats are naturally only motivated to absorb the people's fat and rich people, and they have no motivation to enrich the country and the people. If they are allowed to change it themselves, they will only change good governance into bad governance. Therefore, if the restructuring is to be successful, the people must be enlightened. Participate in the restructuring, otherwise the dumbed-down people will only think that the restructuring is wrong."

Song Lian couldn't help but ask: "Then why did those in the past dynasties who dared to reform the system for the sake of the world not know how to enlighten the people's wisdom and change it?" "Because essentially they just wanted to paper it over, not really want to change it."

"After all, they are also landlords and bureaucrats. They are unwilling to activate the people's wisdom and mobilize the people unless they have to. After all, once the people's wisdom is activated and the people are mobilized, they will not be able to enjoy wealth and wealth, and will be even more stressed. Who doesn't want to be a superior person and be able to take it easy at the same time? It’s easy to become a master and gain both fame and fortune. Who wants to be extremely wealthy and at the same time be reviled by the awakened people for one or two inappropriate actions from time to time?”

Zhang Cheng said.

Song Lian nodded after hearing this and asked, "How do Mr. Zhang plan to change it after opening the people's wisdom?"

"Isn't this what I need to discuss with you?"

Zhang Cheng replied with a smile.

Song Lian was stunned: "We? Mr. Zhang, hasn't he always said that we landlords and bureaucrats are the root of the bad world restructuring? Why do you still need to discuss it with us?"

Although Song Lian was tolerant and not angry because Zhang Cheng blamed the landlords and bureaucrats for the failure of the ancient and modern restructuring, he was also curious about why Zhang Cheng still discussed with them.

"Because you are now the real helmsmen of the destiny of civilization on this land. You are the conservatives and you are the radicals. Do you choose to keep the people tied to this land to feed you, or do you choose to let them go out and work for you? Exploiting resources depends entirely on whether you are willing to transform."

Zhang Cheng replied.


Song Lian was even more stunned.

Zhang Cheng nodded: "The general trend of the world is unstoppable. If you don't transform, you will only be crushed into powder. If you are willing to transform, you may be rich for a longer time. Let's wait and see."

Song Lian didn't quite understand what Zhang Cheng said, but Dang seemed to understand it better, so he asked: "Mr. Zhang means that just like this new firearm, it will revolutionize not only the strength of the north and the south, but also more place?"

"It's not just new firearms."

"There are other things. The world has developed to this point, and if you only guard this land to fool the weak people, even if you use the art of fooling the people, it will just repeat the story since the Qin and Han Dynasties, and it will only get worse. Just like now, they have become so weak that they are completely dominated by the Tatars! Even the Han people in the north and south no longer regard each other as the same race! If this continues, in the future, China will be so weak that it will be forced to cross-dress and shave its head. The situation!"

After Zhang Cheng said this, Song Lian trembled suddenly. He was not a stupid person, so he was naturally convinced that Zhang Cheng's words were not nonsense, but something that was very likely to happen.

Therefore, after Song Lian pondered for a long time, he handed over to Zhang Cheng and said: "In this case, I would like to discuss with Mr. Zhang how to change the world's system while opening up the people's wisdom, instead of sticking to the rules, so that China will not It will be destroyed but it will be revived forever!"

Zhang Cheng naturally welcomed this.

In any case, Zhang Cheng was not in a hurry to carry out a more radical agrarian revolution, so he still made some enlightened landowners and gentry willing to cooperate with him in order to create a stable and orderly peaceful age.

Therefore, Zhang Cheng's command was very stable internally, and the training of talents and the resumption of production went smoothly. Many scholars also came here to enter the Lixian Academy, and the troops and horses were also stepped up to expand and train. Shenji Camp's The scale has increased to 5,000, the number of infantry archers has increased to 6,000, and the cavalry army has increased to more than 2,000. The total strength has exceeded 10,000, and the area under its jurisdiction is also very large. It covers almost all the vast rural areas from Jiqing to Liuhe Zhenzhou. Already based on it.

In the blink of an eye, it is already the first month of the fifteenth year of Yuan Zhizheng.

On the Chuzhou side, Zhang Tianyou, Geng Zaicheng and others have been officially ordered by Guo Zixing to disguise themselves as Tsing Yi troops to attack Hezhou.

But when Zhang Tianyou, who came out of Quanjiao City, arrived at Buyang Pass in front of Hezhou, the landlords and gentry in Buyang Pass regarded the Heavenly Blessing Soldiers as the armed forces of the landlords, so they treated him with cattle and wine, hoping that the Heavenly Blessing Soldiers could really protect Hezhou. Yang, to prevent the rebels from the Chuzhou area from coming here.

