Journey to the West: People are in heaven, working from nine to five

Chapter 443 The God of Prison Arrives: Sun Wukong, are you okay?

Chapter 443 The God of Prison Arrives: Sun Wukong, are you okay?
  Tang Sanzang's wailing received no response.

Xiongshanjun ate very slowly and chewed carefully, causing Monk Lu to die of pain!
  Monk Lu has joined KFC for luxury lunch.

And the shadow in Tang Sanzang's heart also expanded!
  He shed tears of blood, stared at the three monsters with a pair of miserable and crazy eyes, and murmured:

"Why... they didn't commit a crime, why... why!"

Xiong Shanjun couldn't eat enough. "The taste of the original one is really good, but it's not enough...General Yin, can I eat this monk's chicken feet?"

Xiong Shanjun stared at Tang Sanzang's fingers.

Wufang Jiedi frowned in secret. Logically speaking, Taibai Jinxing came out to save lives in the name of Xitian. This could tell Tang Sanzang that the majesty of Xitian was higher than that of heaven.

But till now, Taibaijin Star has not come out yet, what the hell is going to happen? !
  General Yin saw that Xiong Shanjun was greedy and said nonchalantly, "Eat it."

Xiong Shanjun had sharp eyes and quick hands. As soon as he made a move, he fiercely pulled off the little finger from Tang Sanzang's right hand. It was bloody and terrifying.


Tang Sanzang's screams filled the air, and the pain went straight into the depths of his soul!

The secret Five Directions did not dare to wait any longer. If Taibai Jinxing did not come, Tang Sanzang would be torn to pieces!
  Just when Xiong Shanjun was about to eat Tang Sanzang's tail finger in one bite, the bright Buddha's light spread out in all directions in the cave, illuminating the entire cave in an instant.

The golden-headed Jiedi appeared gracefully in the light of Buddha, and took action against a group of monsters!
  In less than a blink of an eye, all the monsters were killed.

Jintou Jiedi felt proud, even if there was no Taibai Jinxing, if they took action when Tang Seng was in the most critical situation, they would definitely be able to make Tang Seng remember this kind of kindness!

However, when Jin Tou Jieyi turned around, he saw Tang Sanzang's cold eyes staring at Jintou Jieyi.

"Why did you come here?!"

The golden head revealed the truth and was blinded at that time. It makes no sense. Shouldn't now be the time to be grateful? ?
  Why does this Tang Monk look like he wants to kill me?
  Jintou Jiedi took a deep breath, with a look of grievance on his face, but shouldn't it be Taibai Jinxing who is going to be scolded? !

It shouldn’t be!

Wait, it’s such a familiar scene, I always feel like I’ve experienced it before?

Jin Toujie took a deep breath, secretly wiped away his tears of grievance, and explained:

"Tang Sanzang, please don't mess around. We are the five directions of the Western Heaven uncovering truths, guarding the peace of the three realms, and in charge of the laws of the three realms. We happen to be passing by here to rescue you!"

"This virgin is a buffalo spirit, the tiger spirit is a bear spirit, and the general Yin is a tiger spirit. The evil spirits on the left and right are all mountain spirits, tree ghosts, monsters and wolves. Just because your nature is bright, I can't eat you. .”

"As long as you worship the Buddha with all your heart in the future, you will be helped by divine disciples as you go forward. Don't complain about hardships! Hahahahaha!"

After Jintou Jiedi said these very pretentious words, he turned around and left.

However, Tang Sanzang came over and grabbed the golden head to uncover the truth. Blood and tears burst out, his eyes widened with anger, and his teeth were almost broken!
  "You fart! The God of Law Enforcement and Prison of the Three Realms is the supreme power in heaven. How many of you are trying to uncover the truth and falsely claim to be enforcing the law and protecting the Three Realms?"

"Tell me, are you hiding in the dark? You just want to watch the poor monk's good brother die! Isn't that right?"

Tang Sanzang grabbed Jintou Jiedi by the collar, trying to be as manic as he wanted.

