detective world detective

Chapter 601 Dawn on a Full Moon Night

Chapter 601 Full Moon Night·Dawn ()
  Conan's appearance really caught Belmod by surprise.

Although the appearance of the boy in front of her was indeed beyond her expectation, everything seemed to be within reason.

After all, it didn't seem surprising that the boy she knew could do this.

She soon calmed down, and even looked at Conan's serious face with a smile on her lips.

It stands to reason that the plan was ruined, and it was normal for Belmod to be angry. When she looked at Conan, there was no trace of anger in her eyes.

Sure enough, his own son Shi Chui.
  But what should be done was still done. The next moment, Bellmode turned his head and planned to call his companions to kill Judy.

"do not move."

Noticing Belmode's attempt to call his companions, Conan immediately raised his watch-shaped tranquilizer gun: "Now that your body is standing in the blind spot of the sniper rifle, it is impossible to call your companions to kill me.
  Please get in the car and go to the Metropolitan Police Department with us. I think Tang Ze Criminal is also very interested in you, the mastermind behind the scenes."

"Sure enough, it was you who called Tang Ze Criminal over, right?"

Belmod, who had been monitoring the situation on the ship, was not surprised at all: "I made a good move and lured the "famous criminal" over."

"No way, the hint in your invitation is too obvious."

Conan remained vigilant while replying: "I guessed that you might use the murder case to lure me away, so I took advantage of this and sent an anonymous text message to lure Tangze Criminal into the investigation."

"Let the "famous criminal" solve the "maze" I set up, and I can deal with the problems here with peace of mind."

Belmod admired: "Sure enough, I took it for granted and thought I could distract you."

"Thank you." Conan responded lightly and urged again: "Okay, enough gossip, hurry up and get in the car with us!"

"Haha. You don't think you can hinder me with this little thing, do you?"

Belmode smiled meaningfully upon hearing this: "Don't forget, the one occupying the highest point is our sniper.

Why do you think I want to talk to you? Do you think he will stay in one place forever? "

Hearing Belmod's words, Conan seemed to have thought of something, and his face instantly turned ugly: "Oops. Dead spot."

"That's right, otherwise why do you think I would want to talk to you."

Taking advantage of Conan's dazed moment, Belmod grabbed Conan's wrist.

The shrunken body was too disadvantaged in the face of physical confrontation. Even though Conan, who had the body of an elementary school student, tried his best to resist, Belmode easily restrained his wrists.

The watch was easily turned by Belmod to point it at Conan himself. Belmod smiled playfully: "Sorry, please take a nap first."


The ejection sound of the mechanism sounded, and a silver needle hit Conan directly. The next moment the anesthetic began to take effect, and even if Conan struggled no matter how hard he struggled, he could not avoid falling into a deep sleep.

"Hum hum"

Belmode chuckled deeply and took Conan's hands to stand up slowly, then put his right hand around Conan's shoulders and leaned his back against the car door.

“Good night baby”

Belmode looked at the sleeping Conan and said good night gently, then took out another FN M1906 from his boot and stood up and pointed it at Judy: "Let's go on (Let's continue)"

After a brief reversal, the situation that originally had a glimmer of hope once again fell into despair.     “see you…”

Belmod's finger pressed down on the trigger.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!!"

Three gunshots rang out in the night, and the next moment the firearm in Belmod's hand fell from his hand again and made a familiar sound.

Belmode was shot twice in the body. Even though she was wearing a body armor, the impact of the bullets could not be offset. The intense pain caused her to briefly lose strength, and her body stumbled to the side involuntarily.

"who is it…"

Belmod's eyes were full of murderous intent. Although she was attacked, her reaction was not unpleasant.

He endured the pain after being shot, and followed the power of the bullet and fell towards the gun on the ground without any pause.

"Miss, don't be too anxious... If you are too enthusiastic, I won't be able to bear it."

A frivolous male voice suddenly sounded, as if it was a flirtatious man teasing his female companion, casually.

But the complete opposite of this frivolous tone was his terrifying power of action.

After firing three shots in a row, he didn't pause at all. He turned his gun and fired two shots towards the sniper's position.

"Bang! Bang!"

Two gunshots rang out again, but unlike the previous bullets, the white light above the container exploded like a flashbang the next moment.

At the same time as he fired the gun, the man rushed directly from the direction of the trunk towards the direction of Belmod, and the terrifying explosive force made the man arrive at Belmod first.

That terrifying nerve reflex ability allows him to easily attack two enemies with precision while speaking.

Just when Belmod was about to pick up the pistol that had just been thrown from the ground, the man kicked the pistol away one step ahead.

But when Belmod saw this, he didn't panic at all. Instead, he rolled to his left side and stood up to confront the man.

At this moment, there was a silver M36 in the opponent's raised right hand, and the black muzzle was pointed at the man in front of him.

"It's really amazing. He actually made such an accurate judgment in an instant. It's so scary~~"

The joking male voice sounded again, just like a "monkey-like" old man who felt that the other party was saying something sarcastic. It sounded like he deserved a beating.
  But although his tone was a bit joking, his praise was genuine.

Although Belmode was suddenly attacked just now, she quickly determined the enemy's position and made the most accurate response plan.

With the function of the body armor, Belmod, who withstood the force impact, fell to the ground sideways to avoid the bullet, and at the same time he also went to pick up the FN M1906 that was shot down by the opponent in the same direction.

Because he was concerned about the sniper, he did not list Belmod as the first target, but fired at the sniper point to suppress the secret sniper.

But while he shot to suppress the sniper, he did not completely ignore Bellmozer, and successfully prevented Bellmozer from picking up the FN M1906 that he knocked down.

But in the short moment when he made the action of "kicking the gun", Belmode rolled to the left without stopping after falling to the ground, and picked up the S&WM36 that Conan kicked away before!

The next moment, pitch-black muzzles pointed at the two of them, confronting each other from a distance.

(End of this chapter)

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