Chapter 2004 Tang Monk comes to the rescue

Seeing the prince being tied up, a soldier had already drawn a long knife, and he was afraid that the prince's life would be taken in an instant.

At this time, the people gave up. The county prince usually loved the people like his son, and the people of Fengxian County were grateful to him. How could they ignore it when they saw that the county prince was in danger of his life.

"You can't kill the county prince. He is the father and mother of our people."

"If anyone dares to touch the county prince, we will fight him."

"You soldiers are also children of the common people. How can you help villains do whatever they want?"

The people were so angry that they were beginning to lose control, and those soldiers were actually unwilling to attack the people.

"We must kill the county prince quickly, otherwise there may be changes."

This situation made Situ Kong a little scared. Once the people did not care about their lives, the situation would get out of hand.

"Very good, it's best to let the mountains of bones and blood flow into rivers in Fengxian County."

Tathagata Buddha was a little happy when he saw this scene. In his opinion, these ignorant people in Fengxian County dared to scold Xitian for insulting him, the Buddha. How could he tolerate it? He wished he could kill them with his own hands.

"What kind of medicine is sold in the prison god's gourd?"

Taibai Jinxing said doubtfully to the Jade Emperor.

The Jade Emperor just shook his head. He was also confused in his heart. He didn't know how Chu Hao arranged it. The situation seemed to be getting worse and worse.

As for Chu Hao, he still looked relaxed and calm, as if he had really become an outsider, and everything in front of him had nothing to do with him.

"Hurry up and kill the prince."

Situ Kong couldn't wait any longer and shouted to his soldiers, asking them to quickly deal with the county prince.

"Stop it all!"

But at this moment, a voice came.

Following this sound, a large group of people came over. These people arrived and immediately surrounded the rebels.

"not good!"

Situ Kong couldn't help but said when he saw the large group of people arriving.

These large groups of troops were originally stationed in military camps further away, and Situ Kong, as the adjutant, knew this.

Situ Kong's original plan was to control the situation and kill the county prince before these troops received the news.

That way, even if these troops arrive, he is still the highest officer of Fengxian County, and they can only obey his orders.

But I didn't expect that this large group of people would come so quickly. The county prince was still alive, so he became a rebellious and rebellious minister.

"Let go of the prince and put down your weapons, otherwise you will be killed without mercy."

The large group of people shouted in unison, the rebels were already shaken, but under the current situation, there was no hope of resistance.

Seeing his men putting down their weapons one after another, Sima Qiao was furious.

"You bunch of trash are all useless!"

However, no matter how much Sima Kong shouted, it was of no use now. A large group of troops arrived and the county prince regained control of the situation.

Sima Kong, on the other hand, has become a loner, and all his men have been disarmed.

"How did you get here so quickly?"

The Marquis asked the leading general. Sima Kong's rebellion came so suddenly that they succeeded without the Marquis reacting.

"Thanks to the divine monk for informing us, we were able to arrive in time."

Following the general's words, a man emerged from among the soldiers and walked out.

"Elder Tang, it turns out it's you. I was still wondering where you were?" The person who showed up was none other than Tang Seng. It was Tang Seng who called this large group of people. Of course, this was also Chu Hao's arrangement.

When Chu Hao interrogated Buddha Jingguang before, Jingguang had already told everything he knew, which naturally included information about Situ Kong.

As for Situ Kong, Chuhao did not directly tell the county prince his identity, but used it.

Chu Hao knew that if Xitian's conspiracy was made public, according to their style, they would probably jump over the wall and commit such banditry as planning a rebellion.

Although pure pure words can expose Xitian's conspiracy, if Tathagata and others want to deny it, they can also shirk responsibility and find a scapegoat.

And if everyone were to see Xitian instigating Situ Kong's rebellion, Tathagata and Xitian would be unable to argue.

"Why is Tang Monk here?"

The Jade Emperor and the gods in heaven were also greatly surprised when they saw Tang Monk suddenly appear.

But they soon understood that this must be Chu Hao's doing. It turned out that Chu Hao had set up such a trick for Xi Tian.

"The God of Prison is so thoughtful that it is impossible for these Western Heavens to deny it."

The Jade Emperor nodded happily and looked at Tathagata and the monks in the West.

Regarding the appearance of Tang Seng, Tathagata and Guanyin naturally had the strongest reaction. They did not know why Tang Seng, who had lost his whereabouts, suddenly appeared here.

Moreover, he also brought a large army to the county marquis to quell the rebellion of Situ Kong and save the people of Fengxian County.

"Tang Monk, why did you disappear and why are you here?"

Tathagata asked angrily. Tang Seng brought an army to put down the rebellion, but he cracked their last trick in Xitian.

"Buddha, in my opinion, there is no need to worry about this matter. The current matter is the most critical."

The Jade Emperor stood aside and reminded Tathagata mockingly.

"Tang Monk took action, it was against the rules!"

Tathagata gritted his teeth angrily and said, he obviously couldn't afford to lose.

"Why is it against the rules? Isn't Tang Seng a mortal? Is there anything wrong with him coming to solve mortal affairs?"

Chu Hao asked Tathagata, Tathagata had promised just now, and now everything is in accordance with the rules.

"Buddha, I think the situation in Fengxian County has been decided. Do you have anything else to say? It's time for us in heaven and the people of Fengxian County to give an explanation."

The Jade Emperor said to Tathagata that this was the time for heaven to exert pressure.

"Amitabha, what happened here was caused by the evil thief Jingguang. It has no direct relationship with our Xitian. He stole the name of Xitian, slandered the Heavenly Court, and brought disaster to Fengxian County.

This thief is abominable. I have decided to expel him from Buddhism and erase him from the register of Western Heaven. The rest can be dealt with by your Heavenly Court. "

Tathagata Buddha had no other choice at this time, but to abandon his chariot to protect the commander, and throw the net out to condemn him.

"You damn Tathagata, a wicked and smoking thing."

When Jingguang heard that Tathagata actually put all the responsibilities on him and made him the scapegoat of Xitian, he was so angry that he yelled at Tathagata Buddha.

Although everyone present, even ordinary people, could see that Tathagata was looking for Jingguang to be his scapegoat, it was really hard to refute him for such a dirty and shameless trick.

"Buddha is really of noble character and takes great care of his subordinates. I can see that."

Even the Jade Emperor did not expect Tathagata Buddha to be so shameless.

Even those people from the West who followed Tathagata seemed embarrassed by this.

"I don't think that's the case."

At this time, Chu Hao suddenly spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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