At this moment, Tang Sanzang was just like the demon monk who went on a killing spree before. His demonic nature had never gotten better.

The golden-headed monk was panicked,

I guess this Tang Monk’s intuition is too accurate, right?
  Has this all been guessed? !
  Jintou Jiedi knew that he was not a smart person, and if he said anything wrong, Tang Sanzang would probably find out the clues.

So Jin Tou revealed the truth and chose to escape.

Jin Toujie shook off Tang Sanzang's arm and said to Tang Sanzang:

"You, you, you misunderstood. I'm just a passerby, brave enough to reveal the truth. So, I'll leave first!"

The golden-headed Jiedi was about to fly away. He cursed in his heart, "I went to the damn Taibaijin Star, the damn thing didn't even show up at this time!"

Now the clown is me?

Because Taibai Jinxing was late, Tang Sanzang hated the Five Directions Unveiler.

At this moment, Taibai Jinxing was outside the cave, eating melon seeds in the clouds with Chu Hao.

Taibai Jinxing breathed a sigh of relief,
  "Thank you, Your Majesty the Prison God, for reminding me. Otherwise, not only would there be no benefit from this trip, but Monk Tang would also be complaining about it."

Chu Hao had just escaped from the Kunlun Mountains. If he hadn't walked quickly, Chu Hao would have been drained by now.

When Chu Hao arrived, he found that Tang Seng's followers and brothers had all been eaten.

Only then did Chu Hao realize that Xitian was in trouble because he was ruthlessly trying to get rid of the unnecessary people around Tang Seng.
  Seeing that the situation was not good, Chu Hao stopped Taibai Jinxing who was about to go in to save people.

Taibai Jinxing originally thought this was a bit inappropriate, but out of instinctive trust in Chu Hao, Taibai Jinxing was waiting outside.

Sure enough, we saw the scene of Tang Monk with bloody eyes angrily scolding the golden head for revealing the truth.

Taibai Jinxing hesitated and said: "Your Majesty the Prison God, what should we do next?"

Chu Hao waved his hand, "It's a small matter. Go back and tell His Majesty that I will take care of the matter regarding the journey to the west."

Taibai Jinxing nodded, turned around and left.

Anyway, the boss is there for everything. As long as the boss is here, nothing will happen to us.

The Taibai Venus turned into a breeze, stepped on a red-crowned white crane, and soared into the sky.

Chu Hao ignored Tang Sanzang, who was still roaring and roaring in the cave, and turned around to go to the next level.


Under the Five Elements Mountain.

Sun Wukong has been trapped under the Five Elements Mountain for five hundred years!
  The Five Elements Mountain is also the five fingers of Tathagata Buddha's physical body, transformed into a mountain with the five fingers of great supernatural power, which contains the Tathagata Buddha's lifelong Buddhist practice.

Every moment under the pressure of Five Elements Mountain, Sun Wukong felt an inexplicable force that was wearing down his will, making it impossible for him to escape.

All this made Sun Wukong feel great pressure.

If it had been the original Sun Wukong, he would have been sapped by the Buddha's light contained in Wuzhi Mountain.

After all, Tathagata Buddha's original intention was to make Sun Wukong feel the loneliness of these five hundred years, and then make Sun Wukong obedient from the inside out.

But...this has to be the former Sun Wukong.

At this moment, Sun Wukong was at the foot of the Five Elements Mountain, his eyes wide open with anger, and the anger in his eyes was not dissipated by the Five Elements Mountain.

On the contrary, during the five hundred years that Sun Wukong spent at the foot of the Five Elements Mountain, honing his cultivation and tempering his character, the violence in his eyes became restrained and deep.

If you want to compare, I used to be just a stupid teenager, running around in a daze.

But now Sun Wukong is more like a restrained murderous sword waiting to come out of his body!
  Sun Wukong is waiting for an opportunity.

He had a plan in mind, and now he needed someone to go along with it.

"Sun Wukong, are you okay?" A faint voice came from a distance.

(End of this chapter)

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