"Why don't you eat the sandwiches and juice specially made according to your preferences?" Bai Qingxue asked gently.

"I'm afraid there's something inside, and I'll wake up in Prince Dalek's bed!" Seviala didn't shy away from it.

"You are such a slanderer and offend the royal authority. I have the right to put you to death." Devin warned her.

"His Royal Highness Devin will not do this!" Seviala bit her lip and said, "If you are this kind of person, Dai Guo will be finished sooner or later, and I will die early and be reborn!"

Bai Qingxue shouted: "Okay, these things are harmless. Tell me, how did you let Dalek remember you?

"There are so many people in the prince's villa, but it's you. If you want me to let you go, you have to give me a reason."

"Oh, this is really an injustice..."

With a slumped face, Seviala explained the process in detail.

"...That's what happened. I have nothing to do with him. He just wants to teach me a lesson! There is no romantic story like the prince and concubine you think!"

Seviala was thumping her chest in her heart. If she had known that she would be involved in the royal power struggle between Prince Devon and Prince Dalek, she would never have hit Dalek's gun at such a time!

She just couldn't get angry... She just didn't want to see the disappointed owner again because he couldn't buy a cashmere quilt as cheap and beautiful as hers.

"Do you hate Prince Dalek?" Bai Qingxue asked.

Seviala didn't even think about it: "Of course! What serious girl would like him?

“He claims that the prince’s villa is legal and compliant, but why is it that only he has one and not His Highness Devon?

"With his status, he can start a family and start a business anytime he wants. Aren't you just relying on the prince's villa to enjoy your life and are afraid of marrying a powerful tigress to control him?"

Ever since she appeared on the scene, Bai Qingxue has always had a half-smiling expression on her face.

It had been a long time since anyone had made her relax like this.

Bai Qingxue looked at Devin: "What do you think?"

Devin hesitated, shook his head and said, "I don't think it's good."

Bai Qingxue analyzed: "If Quintina has no ambition, I think she and Dalek are like lobster and cucumber, they are quite suitable.

"But it is obvious that even if all the men in the world are dead, she will not be half sincere towards Dalek."

Devin seemed to have some realization: "So you..."

Seviala didn't understand what riddles they were playing, and she knew she shouldn't interrupt them, but the more she listened, the more flustered she became, and she couldn't help it.

She tentatively begged for mercy and raised her skirt to Bai Qingxue and bowed.

"Her Royal Highness the Princess from the Snow Country! I heard that you had the right to choose your own marriage, and Prince Dalek also fell in love with you, but you still chose Prince Devon!

"You are not willing to sacrifice yourself to recover the devil Dalek, so why should you let me go! Do I deserve to be treated as a tool just because I am not a princess?"

Devon sat upright in anger: her wife sacrificed herself to suppress him, a vampire angel!

Bai Qingxue naturally held him down.

Seviala saw the subtle interaction between them, the color on her face instantly faded, and she covered her mouth in disbelief.

"Could it be that His Highness Devin's brother-in-law has a cancer outbreak, and in order to make his brother turn around, he did not hesitate to lend his wife to Prince Dalek... That's why he has stopped going to the prince's villa recently?!"

"Do you know what you are talking about?" Devin narrowed his eyes sinisterly.

"That means Prince Dalek is indeed raising vampire angels! So you want me to seduce him?"

Bai Qingxue smiled slightly: "Since you know so clearly, please be considerate of us. We can't explain to the Daleks if we let you go back."

Sevilla quickly covered her mouth with both hands and looked at the princess aggrievedly.

"Your Highness, I'm still young, I haven't been in love yet, and I still want to live to be 99...

"It's not that I'm not willing to die for the country. My mother passed away early, and I'm the only one in my family. Who will take care of my father when I'm gone..." Sevillala became more and more sad as she thought about it, and her beautiful breasts were wet with tears. Eye.

Bai Qingxue was unmoved: "After you sacrifice, I will ensure that your father has good food and clothing, and I will send someone to take good care of him until he dies of old age."

Hearing this, Seviala stopped crying instantly and even acted like a businessman:

"Are you going to spend money to hire some bad nannies outside who will bully the elderly, or are you going to send out the well-trained maids in the palace?"

"If you don't feel at ease, just choose yourself from the group of people who serve me?"

Sevilla's face suddenly glowed, and the last trace of melancholy disappeared from her face.

"Your Highness the Princess is a cheerful person! Very good, then I agree!

"My father often said that I was clumsy, careless, and couldn't even cook well. Sooner or later, I would poison him to death. Every day I wanted to marry me off in exchange for a bride price.

"I think he needs a well-trained maid more than me!

"Tell me, how do you seduce Dalek and then assassinate him? I'm ready!"

After saying that, she clenched her small fists, looking like she was ready to die.

Bai Qingxue and Devin looked at each other and laughed unbearably.

Seviala was unhappy: "What's so funny...the honey trap is a tried and true strategy in history.

"Didn't His Highness Devin want to use me to assassinate His Highness Dalek?"

Devin turned his head and said: "You also said that I am a demon who supports my brother, and that I compete with my brother for the throne. What image do I have in your mind?"

Seviala meowed and sighed:

"It's not what I said, it was you who did it. His Highness Devin indeed loves His Highness Dalek for all to see.

"From pirates and bandits to foreign invaders, you are the one who goes out every time. And his daily life is just idleness and domineering, so you get used to it.

"Don't you know, foreigners think that there is only one prince in the Dai Kingdom. In the history of the Dai Kingdom, he is the only prince who has never performed military exploits.

"In addition, your own celebration banquet has always been unknown, but he did some idle work within his ability and held a celebration banquet when he had nothing to do.

"But as long as it's his matter, you take care of it yourself and take care of it. But I don't see him paying much attention to your matter.

“As for you wanting to use a honey trap to get rid of him… I guess it was the prince and concubine’s idea.

"Maybe it's because the vampire angel thing has touched your bottom line. Although you dote on your brother, you don't ignore right from wrong. That's what I think."

Devin was stunned by what she said. He didn't expect that he would be evaluated like this in the eyes of the public.

Dalek often told him that the civilians were afraid of him and told him to go out less so as not to frighten them. So he doesn't often go out incognito like Dalek.

To be honest, he does not think that the people can provide him with any wisdom in governing the country.

As for the situation of the people, the local lords and their superiors will use them as an excuse to fight for kickbacks. They can also drink some soup along with it.

If there is anything, his confidants will report it to him in time, so that there will be no disaster.

In short, Devin felt that it would be good to keep the sheep in a safe place while he was responsible for leading the troops to strictly enforce the national borders.

Dai Wen remembered the bitterness and sweetness, and said with emotion: "I promise you, I will not spoil him again in the future."

But Seviala didn’t appreciate it very much:

"But you are doing this! He is raising vampire angels in the palace, and he has not seen you break up with him, and he still wants to solve it quietly!

"What if I'm not charming enough to seduce him? How will you deal with it? You're such an adult and you still can't bear to leave your brother. You are truly the most pampered prince I've ever seen!"

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