My Ares Son-in-Law

Chapter 146 Hell of the Wicked

Chapter 146 Hell of the Wicked

"Young Master Bai, if you keep the green hills, you won't have to worry about running out of firewood!"
  After all, the Xinmeng Group is a small group, less than one-tenth the size of the Bai family.

This failure was only because we were fighting away from home and moved the battlefield outside the Central Capital, which wasted a lot of money and manpower.

If we wait until Xinmeng Group comes to Zhongdu, this will be our home court.

Just when they thought they had won a big victory and could gain a firm foothold, they launched a fierce attack.

Wouldn't it be better to catch them off guard? "

Jiang Hai suggested.

"That's right, I haven't lost yet!"

After hearing Jiang Hai's words, Bai Qing's eyes suddenly lit up.

This time the defeat was due to the dispersion of power.

They wanted to wipe out the Xinmeng Group in one fell swoop, so they launched attacks against the Xinmeng Group in almost every city.

The result misses the point.

Next time, the battlefield will be placed directly in Zhongdu, and then the Lin family, no, if possible, the Tang family and the Long family will work together to completely destroy the Xinmeng Group!
  The Lin family is not very reliable!

"Then Mr. Bai, do you want to inform the Lin family that there may be something unexpected happening at Yu Ling's place and tell them not to go?"

Jiang Hai reminded.

"Although I am very reluctant to do that, for the sake of future cooperation, I would like to remind you to make a phone call."

Bai Qing glanced at Jiang Hai and said.


Jiang Hai took out his mobile phone and dialed Lin Chaobei's number in front of Bai Qing: "Mr. Bai asked me to tell you that something is wrong over there in Yu Ling. Chen Biao is missing. You'd better withdraw!"

After speaking, he hung up the phone.

This was very well said. Without going into specifics, he just said that Chen Biao was missing. With Lin Chaobei's character, how could he believe it?

Jiang Hai has a very good grasp on his character.

After all, he has been working in Zhongdu for many years and has come into contact with all these people.

Sure enough, just as Jiang Hai expected.

Lin Chaobei didn't take this warning seriously at all.

Instead, they thought it was the Bai family who wanted to monopolize Yu Ling's cake.

Not only did Liu Zian and others not be ordered to withdraw, but he also added an order: "Speed ​​up the march, Chen Biao may be doing something big!"

After receiving the call, Liu Zang called on everyone to speed up.

The other bosses heading to Yu Ling also speeded up at the same time.

You fight for me to grab it, as if you are afraid that the cake will fly.

There are ten forces in total in this trip.

The Lin family is the largest group, with three hundred people.

The number of other forces is relatively small, but they cannot be underestimated.

Although they are usually competitors, this time they all chose to maintain peace tacitly.

After all, Yu Ling hasn't snatched the cake yet.

It would be bad if internal strife breaks out before this happens.

Not many people cared about Yu Ling before, because it was just a small city with not much oil and water.

But now it's different.

In recent times, Yu Ling's development has been rapid, changing every day.

Everyone can see that Yu Ling can definitely become a place like Yaocheng in the future.

Yaocheng is no worse than any other city.

The amount of oil and water will probably exceed that of Zhongdu in the future.

If Yu Ling is captured at this time, it will definitely be a good thing once and for all.

No one wants to fall behind.

The key thing is that the Long family didn't take action this time, but they can seize the territory with confidence and boldness.

Don’t worry about the Long family’s interference.

After all, the leader of the Long family is Lord Long, and they cannot afford to offend him.

On the highway leading to Yuling, there were hundreds of cars, which was really shocking.

Originally, it was not easy to take the expressway to do this kind of thing.

But everyone is a little anxious.

Because I don’t know what Chen Biao is doing in Yuling, and I don’t know how much territory Chen Biao occupies.

Can they not be anxious?

We were late, and we didn’t even have any soup.

After getting off the highway, we could already see Yu Ling. Everyone felt relieved if something happened along the way.

"Brother Zang, that guy Niu Qi has moved all his family's money here, including hundreds of people.

He doesn't leave anyone in Zhongdu.Wang Qiang looked at Liu Zan and smiled.

"Over in Zhongdu, Lord Long is here. At this special time, no one dares to take his territory. It's normal for him to do this.

At this time, who doesn’t want to come to Yuling and share some cake? "

Liu Zan said: "Don't worry about him, his one hundred people can't compare with us!

I'm worried about whether Xiao Chen will mind this matter.

Also, has Baquan arrived? "

"It shouldn't matter. The last time we provoked him, it was just because we went to his house.

If we don't provoke him this time, he can't provoke us either.

Just let them idiots get into trouble. "

Wang Qiang said.

Even though his brother was arrested because of Xiao Chen, he still didn't think about revenge.

The fear that Xiao Chen brought to him was so great that it frightened him.

A row of traffic cones appeared at the intersection ahead.

There are also staff holding flags to remind people that there is road construction ahead and a detour is needed.

And pointed out the direction.

"Hmph, this place in Yuling is really developing fast. Roads are being built every day. Let's take a detour.

Although it will take more time, there is nothing we can do. "

Liu Zan snorted coldly and ordered the convoy to take a detour.

Naturally, all the cars behind him followed.

Unbeknownst to them, the traffic cones had been removed after their detour.

The staff member took out his cell phone and said: "Brother Hu, they have passed."

Liu Zan did not doubt the staff member at all.

The convoy traveled about a thousand meters when suddenly there were tire blowouts one after another.

A series of collisions occurred.

Many people were injured and many cars were disabled.

What's even more detestable is that there is a dead end road ahead, which has not yet been repaired.

"be cheated!"

At this time, Liu Zan realized that they had been fooled.

The other bosses also showed horrified expressions.

Unexpectedly, they were ambushed before entering Yuling City.

More than a dozen cars suddenly came from the direction they came from.

Stopped there.

There are three Mercedes-Benz sedans in the front, and all Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicles in the back.

At first glance, it seems that it has a lot of background.

The words "Tianxing Company" are painted on the commercial vehicles.

"Everyone, welcome to Yuling!"

A person walked out of the Mercedes-Benz, it was Guan Hu.

He held a hand-held loudspeaker and loudly said: "This is a paradise for good people and a hell for evil people.

You may also like our welcome method. "

In the car, Xiao Chen was still playing games, everything was according to his plan.

If he hadn't heard that Long Ye's Four King Kongs would come to Yu Ling, he probably wouldn't have come out today.

You can leave everything to Guan Hu.

"Damn it, it's really a trap."

Liu Zan frowned.

"What are you afraid of? I'm here and there are so many people who are not injured. They only number about a hundred people.

Still crushing! "

On an off-road vehicle, the sound of Ba Quan rang out.

Everyone shuddered, but the next moment, their fighting spirit was high.

This time the total number of people was thousands.

As a result of the series of collisions, more than 300 people were injured.

But there are still more than 700 people.

More importantly, Ba Quan is fine.

It turns out that he has been in the team all along.

(End of this chapter)

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