My Ares Son-in-Law

Chapter 715 Bihaihui suffered heavy losses

Chapter 715 Bihaihui suffered heavy losses

"Please enjoy your wine, excuse me!"

Xiao Chen glanced at the three of them, smiled slightly, turned and left.

In the afternoon of the same day, Xinmeng Group received a reply from the drug regulatory department, stating that the test passed and the drug quality was optimal.

Suitable to recommend to major hospitals and pharmacies in Bihai.

Bihaihui also received a reply.

In view of the long-term problems with Bihaihui's medicines, Bihaihui was ordered to recall the products sold.

and make rectifications.

If the standards cannot be met, the drug production qualification will be revoked.

This is not over yet.

The drug regulatory department suddenly fired several people.

Even the head of the drug regulatory department was demoted.

The reason is oversight!
  When the news came back to Bihaihui, there was a lot of complaints and wailing.

But they are in no mood to deal with the Xinmeng Group now. What they are facing is the anger of the people.

At this time, Xinmeng Group expressed its willingness to conduct free physical examinations for those who have taken Bihaihui drugs.

Make sure there are no problems.

On the one hand, this is Jiang Meng's goodwill, and on the other hand, it is a good publicity opportunity.

There is nothing better than this publicity.

Under the circumstances, Bihaihui's reputation was simply bad.

The Fang family's pharmaceutical market has shrunk severely.

In fact, the Xinmeng Group hasn't taken any action yet, it's all because they cheated themselves.

At the same time, Xinmeng Group's new drugs began mass production and were gradually put on the market.

Bihai Group.

Bi Qingtian was in a bad mood. In the past few days, he had always felt palpitations. Even though the hospital examination showed no problems, he still felt very uncomfortable.

The whole person has no energy.

Now, something like this happened again, and their person in the drug supervision department was demoted.

"Why is this? Haifeng, do you know?"

Bi Qingtian asked.

"It's an oversight, and it's Xu Ming's fault. It's a pity that our people didn't find out and correct the mistake in time, and that's it.

Demotion is good. After all, many people have been dismissed and investigated this time.

There are even several people in jail. "

Bi Haifeng sighed and said: "If someone had told us this in advance, we would have made great achievements. We would have been in a completely different situation now."

"Huh? Didn't Qingqing say before that Jiang Meng from Xinmeng Group asked her for help? It seems that this is the test."

Suddenly, a young man from the Bi family said.

Bi Qingqing said angrily: "I rejected this matter."


Bi Qingtian looked at Bi Qingqing and said: "Xinmeng Group is dedicated to the people, it is our duty to help, how can you refuse?

Besides, if we help this time, our people won't be like that. "

"But grandpa, I just hate Xiao Chen."

Bi Qingqing said.

"Public is public, private is private, don't mix things up."

Bi Qingtian Dao.

"Grandpa, I know I was wrong."

Bi Qingqing drooped her head, but she didn't think so in her heart.

Bi Qingtian sighed, why didn't he trust Bihai Group to his family?
  That's the reason.

These people only think about profit, but have no intention of sticking to what they think.

"This Jiang Meng is pretty good. I need to meet her. Could you please invite her? We'll meet at the Venus Hotel."

Bi Qingtian said.

"Grandpa, what did you see her doing? She is just a goblin."

Bi Qingqing said angrily: "When I was in college, teachers and classmates were all around her." Bi Qingtian was too lazy to say anything. He waved his hand and said, "I'm not feeling well. Let's sleep for a while. You all go down and remember." Come on, help me invite Jiang Meng, the chairman of Xinmeng Group."

Everything is on track with Xinmeng Group. Bihaihui is in trouble now and has no time to target them.

Xiao Chen became more relaxed.

On this day, he came to Chengxu Instrument Group to visit everyone.

After all, he had told Andy that he would be in charge of Chengxu Instrument Group from now on. As the big boss, he couldn't help but show up.

Bai Xue, Gu Jiali and Ilana have done a good job in the company.

But when they are good, their competitors are not happy.

Chengxu Instrument Group's main competitors in Bihai, even domestically, and internationally are Langpu Group, March Group and Beiju Qingchuan Group.

Today, in addition to Qingchuan Group, Langpu Group and March Group have markets and factories in Bihai.

Wells, the head of Bihai of Langpu Group, and Li Shenshi, the head of Bihai of March Group, met.

"The Xiao Group now shows that Chengxu Instrument Group is very ambitious. If we don't suppress them, we may have a difficult time.

We must join forces now. "

Both of them meant this.

"I heard that Chengxu Instrument Group is now looking for office buildings. In the past, they were just a factory, so they didn't care about this. But now that the group company has been established, there is a demand for office buildings.

We can't let them get what they want. "

Master Li Shen said.

"Yes, this matter must be organized, and they must be nipped in the bud."

Wells also nodded.

Of course, Xiao Chen didn't know about this. When he came to Chengxu Instrument Group, he happened to meet Ilana and Bai Xue going out.

"What are you doing in our company?"

Ilana said: "The last time I asked you to come to work in the company, you were not happy with it."

"Oh, I am a special consultant of Chengxu Instrument Group!"

Xiao Chen looked at Bai Xue and said, "If you don't believe me, ask your CEO."

Ilana was stunned for a moment: "He is a consultant? What can he advise?"

Bai Xue smiled and said: "Our company has had security problems, and Mr. Xiao has expertise in this area, so we hired him to become the group's security consultant."

"This is somewhat reliable. He is indeed good at this."

Ilana looked at Xiao Chen and said: "Okay, since you have done this, then do it well and don't embarrass Jiang Meng.

It just so happens that we are going to check out the new office building, so why don't you go with us? "

Bai Xue stuck out her tongue and really wanted to laugh. The big boss of Xiao Group was actually educated by a small manager.


Xiao Chen was very happy.

The three of them drove to the busiest square in Bihai.

The land here is the most expensive, but companies with some skills will rent office buildings here.

After all, it’s CBD, so it’s more respectable when doing business.

If you find a corner in your office building, others will think that your company is not good and they will not want to cooperate with you.

"What? Rented out?"

But when they got there, Ilana and Bai Xue were dumbfounded.

They have all paid the rent in advance, and they came here today to sign the contract. The other party actually rented the office building to someone else.

"We paid the rent in advance, why are you so rude?"

Ilana was a little angry.

"We can refund the rent to you. You didn't sign a contract anyway, right? The other party paid three times more than you, so you can't blame me."

The other party said.

"Who rented it?"

Ilana asked.

"I told you that you can't afford to offend me. That's the internationally famous Lang Pu Group."

"What a bully!"

Bai Xue said.

(End of this chapter)

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