detective world detective

Chapter 639 The case 5 years ago

Chapter 639 The case fifteen years ago

Although the pace of early summer cannot stop, the "naughty" cold air will often play a role in cooling down.

The strong wind in the early morning blew across the rooftop, blowing up the corners of Tang Ze's coat. The icy cold wind entered the clothes along the collar and took away a little bit of body temperature.

Tangze squinted his eyes to prevent the strong wind from blowing sand into his eyes and blocked his vision, while checking the situation around him.

It's a pity that even if Tang Ze drove up at speed, he couldn't stop the other party's prepared evacuation.

Not long after, Officer Megure also ran up panting. It was obvious that it was difficult for him to climb the stairs with Officer Megure's physique.

"Prisoner, prisoner." Officer Megure was so breathless and speechless after seeing Tangze.

"Escaped." Tangze shook his head and said, "The other party was obviously prepared for this. Officer Megure, you should also have expected it."


Mu Mu shook his head helplessly. He didn't know this, but he just felt unwilling to do so.

Because Karasawa has repeatedly demonstrated his driving skills, it is no secret to the Metropolitan Police that he is very good at driving.

In addition, at this time, Karasawa is usually on the road, and the Metropolitan Police Department and Sujie are in the same direction, so Memu contacted Karasawa and asked him to rush over immediately, hoping to see if there was any possibility of blocking the prisoner. .

"But Officer Megure, are you sure this isn't a prank?"

Although Tangze felt that this was probably not a prank, he still needed some substantial evidence to support this.

After all, he didn't know the details of the case, so he could only ask Officer Megure to know the details of the case.

"That was fifteen years ago. At that time, I was just a criminal who had just joined the job, and this case was handled by one of my seniors."

Officer Memu lowered his hat and looked a little solemn: "The person who died at that time was a female college student in her twenties who lived in this apartment. She was strangled by the prisoner and suffocated to death.

I only found out after my senior called me that the murder situation someone described on the radio was very similar to the case that year.

I thought it might be a prank, but now that I have arrived at the scene, I am convinced that it is not a prank..."

When he said this, Officer Megure pointed to the fence in the distance and his face turned pale and ugly. Tang Ze followed the other person's finger and found that on the fence in the distance, a bright red silk scarf was swaying in the wind.

"This is the murder weapon used by the criminal in that case fifteen years ago when he strangled the victim."

Officer Memu's eyes were covered with shadows under his hat: "At that time, the prisoner took the red silk scarf around the child's neck and killed him from behind..."

This is the inside story of the case, which only the prisoner knows. The guy who described his murder on the radio came back here and left a red silk scarf here. The meaning is naturally self-evident.

The other party seems to be using this method to announce his return, and also using this method to prove that he is the prisoner back then.

A case that occurred fifteen years ago has yet to be solved. With the reappearance of the criminal, there seems to be hope of arresting him.


Because the crime scene was only visited by the criminal and no one was killed, there are not many clues.

But since he has been here, there will definitely be clues. Uncle Demi is leading a group of people to check the place where the other party tied the red silk scarf.

The only good news is that it seems that because of the incident that year, the landlord of the apartment attached great importance to security measures and was one of the few apartments in this era to install surveillance cameras.

After getting the news, Officer Memu felt like he had found a treasure, and immediately led a group of people to start checking the surveillance.

In addition, the Metropolitan Police Department also dispatched a large number of criminal detectives to conduct blanket searches, visiting the neighborhood one by one to see if any suspicious persons were found.

It’s not to blame that the Metropolitan Police Department is too aggressive. After all, the other party’s self-reported murderous behavior on the public radio is too bad.

In addition, the media had already discovered that this prisoner was a criminal who had not been arrested and was still at large fifteen years ago. The news had a great impact on the prestige of the Metropolitan Police Department.

Because the current neon law has not been revised, the statute of limitations for murder cases is fifteen years!
  The statute of limitations for this case is less than a month away!

If the case has not been solved during this period, then the prisoner has completed a "complete crime". Even if he jumps out and admits that he is the murderer, he cannot be arrested.

