Chapter 401 Entrance to Dixian Village

Wang Ye was amazed when he saw it.

It is true that Feng Shigu is a madman, but his methods are indeed high.

He finally figured out the secrets of insect control mechanisms.

Everyone was still relatively far away from the cave entrance, but the white smoke came out suddenly.

Several people retreated continuously, but still did not escape completely.

The thick white smoke made several people choke and cough.

Wang Ye was not afraid of the white smoke, but he was also frightened in his heart.

After this burst of white smoke comes out, if the silver-accumulating ants are not transferred to the imaginary number space in time, these very useful silver-accumulating ants will be eliminated.

The fate must be the same as that of other wild bees.

Wang Ye took advantage of this moment and quickly walked to the huge cave corroded by the drowning bees.

At this time, the white smoke in the cave had dissipated.

Below the cave is a dark cave.

Wang Ye called several other people over.

"I'll go down to explore the way first. If it's safe down there, you can all follow me down together. By the way, you should take a Red Lian Miaoxin Pill before coming down."

Honglian Miaoxin Pills have been modified by Wang Ye based on Hu Bayi Mo Jin Xiaowei's prescription, eliminating some of the toxicity and enhancing the efficacy.

Without wearing a gas mask, the improved version of Hong Lian Miao Xin Wan can even resist underground poisonous corpse gas for a period of time.

It is very practical as an emergency medicine when going to the tomb.

Wang Ye went down into the cave along the edge of the cave.

I soon discovered that there was a quite large cave below, which seemed to cover an area of ​​about two hundred square meters.

Moving forward along the horizontal direction of the cave, the rock wall gradually becomes narrower, and finally forms a passage about two or three meters wide.

There are also some stone steps above the passage that are obviously carved manually.

The steps are rough, but also very long.

It stretches all the way to the dark place underground.

Around the cave, there are some stone walls built with bricks.

Wang Ye reached out and touched the tomb bricks.

Soon, I felt a trace of cold air coming out of the gaps between the stones and the tomb bricks.

That's good, it means there's fresh air flowing down there.

No wonder the white smoke just dissipated so quickly.

However, although there is fresh air, the cave is cold and damp, which makes people feel quite uncomfortable.

After Wang Ye came down, he felt it for a while and didn't find any uncomfortable feeling on his body.

Although Wang Ye himself is invulnerable and can resist almost all biological toxins, if the air down here is really poisonous, Wang Ye will also feel uncomfortable.

It just won't cause any harm.

King Hu Bayi, Fatty Sun Professor Shirley, Yang Yaomeier and others heard the signal sent by Wang Ye in the cave and quickly began to descend into the cave along the climbing rope.

After arriving below, everyone turned on their flashlights and began to check the surrounding environment.

After watching it for a while, several people who often went to the tomb, including Wang Ye, immediately felt something was wrong.

Everyone has descended into many large tombs, including Professor Sun, who has also experienced many archaeological excavations. Regardless of whether it is true or not, they have descended into tombs.

The current environment does not look like a tomb at all.

The biggest problem is that the surrounding environment is too humid.

When choosing the location of a general tomb, one will look for a place with suitable Feng Shui.

At the very least, ordinary people also know that when choosing a tomb, you should not choose a place that is too humid and has too many snakes, insects, rats, and ants.

In cold and humid places, coffin tombs decay very, very quickly.

Not only that, Wang Ye also heard some unusual sounds.

Under this cave, there is actually the sound of water flowing.

There are actually places like underground Yin rivers or springs down here.

It is not a good thing to have an underground river underneath a large tomb. If it is an ordinary tomb, it can be said that Mr. Yin Yang was not good enough in choosing the cemetery and did not choose a good place.

But if this is really the entrance to Dixian Village, then it means that below is the tomb of Wuling-Yishan King.

And there are also places that Feng Shigu-renovated.

These two people are not ordinary people, and their skills are top-notch.

It is impossible to make this most basic mistake in Feng Shui.

For a moment, King Hu Bayi, Fatty Professor Sun and others were in a daze.

"Is this the entrance to Dixian Village?"

Only Wang Ye remained firm.

"Whatever, let's go down and investigate. If it's Dixian Village, we won't know until we go in."

Wang Ye then made arrangements.

The most important thing is Yao Meier.

Originally, Wang Ye didn't want his sister to follow him down.

There are many traps in Dixian Village and it is extremely dangerous.

After all, Meimei'er is still young and has never done anything like fighting upside down to a grave before. It is still quite dangerous.

But thinking about it again, leaving Mo Meier at the top is not an option.

It's not necessarily safe up there.

In addition, Yao Meier, a little girl, stayed up there, so she would be lying if she said she wasn't afraid.

Wang Ye could only tell Shirley Yang to watch Yao Meier carefully.

Chief of Staff Yang naturally nodded in agreement.

Then Wang Ye walked at the front, Fatty Wang held the line at the back, and the group walked down the rough stone steps.

As we walked further, some fluorescence began to appear on the rock walls on both sides.

It looked like bursts of will-o'-the-wisps.

Not only these lights, there are also some snakes, insects, rats, and ants coming out of the underground passages.

Wang Ye also frowned slightly.

Choosing a place for the tomb will definitely not have so many snakes, insects, rats, and ants.

This is not a good place to hide from wind and water.

The only explanation is that although this is the entrance to Dixian Village, it is not the tomb door and tomb passage of the ancient tomb.

It may be that Feng Shigu opened a separate passage to the tomb later.

This possibility is still quite high.

Originally, there were caves, mines, and rock gaps everywhere near Coffin Gorge.

The road from the black stone beam in the cliff all the way down to the Jiugong Chihu Lock Sarcophagus was made by connecting natural rock gaps and caves.

The same is certainly true here.

To be honest, Wang Ye didn't feel at all uncomfortable in a place full of rocks and caves.

Ever since he had the power of the Earth Dragon, rock veins have been Wang Ye's home field.

After continuing to walk down, it didn't take long before I heard the sound of water getting clearer and clearer.

The fluorescent colors on the front are also getting brighter and brighter.

In the underground world, you can actually see a piece of sparkling water.

When Wang Ye walked closer, he found that a large amount of water had gathered at the bottom of the cave, turning it into an underground lake.

There are also stalagmites in the water, which look like forests growing under the water.

Around this lake, there should be many underground springs at high places where water flows gather.

Then there are some holes, which drain all the water into deeper places.

The entire lake maintained a certain level of stability.

(End of this chapter)

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