Everything in Chanyue Palace is elegant, with orchids on the windowsills and gauze curtains.

There is an endgame on the table. The black and white chess pieces seem to be fighting. There are two white jade pieces scattered randomly next to the box of white chess pieces.

Ren Qianyu casually turned her head and took a look and said, "Sister, it's too deserted here, isn't it?"

Concubine Shu was not happy when she heard this, but she had a sad expression on her face.

"Sister, I don't know how long it has been since Your Majesty came to my Chanyue Palace."

After hearing this, Ren Qianyu felt proud in her heart, knowing that she was much better than Concubine Shu, but at this moment, she could not think of Ren Yuhuan, who was by His Majesty's side day and night.

What's the point of being more than inferior?

Ren Qianyu impatiently took a sip of tea and said calmly: "Your Majesty's thoughts are not on you right now, and naturally they are not on me either. We are all just looking at others."

Concubine Shu wanted to guide Ren Qianyu to think about this. When she heard what she said, she immediately sighed and said, "That's not true. Who is not a formally canonized empress? Three thousand beauties in the harem are not as good as one palace maid?"

Concubine Shu was a little angry when she spoke, and her emotions moved Ren Qianyu.

Ren Qianyu snorted coldly and scolded: "No one who is favored by Little Hooves can be canonized!"

Concubine Shu examined Ren Qianyu's expression and added jealousy to make Ren Qianyu hate Ren Yuhuan even more.

"Oh, who can compare to her? The canonization is a matter of time. Didn't you see that His Majesty only has eyes for her? I heard that he personally helped bandage her wounds and slept together at night!"

In fact, Concubine Shu said this casually.

Ren Qianyu heard it, but felt that it was entirely possible.

After all, His Majesty just likes that body with little hooves.

Thinking of this, Ren Qianyu became worried.

If Ren Yuhuan is really favored and she acts like a spoiled child and lets His Majesty know that she is pregnant, where will Ren Qianyu find a child to fight with Ren Yuhuan?

Seeing the suppressed anger on Ren Qianyu's face, Concubine Shu fell silent.

She also picked up the tea cup, brought it to her lips and took a sip, in order to wait for a while before speaking, so that she would not appear so eager to speak.

"Oh, we have to rely on Ren Yuhuan's breath from now on. Everyone finds it difficult to accept that a palace maid has climbed on top of us! But sister, you should feel better, right?"

Ren Qianyu turned to stare at Concubine Shu and said angrily: "Will I feel better? Why should I feel better? Before, this little hoof was a despicable thing that was not even worthy of washing my feet. How can she climb up?"


Concubine Shu felt that Ren Qianyu's emotions had been aroused, so she immediately changed her words and said: "What my sister said is that it seems that my sister feels really uncomfortable."

He rolled his eyes and sighed with a smile: "But my sister should get used to it earlier, right? I won't say these words anymore. Now I heard that His Majesty not only played, ate and slept with her, but also asked people around him to look after her. It seems like who It seems like it will hurt her!"

Ren Qianyu snorted coldly and said with a smile: "Little Hoof's fate is not good, even if we send gods to look after it, I don't think it can be saved!"

Upon hearing this, Concubine Shu shook the fan in her hand and said lightly: "Ren Yuhuan is not a peaceful person, and she likes to be sneaky. I heard that she always sleeps with His Majesty's bodyguards and goes to where by herself. I don't know where she is. do what."

After hearing this, Ren Qianyu had an idea in her mind, and said in her mouth: "Will she settle down? With a little girl like her, she wants to have both sides, so naturally she won't settle down!"

Concubine Shu stopped talking and turned the topic to fruits.

Ren Qianyu didn't have the courage to eat anything at Concubine Shu's place. After sitting for a while, she stood up and left.

Concubine Shu walked to the palace gate and watched Ren Qianyu go away in a sedan chair before entering the palace.

Aunt Chang came up, cupped her hands and asked, "Mother, I've got news from you too."

Upon hearing this, Concubine Shu waved the fan in her hand and said, "Go in and talk."

"The master said that he has found a way and is now preparing to make a meritorious service. If everything goes well, he will be able to return to Beijing in three months."

Concubine Shu's expression didn't change much when she heard this. She just nodded and said: "Just right, I think this time is just right. After Ren Qianyu has dealt with Ren Yuhuan, I will come back with a mantis stalking the cicada and an oriole behind, and take Ren Qianyu with her." Let’s deal with the children together!” Grandma Chang nodded and said, “The empress’ plan will work!”

Ren Qianyu returned to Yikun Palace and immediately ordered the old woman to contact her father's men in the palace and ask them to deal with Ren Yuhuan.

When the old mama heard about it, she was a little worried and immediately asked: "Empress, are you going to deal with Ren Yuhuan? There is a dragon fetus in her belly. If the dragon fetus is hurt-"

Ren Qianyu interrupted the old grandmother.

"What do you know? Since she is about to ride on my head, do you think she will give the child to me?"

The old mama was still a little hesitant: "But since the master is going back to Beijing soon, why don't you just bear it and wait until the master comes back?"

Ren Qianyu stared at the old grandma sideways with a very cold expression.

The old grandma was so frightened that she trembled.

"Mommy, are you trying to stop me?"

"I don't dare. I only listen to the words of my mother. I can see it sincerely! It's just that I think the child will always have to stay. I don't know if there are other ways..."

Ren Qianyu snorted coldly and spat directly on the old grandma's face.

"I still have to wait! When Ren Yuhuan takes over, go and tell her father that if she makes him happy, then support her!"

The old grandma knelt on the ground and shouted: "It's the old slave who is confused. When people get old, their brains no longer work!"

Ren Qianyu snorted coldly and turned around and disdained to look at the old woman.

"Ren Yuhuan can't stay, and neither can her children! We must do it before father comes back! You must gather all the people who can be used, and you must do everything possible!"

The old nanny immediately bowed her head and agreed: "Yes! I will definitely arrange everything properly!"

Ren Qianyu grunted, rubbed her forehead with her hand and said, "I'm tired too. You go to do things earlier, and I'll stay alone for a while."

The old grandma got up from the ground and immediately went to explain the matter.

Ren Qianyu dismissed all the maids and sat alone in the room.

Not knowing why, he suddenly turned his head and looked at the cabinet.

This time he slowly stood up, walked over, and opened the cabinet door.

There is a piano hidden inside the cage.

The piano was wrapped in silk satin and placed inside.

Ren Yuhuan said that Chu Shu was back.

what is he doing?

Ren Qianyu took out the piano and placed it on the table, and played the music that Chu Shu once liked to play.

This was also the first song Chu Shu taught her.

At that time, Chu Shu looked happy. For the first time, he stared into Ren Qianyu's eyes and smiled, regardless of doubling down.

Said it was his favorite song.

It's "The Phoenix Seeks the Phoenix"...

Why doesn't Ren Qianyu understand?

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