Chapter 328 The End—The True End

Several shocking crimes occurred in Xinzheng City overnight.

First of all, the first thing is also the most influential and the worst thing——

South Korea's only hereditary marquis, the bloody Hou Bai was assassinated last night and died on the spot!
  Counting all the events in South Korea in recent years, this one can be regarded as the biggest in South Korea, even the death of the prince cannot compare.

The people in the city were not only talking about it, but also many people were panicking about it.

Bai Yifei is not as notorious as Ji Wuye. He spends most of his time in Snow Clothes Castle, commanding the White Armored Army to guard the border. For ordinary people who don't know the inside story, Bai Yifei can almost be said to be South Korea's White Jade Pillar. Not only the common people, but also a large number of middle and lower-level officials think so.

The death of such an important general in the army, and the fact that Qin's soldiers had not yet retreated, undoubtedly created a lot of panic among the people.

In addition, some rumors came out, saying that Bai Yifei's death looked very scary, and it seemed that there were gods and ghosts involved in his death.

The second thing is that Zilanxuan, the largest gold selling cave in Xinzheng, has temporarily closed down.

It is said that the battle between the thieves who attacked Bai Yifei and the city guards affected Zilanxuan, causing serious damage to its interior. It will take a lot of time to repair it, and it will no longer be able to receive guests in the short term.

If this matter were kept in normal times, it would be an interesting gossip that would be chewed up in the streets and alleys. However, because there are more exciting things to attract attention, it is a little quiet.

The third thing, which was also the most eager and exciting thing among the melon-eaters, was that Han Wangan's favorite concubine, Mrs. Mingzhu, was missing.

The original version that was first circulated is also the version closest to the real situation. Its content is:

Early in the morning, the maid went to help Mrs. Mingzhu get up and wash up. Then she found that no one was in the bedroom. Then she quickly called all the maids to search the Mingxiang Palace, but still found no one, and no trace of anyone coming or going.

Next, the imperial army searched the entire palace, almost turning the entire palace upside down, and found out a lot of dirty things, but they couldn't find anyone. Similarly, they couldn't find any trace of entering or leaving Mingxiang Palace.

All investigation results showed that Mrs. Mingzhu disappeared from the palace out of thin air.

According to legend, their king first learned of Bai Yifei's death and immediately became furious. He mercilessly reprimanded the ministers at the court meeting, including the prime minister, the general, and the two young masters. They were all the focus of attention, and even He was so angry that he smashed objects around him in the hall, showing no dignity at all.

But he soon stopped being angry, because he got the news that Mrs. Mingzhu was missing again, and a mouthful of old blood spurted out, and he fell into coma on the spot.

No one will know what happens next.

No one knows what kind of mental journey their great king went through. They only know that the final result of these things is nothing.

Lady Mingzhu was never found, and the Marquis of the Bloody Marquis was taken back because he had no successor, and the Marquis's house was also ransacked - the house was raided in a mysterious manner, and the city guards specially ordered the city guards to block off the nearby streets so that no one could see. to specific situations.

In the open room of the Prime Minister, General Ji Wuye each received a three-year salary penalty, and the fourth son Han Yu was ordered to be grounded. The most surprising thing is that the ninth son Han Fei only received a reprimand without any real punishment.


Qin-Korean border.

Three carriages were arranged in a long snake, driving on the road at a slow speed.

In fact, the borders of the seven countries are not strictly divided, because it is impossible to do so. The so-called borders are just those border gates.

The roads in these places are often extremely dilapidated - both sides hold the idea that the enemy army cannot enter easily. As long as the roads are broken enough, the marching speed will be much slower. So Gu Xun and the others couldn't make the carriage go faster.

At this time, there was a driver on each of the three carriages.

The carriage at the front was Ying Zheng's carriage, driven by Gai Nie, while the two carriages at the back were driven by Mo Ya and Bai Feng respectively.

Gai Nie had a cold face throughout the whole process, with no expression and no indication of his likes and dislikes. Mo Ya was quite content, half leaning on the frame of the carriage, giving off a lazy and salty air. Bai Feng made the most moves, with a full face. Being bored, I always look around from time to time, hoping to find something different and add some fun to myself.

The second car usually contains Gu Xun, Jing Salamander, and Feiyan.

When they were sharing the car, Ehuang didn't want to separate from Feiyan, but she didn't want to face Gu Xun, while Feiyan was happy and didn't want to stay with Yanling Ji Mingzhu, so the two had no choice but to separate.

Yan Lingji didn't want to ride in a carriage with Mingzhu at first, but because of her strong personality, after being slightly stimulated by the other party's words, she resolutely decided to fight to the end... The two still bicker from time to time.

Gu Xun would sometimes go to the first car and chat with Ying Zheng and Li Si.

During the conversation, Gu Xun tried his best to only talk gossip and restrained himself from revealing some thoughts about future generations.

He is not a professional who has systematically studied relevant knowledge. He talks indiscriminately, pulling one sentence from one thing to the other. Maybe it contains some value and can give some inspiration to Ying Zheng and Li Si, but it may also have a negative impact.

He felt that social change could not be accomplished by just talking half-heartedly. Instead of talking about some specious ideas from later generations, he would rather find ways to guide Ying Zheng to try to grow corn and potatoes on a large scale.

There are some high-yielding crops in this world, but they are all imported and are said to have been introduced from the west. No one pays attention to them because the yield is not high and they are not considered staple foods. They are only grown in small quantities and used as rare vegetables.

Gu Xun had nothing to say about this.

Varieties introduced from foreign countries are of course not suitable for the local environment and climate, and the yields are high and there is trouble!

Local cultivation must be carried out to select suitable new species.

However, obviously no country in the pre-Qin period had this concept.

Gu Xun spent two days and successfully aroused Ying Zheng's interest. He had already decided to let Zhi Su Neishi (Da Sinong) study it when he returned.

Although he doesn't have any real power, it is not a problem to do such small things. Others just think that he is just idle and bored. After all, no one cares about these things.

And now, Gu Xun is in Ying Zheng's carriage.

Ying Zheng's carriage has been replaced by a new large luxury carriage from the small carriage left by Han Fei. The space inside is so large that Ying Zheng, Gu Xun and Li Si can sit in a circle in each direction. Next to a small low table, there were drinks on the table.

Now the car is moving slowly, shaking a little, and can barely move.

Ying Zheng lowered his head slightly, holding a wine glass in his hand. There was wine in it, and the faint luster of the water reflected his face.

"Now even at the border, it won't be long before we encounter the scouts of the Pingyang Heavy Armor Army."

(End of this chapter)

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