Zhang Tianyou was delayed by these receptions and did not arrive as scheduled. Instead, he went to Buyangguan to accept the hospitality of the landlords and gentry elsewhere.

When Geng Zaicheng, who came out of Chuzhou City, led his troops to Hezhou City, he did not see the Yuan soldiers disguised as Zhang Tianyou.

Geng Zaicheng only thought that Zhang Tianyou had arrived in Hezhou first.

After all, Quanjiao is closer to Hezhou.

Therefore, Geng Zaicheng went directly to the gate of Hezhou City, no longer trying to cover up, and went directly to Qingyi to dress up and call for the city gate to be opened.

As a result, the Yuan soldiers discovered the true identity of Geng Zaicheng's men, and seeing that Geng Zaicheng's troops were insufficient in strength, they sent out a large number of infantry archers to drive away Geng Zaicheng's troops with arrows.

Geng Zaicheng was hit by an arrow and had to flee in panic. His troops were also routed.

The Yuan soldiers immediately chased after him, but on the road they met Zhang Tianyou's troops who were coming to Hezhou.

Zhang Tianyou made a prompt decision and immediately led Zhao Jizu and others who had been ordered to Quanjiao to convey the order to fight Hezhou. They fought with the Yuan soldiers, defeated the Yuan soldiers, seized the suspension bridge, and invaded Hezhou City.

Geng Zaicheng still didn't know that Zhang Tianyou had invaded Hezhou City. After escaping back to Chuzhou, he told Guo Zixing, Zhu Yuanzhang and others: "My uncle's army may have been wiped out first, so I didn't see anything when I arrived at Hezhou City." My uncle's soldiers were defeated by the Yuan soldiers with a large number of infantry archers, and now the Yuan soldiers are still chasing Chuzhou."


Since Guo Zixing was almost killed by Zhao Junyong and Sun Deya, he has become more and more timid about his life. Hearing what Geng Zaicheng said, he was naturally even more frightened. He immediately stood up and looked at Zhu Yuanzhang and others: "What should we do?"

Zhu Yuanzhang said: "Commander father, don't panic. This is just one-sided words from Geng Zhenfu. We should immediately go find out the truth and see if there are really a large number of Yuan soldiers coming to Hezhou. At the same time, we should also collect defeated soldiers and ask about my uncle." the real situation.”

Guo Zixing then had an idea and nodded: "Yuan Zhang is right."

As Guo Zixing spoke, he looked at the generals and asked, "Which of you is willing to lead the troops to find out the truth?"

As a result, all the generals under Guo's command remained silent.

Seeing this, Zhu Yuanzhang took the initiative to step out and said: "Commander Father, let Yuanzhang go."


"We will give you two thousand cavalry troops. You immediately go out of the city to find out the truth and collect information about the defeat. As soon as there is definite information, send someone to report it immediately!"

Guo Zixing now had no choice but to abandon Zhu Yuanzhang, and could only trust Zhu Yuanzhang. Besides, he himself did not dare to lead his troops out to inquire, so he decided to let Zhu Yuanzhang go out to inquire.

Therefore, Zhu Yuanzhang led two thousand cavalry troops and Geng Zaicheng and others out of Chuzhou, collected broken troops along the way, and crossed Buyang Pass in the south. After arriving near Hezhou, he ordered Geng Zaicheng: "Let everyone prepare ten torches. When it gets dark, they light torches and wander around the mountains, shouting loudly to attract the Yuan soldiers' attention."

Geng Zaicheng said yes.

"Xu Da, Wu Liang, Wu Zhen, Tang Shengzong, Lu Zhongheng!"


"Come with us to Hezhou City to see what's true!"

Zhu Yuanzhang then gave an order and rode his horse to Hezhou first.


Xu Da and others followed later.

Soon, Zhu Yuanzhang arrived at Hezhou City with dozens of riders. At that time, there were a large number of fire lines in the mountains behind them, and there were a lot of shouts, as if tens of thousands of troops had gathered here.

Zhang Tianyou of Hezhou City was also frightened by the fire. He hurriedly climbed to the city to take a look, but saw that it was Zhu Yuanzhang who was under the city, not the Yuan soldiers who were returning to attack.

Zhang Tianyou was overjoyed: "It turns out it's Brother Yuanzhang, open the city gate quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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