My Ares Son-in-Law

Chapter 685 Farce at the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

Chapter 685 Farce at the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
  "Also, for those vacated mid-level and high-level cadre positions, you select and promote those who are capable and loyal from the original employees.

The rest is still through social recruitment.

Their character must be carefully checked. I will investigate their details and give you a detailed reference. "

After Andy left, Xiao Chen arranged the specific work of Chengxu Instrument Group.

This group entrusts the Xiao Group's new attempts and also entrusts the hope of the dead Liu Chengxu.

Liu Chengxu's parents have now been sent to Tianhai by Xiao Chen, and they have become neighbors with Mr. Jiang and Liu Xin.

Not only is it safe, but it’s also lively.

Liu Chengxu's soul in heaven should also be able to rest in peace.

After dealing with the Xiao Group's affairs, Xiao Chen left quickly.

Today also happens to be the ribbon-cutting ceremony for Xinmeng Group Bihai Pharmaceutical Factory.

There was a huge crowd of people in front of the factory today.

The reporters were working hard to record this grand occasion.

It was a miracle for Xinmeng Group to enter Bihai. Being able to transport goods into Bihai was even more of a miracle among miracles.

Now people have seen the huge potential for the development of Xinmeng Group.

Journalists will naturally pay attention.

When Xiao Chen arrived at the cutting scene, the ceremony had already begun.

He simply stood in the crowd.

He doesn't like this kind of publicity. After all, the less he appears in public, the safer he is.

There are strict protective measures around the factory.

All security guards are trained by Tianxing Company.

There were also people from the outside who were sent by Liu Hong's security company.

This is a major event for Xinmeng Group, and everyone is worried that something will happen, so it is natural to take all-round precautions.

Sure enough, when Jiang Meng announced the cut, the troublemaker suddenly appeared.

A group of mysterious people wearing masks and hats rushed over.

There was a certain degree of chaos at the scene, after all, everyone was worried about being beaten.

Everyone knows that these people are here for the Xinmeng Group, and they don't want to be involved.

"Don't panic, everyone. We have the best security. Just stay where you are and watch the excitement!"

Jiang Meng shouted through the microphone.

After hearing this, people were finally not so panicked.

But still a little on tenterhooks.

Until that amazing scene happened.

Thirty figures suddenly appeared.

Rushed into the crowd.

In just ten seconds, the battle was over.

Those who came to cause trouble were all thrown into trucks and taken away.

This scene made the guests who came to cheer and the spies from various companies and families mixed in the crowd tremble with fear.

That group of people, at least two hundred in number, were actually put away like that?

There wasn't even any room to fight back.

"Boss, the identity has been found out. Those people were invited from outside. The one who hired them is Bihaihui!"

Ghost Sword walked to Xiao Chen's side and reported.

"What to do with them?"

"Throw them out of the blue sea and warn them that if they step into the blue sea again, they will be killed without mercy!"

Although Xiao Chen does not completely control Bi Hai now.

However, he also wants to make Bihai a forbidden place!
  Let justice and order prevail here, without crime and injustice.


Ghost Sword took out the phone and repeated Xiao Chen's order.

At the edge of the blue sea, in a dense forest, more than two hundred guys with bruised noses and faces were running away like crazy.

Even if you kill them, they won't come to this place. Those people are simply devils.

There are only thirty people, but they are unimaginably powerful.

…     Nansheng Lake, Bihai Manor.


Master Li Shen was a little irritable: "Who can tell me why it failed? Didn't it mean that the people this time were all Lianjiazi?
  Are you going to practice Jiazi now?
  Not only did they not ruin the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the Xinmeng Group, they even beat him to the point where they didn’t dare to go back to Bihai! "

"It's no use howling, those people are indeed Lianjiazi, they are all from Xiongcheng Villa.

You also know that the owner of Xiongcheng Villa is a master.

Therefore, the people he raised were all Lianjiazi.

Over the years, they have never made a mistake in performing their missions.

This time, such a mistake actually occurred. It seems that we have misjudged Xinmeng Group. "

Fang Wuyong frowned.

"Let's wait and see what happens. It seems that without intelligence, nothing can be done."

The president of the Bihai Society said: "Let's investigate first and see who is helping the Xinmeng Group!

In addition, Wu Chengyue and others suddenly disappeared mysteriously today, and the Xiao Group suddenly made rectifications at the precision instrument factory.

More than a dozen factories and sales companies across the country formed Chengxu Instrument Group!
  This is also a big deal.

It also needs to be investigated clearly. "

"That woman Andy is still acting vigorously and resolutely. We'd better not provoke her. Even if we have to deal with her, let the Lang Pu Group and the March Group deal with her.

Let’s concentrate on dealing with the Xinmeng Group and the newly established Chengxu Instrument Group. "

Duan Dedao.

No one had an opinion.

Andy's reputation is famous all over the world.

As a small Bihaihui, there is no need to provoke such people. It will only cause trouble for itself.

On the other side, the ribbon-cutting ceremony of Xinmeng Group ended.

Xiao Chen and Jiang Meng were inspecting the factory.

Of course, it was mainly Jiang Meng who inspected, and Xiao Chen just wandered along.

Suddenly, his cell phone rang, and it was Bai Xue calling: "Boss, we have entrusted a headhunting company to screen several potential targets for us.

They will arrive at Bihai soon.

will serve as the company's vice president. "

"Yes, I understand. Call me when they arrive. This time I will personally check it. The situation before will not happen again."

Xiao Chen said.

"Understood, do you have any new instructions?"

Bai Xue asked.

"No more for the time being. You work hard. The future of Chengxu Instrument Group depends on the performance of you and Gu Jiali.

If you have any difficulties, just come to me directly and don't bother Andy. She has many things to do now and is busier than anyone else. "


After hanging up the phone, Xiao Chen continued to accompany Jiang Meng to inspect the workshop.

With the most advanced production equipment, the most advanced environmental protection equipment, and all specially trained employees, the future of this pharmaceutical factory is very bright.

After the inspection, the two drove home.

"Husband, I plan to produce the medicines Bihaihui is best at in the next stage. What do you think?"

Jiang Meng suddenly asked.

"This is such a wonderful move, it's like taking the fire out of the cauldron."

Xiao Chen smiled and said: "With our technology and our production efficiency, the cost should be kept to a minimum, and the efficacy will be better than that of Bihaihui.

Ordinary people are not fools, so they are naturally willing to use our medicine.

In addition, doesn’t Tianhai Medical Group also have seven hospitals in Bihai?
  You contact them and use our medicine. This time, Xinmeng Group is going to fight Bihaihui with real swords and guns. You must not be timid! "

"Husband, thank you! You gave me some advice again!"

Jiang Meng smiled.

"You have thought of it a long time ago. You don't have to save face for me. The stronger my wife is, the happier and more relaxed I will be!"

Xiao Chen smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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