This is equivalent to rubbing the face of the criminal group on the ground, which is definitely something that the Metropolitan Police Department cannot tolerate.

In this case, whether it is for the face of the Metropolitan Police Department or to solve this unsolved case, the Metropolitan Police Department must take this issue seriously.

So a large number of manpower was deployed and a carpet-like search began.

However, faced with the arrangement of the Metropolitan Police Department, Tang Ze did not get involved. At this moment, he was checking the files of the case from that year.

This case seemed to have received a lot of attention from the Metropolitan Police Department back then. In order to solve this case, the highest police force even had as many as 300 people working together to investigate the case.

As for the deceased, there were no other injuries except the fatal wound on his neck. The motive for the murder was not obvious, and no clues were left at the scene.

As for the fact that the deceased was strangled from behind, it was consistent with what was described on the radio. In addition, the red silk scarf left at the scene seemed to further confirm that the prisoner knew the details of the case.

This case was also a sensation at the time, which is why the media fermented it so quickly.

Strength in numbers is not just a matter of words. After Tangze read the previous files, he soon received news that the video investigation had been completed.

Karasawa found Officer Megure and learned the details of the video through the other party's explanation.

In the corridor of the apartment at the crime scene, a suspicious figure is currently locked as a major suspect.

At 7:25 in the morning, a suspicious person entered the apartment. It was unclear whether he was holding a radio in his hand.

Not only that, even the clothes were the same as the suspects from fifteen years ago, which was also the basis for the other party to be targeted.

After the other party got on the elevator, many people came and went. At 7:51, a man in a coat hurriedly got on the elevator, and the suspect walked down the stairs and left the apartment through the elevator after the elevator door closed.

This meant that the man had been in the apartment for nearly twenty-six minutes.

"I remember that this time is the time when classical music is played." Tangze said after watching the suspect's entry and exit time in the video.

"That's right, so we suspect it's this guy."

Memu looked at the man whose face could not be seen in the surveillance video, and said with an extremely serious expression: "From all these signs, it can be shown that the other party is the guy who calls himself "Moritian" on the radio."

But even so, there's something strange about it.

For example, why did a prisoner who had been silent for fifteen years suddenly show up in such a big way at this time?
  Is the other party really trying to attract media attention and provoke them to the Metropolitan Police Department?
  At least so far, even Tangze can't make a judgment. "By the way, Officer Megure, I wonder where the senior who handled the case back then is now?" Tangze revealed his next plan: "I have something to ask him."

"It just so happens that I want to go find him, so let's go together." After hearing this, Officer Mumu stood up and straightened his clothes and said, "It just so happens that I can ride with you in your car."

"I wonder where this senior lives now?" Tang Ze asked about his destination.

"Mika General Hospital." Megure couldn't help but sigh when he said it, and his tone was a little bleak: "Senior Furuya Nawa lived a very miserable life for the rest of his life because of this case.

His wife passed away while working on a case without even seeing him for the last time, and his daughter stopped interacting with him because of this incident.

Now I am alone in the hospital and seriously ill. The doctor said that how long I can live depends on God's will...

Furuya-senpai also called me this morning after hearing the broadcast.

I really don't know whether it is good or bad for the prisoner to jump out at this time. "

If the prisoner can be caught before Furuya-senpai dies, it will naturally be a good thing, but if the prisoner cannot be caught, it may make the other party regret it for the rest of his life.

"Don't worry, you can't run away." A light flashed in Tang Ze's eyes.

His system had just been upgraded because the investigation science reached the full A level, but although the system upgrade was an unexpected blessing, the investigation science was still stuck in place.

This case seems so troublesome. If solved, it is likely to be an opportunity for a breakthrough in investigative science. Tangze will not allow this criminal to go unpunished, whether it is public or private.

Now that they have decided on their next itinerary, the two of them naturally set off towards their destination without wasting any time.

  In the single room of Mihua Hospital, Tang Ze met the Furuya-senpai mentioned by Officer Megure.

