The Peerless Sun of Tang Sect

Chapter 219 Undercurrent 6

Chapter 219 Undercurrent

On the other side of the Sun and Moon Mountains, Niu Tian and Tai Tai from Mingdu showed knowing smiles when they sensed a force leaving Mingdu. Only with less high-end power in Mingdu would they have more opportunities to implement Poseidon's plan.

"God is really helping me!" Niu Tian took a sip from the kettle and looked at Tai Tan. "Second brother, after this plan is over, it's time to have a good talk with Di Tian."

With that said, he handed the wine bottle in his hand to Titan.

Tai Tan took the wine bottle and took a sip, then nodded heavily, "It's time to find a way out for the soul beast, but brother, is Poseidon's plan reliable?"

"Reliable, the conflict between humans and soul beasts is too great. Now we can only use Poseidon's method to ease the relationship between humans and soul beasts. Poseidon said that he will one day solve the problem of soul beasts."

Niu Tian said, looking up to the sky with hope in his eyes. The Titan on the other side also showed the same look.

While they were hopeful, violent explosions could be heard from time to time in the Haotian Sect's castle, and members of the Haotian Sect were knocked unconscious and put under supervision together.

In front of Haotianzong's castle, Du Buushi looked at the three characters of Haotianzong above his head and frowned. Feeling Gu Hua approaching, he couldn't help but said, "Old Gu, have you found the senior officials of Haotianzong?"

"No, not one." Gu Hua also frowned. They almost searched the entire Haotian Sect, but they couldn't find even a member of the Haotian Sect with Contra cultivation level.

Not to mention Titled Douluo, the highest cultivation level within the Haotian Sect is the three Soul Saints. There were ten Titled Douluo among the Noumenon Sect members who attacked Haotian Sect this time. The three Soul Saints were captured by Noumenon Sect before they could take action.

"It's really weird. Have you found Xiao Yun'er?" Du Bu Shou's tone was anxious. It must be said that Du Bu Shou liked and valued the little girl Huo Yuhao brought back.

In addition to Huo Yuhao's relationship, the reason is that Xiao Yun'er's martial spirit is also the original martial spirit. Although he has not yet officially awakened, it was confirmed in advance through secret methods that Xiao Yun'er's martial spirit is almost the same as Huo Yuhao's.

This secret method of early detection is known to almost all nobles. The nobles will use this method to confirm the martial souls of their children in advance and make future training plans for their children in advance.

However, this method is extremely expensive and is generally only used on the eldest sons of nobles.

Xiao Yun'er looked too much like Huo Yuhao, so he would slap him with a big hand and use this method on Xiao Yun'er.

It was also because he had found out Wuhun in advance that Huo Yuhao explained to Du Busui for a long time, and finally managed to convince Du Busui that he was not a scumbag who had been messing around in his teens.

Of course, Du Buushi still remains skeptical about this.

"Not here!" Gu Hua shook his head helplessly. Members of the Noumenon Sect searched the entire castle of Haotian Sect, but could not find Xiao Yun'er.

"Have you got any news?" Du Buushi clenched his fists and asked.

"Sect Master, they don't know." Gu Hua said with a bitter look on his face, "Old Huang has already confirmed that these people really don't know. None of them know the existence of Xiao Yun'er, nor do they know anything about it. Know where the senior officials of Noumenon Sect have gone."

"How is that possible?" An expression of disbelief appeared on Du Buushi's face.

This cannot be blamed on them being poisoned. You must know that Niu Tian and Tai Tai brought all the senior officials of the Haotian Sect to the Sun and Moon Mountains in order to be sure.

After all, the Haotian Sect has been closed for nearly ten thousand years, let alone no enemies. Even if there were enemies, they would have disappeared in the long river of time. From the perspective of Niu Tian and Tai Tai, it was almost impossible for anyone to attack Haotian Sect. "Forget it, arrange for two people to guard near Haotian Sect, let's retreat!" Du Buushi, who was confused, didn't hesitate and gave a casual order before getting up and walking towards the second floor of Haotian Castle.

"Sect Master, didn't you retreat?" Gu Hua looked at Du Bushit's figure with confusion on his face.

"I'm going to take away the ice chalcedony bed as the interest owed to us by the Haotian Sect." Du Bushu replied casually.

"Sect Master, the temperature of the ice bed is too low. We don't have a storage soul guide that can hold the ice bed." Gu Hua said. He also looked at the ice chalcedony bed in Du Bushu's mouth and saw the temperature it was emitting. It's too low, and no storage soul guide can withstand it.

And it was useless for them to come. The power of that thing could not be absorbed even by Du BuShu. I really don’t know why Du BuShu fell in love with that ice chalcedony bed.

"I have a storage soul guide that I can afford!" As he said that, Du Buushi took something out of his arms.

It was a piece larger than a palm, like a breastplate, surrounded by silver-white decorations, and in the center was a huge gem in the shape of a convex lens.

The gem itself appears light blue, with six star lines flashing on it. If you look carefully, you can also see a scratch the size of a fingernail on the surface of the gem.

That was the soul guidance core array carved by Huo Yuhao. This gemstone was the starlight sapphire stolen from Mingdetang a few years ago. Judging from the lines on it, Huo Yuhao had only completed a small part of it.

But a star sapphire like that can withstand the power of that ice chalcedony bed even without any core formations carved into it.


At this moment, near the Mingdou Mountains, Jing Hongchen, who was wearing a red soul guide, and two hundred soul mentors, were facing the White Tiger Duke Dai Hao. The two of them were waiting in formation, with the distance being less than 200 meters.

Jing Hongchen and Dai Hao both stood at the forefront of the team, facing each other from a distance.

Looking at Dai Hao who was still pressing closer, Jing Hongchen finally couldn't help but shouted: "Duke White Tiger, take your team to leave our border. Do you want to provoke a war?"

"I don't want to start a war, I just want justice for my son." As he spoke, his sword eyebrows were raised, his pupils were shining, as if he would attack at any time.

"This is no reason for you to lead troops to forcefully break into our border!"

"I only represent myself, not the empire." As he spoke, Dai Hao took another step forward while riding the white tiger colt at his feet. To be honest, his move meant seeking justice for Dai Huabin.

But there is also the intention of testing the Sun and Moon Empire. If the Sun and Moon Empire gives in this time, then Dai Hao will not enter the border of the Sun and Moon Empire with two hundred white tiger guards next time.

Just like the war ten years ago, the Sun-Moon Empire was in decline during the struggle for mineral veins, so he launched the war without hesitation, catching the Sun-Moon Empire by surprise.

Forced to be unable to mobilize the legion in time, the empire had no choice but to deploy soul mentors around the border to join the battlefield. It was because of this that Orange's father died.

 The solution that Poseidon found here was the soul system in the original work. In this book, it is set that the soul system created by Electrolux was influenced by Tang San, so there was a system that treated soul beasts as fools.

  (End of this chapter)

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