Chapter 203 Kiss

"Every day we live may be a series of miracles."

If Tang Ze, who had been living in daily life, could not feel this firsthand, then he might be able to understand it a little now.

After solving the kidnapping case, perhaps because the case was too large and involved many people, Conan's "Death Skill" rarely entered the "CD period".

So Karasawa enjoyed a rare break into a peaceful routine.

After wrapping up the follow-up of "The Clown Kidnapping Case", Karasawa gained another wave of PY...ah, he accumulated a wave of connections.

In addition to the three little ones and Conan, four other children were also kidnapped.

And they were actually the blackmail targets that the criminal planned to implement as a cover-up at the beginning. In fact, San Xiaozhi and Conan were only temporarily implicated by "Ke Xue".

And these four parents are the ones who can come up with 2 billion to pay the ransom.

Although the reason why the criminal kidnapped the child was to act as a cover-up, or Ueno felt that kidnapping a child from the upper class would put greater social pressure on the Metropolitan Police Department, so that it would be easier to agree to his request.

But no matter what, the influence is definitely enough.

These four are financial companies, video arcades, department stores and real estate companies.

After asking, I found out that these four families all knew each other and had a cooperative relationship. Although the four families combined were not as good as the Suzuki family, they were still pretty good.

But it’s normal when you think about it. After all, it’s not because the children accidentally met each other and cooperated with each other, or because they knew each other, they chose the same club together so that the children could have company.

No matter what, Tangze's connections began to gradually become more abundant.

In a society of favors, the power of connections is powerful, especially the kindness of saving a child like Tangze's, which is more valuable than money.

Not to mention it's for money, many things can be easily achieved through connections, which can be said to greatly facilitate the work of "the mastermind" like Tangze.

There are many things in the world that can achieve the same goal through different means, and accumulating connections is one of the more convenient ways to achieve the goal.

For example, in the case of the art museum, if you had the money to buy the art museum directly, you could still prevent the case.

Or if you know someone who is rich and likes art, you can introduce him to buy an art museum and continue to run the art museum. These are the power of connections.

Every connection is like a trump card. There is always an opportunity to show it in the right place. If used in the right place, it can silently prevent the case from happening.

It can be said to be a very convenient and clever method, which is why Tangze works hard to accumulate connections.

Even if it's not for money, it can make things easier.

After that, in the daily life without cases, time quietly came to the New Year.

Neon's New Year is New Year's Day in Karasawa's hometown, and the holiday is not that long. The standard period is December 12st to January 31rd.

After Karasawa successfully returned home to spend the New Year with his parents, he set off on the 2nd and came to Karuizawa again to meet Ayako.

After all, it is winter and it is impossible to escape the heat. This time the two of them went on a date to the ski resort in Karuizawa.

Well, even though Karasawa doesn't know how to ski, dating is still a kind of fun.

Although the venue will not be open during the two days of Chinese New Year, the boss has a good relationship with the Suzuki family, so the ski resort was specially opened for the two of them.

That’s right, it’s a private venue~
  After the two met, they put down their respective rooms in the hotel at the ski resort and bowed. Karasawa selected ski equipment under the guidance of Ayako.

Under Ayako's recommendation, Karasawa chose a pair of skis that are relatively easy for beginners. As for a more sporty single board, which is slightly more difficult, Karasawa, as a beginner, would not consider it at the moment. By the way, in Karasawa's view, Conan's skiing skills have definitely reached the top level of B level, otherwise he is A level, so he can do tricks on the snowboard under an avalanche.

I can only say that the Hawaii training school is really awesome, even better than the cheater Karasawa.

Ahem, let’s get back to the point.

After choosing skis, Karasawa quickly learned some important things under Ayako’s explanation.

For example, when using a pair of ski poles, you need to put the loop at the top of the handle on your wrist first, and then hold the handle to prevent the ski pole from falling out of your hand.

In the process of skiing, there are two stances, namely the internal and external postures.

The inner horoscope is used to slow down, and the outer horoscope is used to speed up.

The last one is the buckle on the ski, which is also the most important thing.

If the buckle becomes loose during skiing, it may be dangerous, so be sure to check it before skiing.

After explaining this, Ayako and Karasawa chose the less difficult beginner slope.

Because this slope is not very steep, the descent speed is also very slow, making it most suitable for beginners to learn.

The two people walking on the snow like fat penguins looked at each other's slightly clumsy appearance and couldn't help but smile at each other.

"Xianyi-kun, if you feel like falling down, just walk backwards on the ground. The thick clothes you wear will have snow underneath, so it won't hurt."

Ayako looked at Karasawa who was ready to start skiing for the first time, smiled and warned again.

"I see."

Tang Ze took a deep breath with a slight nervousness, inhaling the cold air into his lungs, and then exhaled a puff of white smoke. He held the skis with both arms on the snow. The smooth and waxed skis on the bottom exerted minimal friction. He quickly slid down the slope with Tangze's body.

With good physical fitness and conditioned reflexes, Karasawa easily grasped the balance, slid for a while and stopped in place, and then waved to Ayako.

"Very good~ That's it!" Ayako encouraged her with her hands in front of her mouth like a trumpet.

I don't know if it was because she was too proud, but the next moment Ayako saw that when Tang was trying to glide a long distance, he fell over while accelerating.

"Xianyi, are you okay?" Seeing that Karasawa seemed to have fallen badly, Ayako rushed to Karasawa's side with both hands on the ski poles.

But when she slid to the place where Tang Ze fell, she saw Tang Ze lying on the ground looking at her with a smile.

"Really~ I was shocked." Ayako rolled her eyes at Karasawa angrily, "Get up quickly."

Karasawa looked at Ayako with a smile, then stretched out his right hand, "Pull me up!"

"There's really nothing I can do against you."

Ayako stretched out her hand to pull the person, but the next moment, a stronger force pulled Ayako directly to the ground.

Because Karasawa was below, Ayako lay directly on Karasawa.

At this time, Ayako still didn't know that this was Karasawa's purpose. She scolded angrily and made a gesture to get up.

But the hand holding her stopped her from rising. The next moment, Ayako felt slightly cold lips pressed against her.

  (End of this chapter)

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