"His Majesty."

Ren Yuhuan gathered his emotions and replied: "I just want to see the situation in the Huanxi Bureau."

Shen Yanzhi's expression was cold and his tone was also cold: "Really?"

Ren Yuhuan raised his eyelids and glanced at Shen Yanzhi cautiously: "Your Majesty is also worried about the situation in the Huanxi Bureau and came here to check? After all, it is a plague, so it is best for Your Majesty to leave here."

Shen Yanzhi frowned and glanced sideways at Ren Yuhuan.

It was also time for Wang Lian to come up and persuade him, saying, "Yes, your Majesty has already seen it. It's better to go back early."

Shen Yanzhi said kindly but did not leave: "How long has it been since Doctor Jiang came in?"

The guard next to him heard this and immediately bowed and replied: "It's been an hour."

"Why is there no news at all?"

Ren Yuhuan heard this and was surprised by Shen Yanzhi's harshness.

Before, Imperial Physician Jiang was clearly highly appreciated by His Majesty, but why did it suddenly change now?

Thinking of Xue Guiren's words, Ren Yuhuan still didn't understand why she had implicated Imperial Doctor Jiang?

I can only follow carefully and wait.

Because of her pregnancy, she couldn't stand standing for a long time. Plus, she couldn't stand anymore after walking all the way back and forth.

Although Shen Yanzhi never looked at Ren Yuhuan, he was keenly aware of her situation.

He immediately said: "Let Dr. Jiang investigate the situation and report back immediately."

After saying that, he turned around and walked towards the chariot.

Wang Lian was happy and immediately stepped forward to serve him.

Ren Yuhuan saluted, and after Shen Yanzhi left, he found a tree stump to sit down and waited outside the Huanxi Bureau.

An hour later, someone from the Tai Hospital finally came out of the white-clothed door.

Ren Yuhuan recognized that it was the apprentice beside Imperial Physician Jiang, the student who always carried the medicine box for him.

He immediately went up to meet him and heard the student anxiously say to the guard at the door: "It's a plague!"

Ren Yuhuan stood at the door and asked anxiously: "How is the situation? Is Dr. Jiang okay?"

The apprentice recognized Ren Yuhuan, and with his mouth and nose covered, he immediately said anxiously: "Girl, please step away, there is a plague here. When you go back, you must wash your hands and wash your clothes with white vinegar!"

When the guards heard that it was a plague, they immediately pushed Ren Yuhuan away.

Ren Yuhuan was worried, but he couldn't do anything to help.

I could only drag my tired legs back to the imperial dining room.

After washing my hands and changing clothes, I immediately started making dinner.

After confirming that it was a plague, Doctor Jiang would definitely not be able to come out. She quickly made some food and sent it over. This was the only thing she could do.

When Shen Yanzhi heard that it was a plague, he took it very seriously and immediately summoned the experienced Dr. He to take charge of the overall situation.

Dr. He's family just got married to Dr. Jiang's sister, and the two families were reconciled. When they heard about this, they naturally did not hesitate and immediately put them into the cleaning bureau.

Ren Yuhuan seized the opportunity and entrusted Doctor He to deliver the food box in his hand.

Dr. Jiang heard about what Ren Yuhuan had sent, and Dr. He took over and asked him to rest temporarily. Dr. Jiang immediately carried the food box and went to another place to eat.

Sure enough, I found a note inside the steamed bun. "Guiren Xue said that your Majesty is dissatisfied with you because of me, so be careful."

After reading it, Imperial Physician Jiang immediately burned the note with mixed emotions.

When Shen Yan went to court, the officials of the previous dynasty were also worried about the plague in the Huanxi Bureau.

The new prime minister stepped forward and reported: "Your Majesty, not only has the plague broken out in the palace, but there have also been reports of plague in three places across the country. The local prefects are unable to deal with it. Please send people from the imperial court for support."

Shen Yanzhi frowned deeply, and after thinking for a while, he turned to look at Ren Tianbao and said, "Grand Master, you are a senior member of the court, and you are prudent when things happen. I will send you as an imperial envoy, together with the Minister of Civil Affairs, to go to the local area to deal with the plague. matter."

"The Imperial Medical Office actively cooperates and allocates two imperial doctors to recruit famous private doctors. I will leave this matter to you, Minister of Civil Affairs."

Ren Tianbao heard this and immediately understood what Shen Yanzhi was thinking.

This Minister of Staff was personally promoted by His Majesty. Now that he has occupied the position and has done nothing to convince the public, Your Majesty wants him to pave the way for this Minister of Staff.

Anyway, the Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs has the opportunity to be promoted to the Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, so that people from the Yang family can no longer be ministers. No matter how powerful Concubine Shu is, she may not be able to last long without support from the previous dynasty.

The weighing took only a moment, Ren Tianbao lined up and immediately agreed.

Shen Yanzhi nodded and said: "If the matter is urgent, please don't delay and set off as soon as possible."

Ren Tianbao understood His Majesty's thoughts, so he neither took power nor placed himself in the position of chief official. He let the Minister of Civil Affairs handle the matter, and he felt comfortable.

But before leaving the capital, Ren Tianbao had to say hello to the imperial concubine and Ren Yuhuan.

Now that Dr. Jiang, his right-hand man, is also trapped in the Cleansing Bureau, they must be instructed not to act rashly.

Ren Qianyu didn't take it too seriously after hearing what Xuejian said about Imperial Doctor Jiang being sent to the Huanxi Bureau.

"This is also an opportunity. If Dr. Jiang can handle this matter well, it will not harm his future. Besides, the matter has been handed over to Dr. He. If anything happens, Dr. He will take care of it. What are you afraid of?"

However, Xuejian was still very worried. She would rather Dr. Jiang didn't do this kind of thing where she was risking her life.

However, Xue Jian saw that Ren Qianyu was indifferent, so she didn't dare to mention it again, lest she expose her flaws, so she changed the topic.

Ren Qianyu is in a good mood now. Although His Majesty is not here, she has now invited Chu Shu to teach her how to practice the piano. She is in a good mood, radiant, and completely different from her previous sinister face.

When Xuejian could only serve Shen Yanzhi anymore, he asked about the situation of the plague and inquired about the situation of Imperial Physician Jiang.

Ren Yuhuan no longer took the initiative to serve in the imperial study today. He only helped to make food and boil medicine in the imperial dining room every day.

When Shen Yanzhi saw this, he felt even more uncomfortable.

This discomfort was revealed because Shen Yanzhi would blame Dr. Jiang for his failure to control the plague situation and develop a prescription.

Xue Jian heard this every day, and was frightened in her heart. She was worried that even if Imperial Physician Jiang was not infected by the plague, he would most likely be punished by His Majesty with excuses.

With this anxiety, when he heard that Ren Yuhuan went to the Huanxi Bureau to deliver meals to Imperial Doctor Jiang alone every day, he became furious.

He wanted to grab Ren Yuhuan, slap her hard, and ask her, wasn't the reminder that day enough? She wants to stir up trouble. Does she really want to kill Dr. Jiang?

However, Xuejian didn't dare.

If she did this, she would be putting her fatal handle into Ren Yuhuan's hands.

Xuejian, who had always been forbearing, had long wanted to deal with Ren Yuhuan, but now she had to do it for the sake of Dr. Jiang.

To achieve this, she must conquer her own confidants and find a way to deal with Ren Yuhuan. (End of chapter)

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