Chapter 525 Ring
  "Eh? Karasawa-kun and Miss Ayako?"

"Takagi and Sato-san?"

When he saw the two people sitting on the table, Tang Ze already understood something. After a brief moment of surprise, he smiled and said, "Are you two coming on a date too?"

"Ah... um..." Hearing Tang Ze's natural tone, the two people who were a little shy at first couldn't help but relax.

Then Tang Ze and the two sat down with smiles, and the four of them naturally started chatting. The atmosphere was extremely harmonious for a while.

"Shiratori Criminal! What to do now, continue to implement the plan!" The intercom came from the important person's urgent call. Just as the two were about to take action, Shiratori directly ordered the two to stop.

"Miyazaki and Saito, I remember that you two don't seem to know Karasawa Criminal, right?"

After receiving the affirmative answer, Shiratori immediately ordered: "Odagiri withdrew and handed over the criminal case to Saito, and the plan continues!"

The line of defense implements Regulation No. 108 of Manual C: two people who are not known to the target person are composed of passing tourists, let the target person Sato Miwako hear in a chat, and destroy the good mood of the other person by destroying the good mood. atmosphere.

The most important thing about this is to have people you don't know, and having worked with Tang Ze for so long, you naturally know how good the other person's memory is and how vicious his vision is.

If it were Sato Miwako and Takagi, it would be okay to rely on disguise to execute the plan, but if Karasawa was present, they would have to be more careful to prevent Karasawa from discovering flaws and causing the plan to fail.

After the personnel performing the task were switched, the two people met and immediately pretended to be tourists and chatted and walked next to a group of four people.

"Hey, have you watched the news? The recent criminal case was extremely embarrassing. They were traced to the anesthetic dealer's house, and he actually lost track of him at the critical moment..."

"Ah, I know, I know. It's such a shame to be thrown into grandma's house... What a bunch of guys..."

The words she developed based on her research on Sato Miwako's character were indeed effective. When she heard the two people's "chat", Sato Miwako, who was still joking at the side, immediately turned her head and yelled at the two of them:
  "Hey! Don't talk nonsense if you don't know what's going on! That's just false news!! You guys who don't understand anything and call the police idiots are the idiots!"

Seeing that Sato Miwako was so angry that the two passers-by who were discussing trembled, Takagi quickly comforted him: "S-Sato-san... don't be angry... calm down!!"

"Hmph! You obviously don't understand anything!" Sato Miwako said, stood up and looked at Ayako: "Suzuki-san, would you like to go to the bathroom together?"

"Okay." Ayako said while comforting: "Don't be too angry. These people always use the news from some gossip media to entertain people maliciously, and they don't know the real news at all."

"That's why it makes people angry..."

As Sato Miwako spoke, she and Ayako walked away, leaving only Takagi and Takagi on the dining table.

"The result of the battle was successful!" Fukukyo, who was holding a telescope, showed joy on his face. "The good atmosphere was broken, and Sato-san has returned to his original state!"

After receiving the report, Shiratiao and others in the command car brightened up and celebrated.

On the other side, Tang Ze became interested after hearing what the two passers-by said.

There was no way, when Tang Ze met these two people, his first reaction was not a coincidence such as surprise, but he first doubted whether he should encounter a case.

After all, the relationship between Sato Miwako and Takagi can be regarded as "troubled". Every time the relationship progresses, there will always be a case to provide a "divine assist" behind the scenes. Calculating his "safe and sound card" time, it seemed that the time had expired, and Tang Ze felt less lucky in his heart.

So after sitting down, Karasawa began to collect information related to the case, and it was not until he just heard the information about the case from two passers-by that the reaction of Sato Miwako added a bit of authenticity to the information out of thin air. .

So after the two left, Karasawa asked Takagi about a case that happened after his engagement break.

To put it simply, the criminals were fooled and got false information about a narcotics dealer's hiding place. Then they naturally missed it, and then the information was leaked and became a carnival feast for the bad media.

" that so?"

Karasawa nodded to express his understanding, and then without further discussion, he looked at Takagi and joked with a smile: "By the way, you two are making fast enough progress. It seems that you made great progress last time."

"Ah, it's all thanks to you, Karasawa." Takagi scratched his head in embarrassment, "If it weren't for you, I might have missed it..."

"Okay, okay, don't say these useless things."

Karasawa waved his hand and interrupted Takagi's words and said with a smile: "What you should be thinking about is how to take advantage of the date at the amusement park to take the relationship between the two of you further."

"Speaking of which, I have something to ask you, Karasawa Criminal." Takagi seemed to be reminded by Karasawa's words. He reached out to put his backpack on the table and took out a small box.

"Hey, you can do this." Tangze realized something when he saw the ring in the box, but he didn't expect that Takagi could be so "radical" at times.

I just suggested that he use this date to make the relationship between the two closer, but who would have thought that Takagi actually wanted to get ready to propose in one step!

"Actually... I want to ask Tang Ze for advice and ask for a proposal..." Takagi hesitated and stammered and looked at Tang Ze: "What should I do..."

"Well." Tang Ze, as a person who has been there and a former "keyboard king", can still give the other party a lot of advice: "It mainly depends on the atmosphere, this is very important.

But the sense of ritual is also very important, choose some romantic places or create artificial surprises, etc..."

However, although Takagi's actions are commendable, Karasawa is not very optimistic about the other party's "proposal" plan.

It's not that Tang Ze doesn't think highly of the other party, it's just a fact.

After all, he has no memory of the case where the two are dating now, which means that there must not have been such a big event as "proposing and giving a ring". Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to forget such an impressive plot.

And if not, it means that this possible case in the middle caused Takagi's plan to die before it could be carried out.

Thinking of this, Tangze felt that as the "patron saint" of the two people's relationship, it was still necessary to help them solve the case.

What, why do you think you are so sure?

That's because Karasawa has seen several familiar figures...

(End of this chapter)

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