in the name of the queen

Chapter 155 This is the gap between you and her

Chapter 155 This is the gap between you and her

Four flying knives flew out at the same time and stabbed into their throats.

Although these four guards are all elites who have received professional training and can easily take care of several ordinary soldiers, they are normal people after all.

They never dreamed that an eighth-level transcendent would hide in the grass and sneak up on them.

According to their understanding, extraordinary people value honor very much and are very arrogant. They have a deep disdain for ordinary warriors and often act like a strong person and are unwilling to take action with all their strength.

Even if this arrogance has serious consequences.

However, tonight's attackers refreshed their understanding.

Three of the four guards died in an instant. Only one agile guy was lucky enough to avoid the vital point and was scratched on the neck by a flying knife.

He was about to roar to alert Robert inside, but was shocked to find that no sound could be made.

The flying knife actually quenches poison!

Reluctantly, he glanced back towards the grass, and the little raccoon disappeared into the woods.

It just feels comfortable being held.

She bent down embarrassedly, picked up the raccoon and touched it.

After taking care of the four super guards standing guard outside, Sif suddenly discovered that the cute little raccoon was still hiding in the grass and waving to her.

Just use a flying knife, why not quench the poison?

It's shameless enough for an extraordinary strong man to sneak attack on ordinary people, but he also uses throwing knives?

A stab in the right chest to prevent anyone from being biased.

A knife was stabbed into the left chest, accurately piercing the heart.

The raccoon's IQ is limited and cannot understand anything too complicated, but its night vision is very good and it recorded the entire process of Sif's actions.

The little raccoon had no idea how lucky he was to be alive tonight.

"Teacher, I just discovered some information through memory reading."

She hit the corpses of the four guards one by one.

In a position that she couldn't see, the little raccoon who was acting cute just now seemed to sense something, his eyes became a little panicked, and he ran quickly into the depths of the jungle.

The girl who had just reached out to touch the little raccoon stood up from the grass. She was a young girl wearing light green clothes, with a slim figure and exquisite facial features.

She walked behind a big tree, found the middle-aged man hiding under the tree, and said softly:

Then a knife was stabbed into the head, stirred vigorously, and the brain was completely destroyed.

She quickly told the teacher how Sif killed four people in a row.

There were a few grass clippings in the grass. His slender hands reached out to the little raccoon, picked the little guy up and put it on his face for a while, then let the little raccoon go.

Are you shameless?
Seeing that the last guard could still move, Sif pulled out her dagger without hesitation, swooped up and cut his throat with the sword.

"Sorry, little one, you're lucky. I'm very busy tonight, go and play by yourself."

Sif quickly left and entered the valley from the side.

After listening to the disciple's report, the middle-aged man hidden in the darkness was silent for a moment, with no expression on his face.

"When I met the White Rose Princess half a year ago, she was still a standard greenhouse flower, but now she has become a rose with thorns. It's interesting."

"Enya, what rating do you think this White Rose should have?"

The young girl known as Enya thought for a moment and tentatively said: "A-level?"

"Her current strength may be A level, but her potential is S level."

"Teacher, do you think too highly of her?"

Enya is not convinced.

According to the teacher's rather harsh evaluation standards, she was only rated A+. She is a super genius that is recognized by the sect and is rare in a century. How could she lose to the girl who found the throne?
Seeing Enya's dissatisfaction, the teacher asked with a smile: "In the situation just now, could you kill four guards instantly?"

Enya raised her head proudly, "Of course. I will transform into the form of a night saber and attack from behind. I can kill them all in three seconds at most."

"Don't make any sound?" the teacher continued to ask.

"This" Enya's expression was a little unnatural.

Obviously, she couldn't do it.

When attacked by a night saber, the enemy will die miserably, and their screams will often be even worse.

If she makes a sneak attack, the screams of these four people before they die may wake up the hibernating giant bear.

The teacher continued to ask soul questions, "Will you go and give everyone two swords?"

"Teacher, I am very confident in my own strength. They will all die."

"What if someone's heart grows on the right side or their neck is thicker? What if someone passes by?"

Enya remained silent, cold sweat rolled down her forehead.

The teacher is talking about special situations, which may not happen once in 10,000 times, but the sages have said that as long as the possibility of happening is one in 10,000, it is 100%.

She lowered her head and whispered: "Teacher, I took note of it. But isn't that Sylph a little too much? How can she use a knife to mess up people's brains and not even allow their souls to rest."

In her understanding, the human soul resides in the brain. If it is destroyed, the soul cannot enter the natural cycle.

Seeing Enya's indignant expression, the middle-aged man smiled and said, "Enya, this is why I rated her S-level potential."

"The world is very big, and there are many special methods that you don't know about that can extract memories from the brain. Such as necromancy, soul control and spells."

"Sylph completely destroyed the brain. Even if someone retrieves the memory afterwards, it will only be fragments of chaos."

Enya muttered unconvincedly: "But she was still seen by us."

Hearing Enya's complaint, the middle-aged man's smile disappeared instantly.

"Enya, she did everything she could, and it was just fate that we found her. If it were you, you would have been exposed because of your stupidity."

Enya, who rarely saw a teacher angry, was frightened.

She quickly apologized to the teacher and begged for forgiveness.

Seeing Enya's obedient apology, the middle-aged man didn't want to criticize her. He just sighed softly, as if to convince himself.

"Enya, do you think the teacher bringing you to the mainland for training is just a sightseeing tour?"

"The Sixth Return Day is getting closer and closer. On every Return Day, old ships will sink to the bottom of the sea, and new ones will set sail. At first, our Nature Palace was the strongest sect; on the Eighth Return Day, we ranked second to the God of Light. Behind the court; on the seventh day of return, we fell to third place."

"If we continue to close our doors and pretend that nothing is happening in the outside world, the Sixth Return Day may be the day we are removed from the list."

"Teacher" Enya shuddered and did not dare to say anything more.

Teachers often say things that people don’t like to hear, but they often come true.

Over time, the teacher became very unpopular in the sect and was called "Old Crow" behind his back, describing his mouth as only predicting bad things but not good things.

But the teacher never cared, he just cultivated his disciples silently.

Five years ago, he selected Enya to be his last disciple and trained her carefully.

Three months ago, he announced that Enya could go out for training and took her to the most prosperous core area of ​​the Rodinia continent.

She had seen a lot in the past three months, but not many people impressed her.

Sylph is an exception.

She really is.
Enya shuddered violently.

Really cold.

(End of this chapter)

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