The other party's condition looked very bad at the moment. His hair was sparse and his face was haggard. He could only lie on the bed. With his haggard face, he looked as fragile as a candle that was extinguished at any time.

"Memu, you're here!"

Seeing the two people entering the door, Furuya showed excitement: "How! Did you catch the guy on the radio!?"

"The search is still ongoing. We are currently monitoring the apartment where the incident occurred, and the surveillance video is constantly being analyzed."

Officer Memu's face looked a little heavy. He wanted to tell the other party good news, but he could only answer truthfully.

"If I hadn't been like this, I would have participated in the search even if I had retired..."

Furuya's tone was bleak and unwilling. He looked at Karasawa next to Megure and said, "Your the one who is in the spotlight in the Metropolitan Police Department right now..."

"Senior, do you know me?" Tang Ze asked politely.

"After all, you have been a criminal all your life. Even if you do this, how can you not care?" Furuya smiled weakly: "You came here because you want to ask me something, right?"

"That's right, I want to ask your opinion about this case." Tang Ze nodded and said: "In the early days of the case, the search headquarters determined it to be a vendetta. You should have investigated the people around the deceased, right?"

"That's the conclusion I've come to."

Furuya said: "The victim showed no signs of being violated, but the fatal wound on his neck was very deep. The prisoner must have had a deep hatred for the deceased."

Afterwards, Furuya handed Karasawa a search document, which contained various investigations he had conducted on suspected persons.

"Finally, I have one more question to ask you." Handing the precious information to Officer Megure, Karasawa looked at Furuya and asked, "When were you admitted to the hospital?"

"There are only a few days in this month." Furuwu replied casually.

"How many people know this?"

Tang Ze's words seemed to stimulate Furuya. He turned his head and looked at Tang Ze and said, "Why do you ask this?"

"Do all your relatives and friends know about it?" Tang Ze asked again: "I don't know how many other people know about it? Close friends and the like..."

"Don't worry about me, a guy who's half buried in the ground."

Furuya seemed to feel that Karasawa's concern was a bit unnecessary, and urged with a cold face: "Hurry up and search the case, time is running out!! Go quickly!!"

The other party's breathing became rapid due to excitement. Seeing this, Mumu comforted him: "I understand, senior, let's go now, go now."

After bidding farewell to each other, Memu left the ward with Tangze.

"Tangze Criminal, you'd better not care about him."

After closing the door to the ward, Mumu smiled bitterly and said: "Although you also have good intentions, these things may not be important to Senior Furuya. If you really want to help him, then find the prisoner..."

"This is not my original intention." Tangze shook his head and explained: "Officer Megure, don't you think it's strange?

Not long after Furuya-senpai was hospitalized, the prisoner chose to appear from the radio. Is this too much of a coincidence? "

"This..." Memu frowned when he heard this and looked suddenly surprised: "Does it mean that the prisoner also knows about Furuya-senpai's hospitalization!?"

"We can't confirm this yet." Tang Ze shook his head and said, "Maybe it's really a coincidence, but at least it's a direction for investigation."

"How are you going to investigate?" Officer Megure asked.

"Let's first see who knows about Furuya-senpai's hospitalization." Karasawa revealed his plan: "First determine whether the broadcast is a coincidence."

"I can answer you about this. I helped inform you about his hospitalization."

Megure thought for a while and said, "Senior Furuya has no relatives, and he doesn't have a good relationship with his daughter. He doesn't expect his daughter to come see him. He just asked me to help convey the news that he is hospitalized."

"What about people other than my daughter?" Tang Ze asked.

"Then some colleagues or juniors know about it." Mumu thought for a moment and said, "By the way, there are also the families of the victims in this case.

Because Furuya-senpai never gave up on this case, he kept in touch with the victim's family.

When he was hospitalized, in addition to telling me to contact his daughter, he also asked me to contact the victim's family, hoping that I could help him explain the situation. "

"Then let's visit the victim's home first." Tang Ze decided: "I originally planned to go there and ask about the situation. I would like to ask Officer Megure to lead the way."

"No problem." Megure nodded and went to the victim's home with Karasawa.

(End of this chapter)

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