The priest came quickly.

He has a beer belly and a bald head, and is a very thin-looking man.

This priest's robe is draped around him, and it looks fake no matter how you look at it.

"Master, master?"

Dalek waved his hands in front of his eyes unbearably.

The pastor's nose was broken in his sleep: "Oh, oh, sorry, sorry, Your Highness. I fell asleep again.

"Last night, I chased a vampire angel all night long to the Aidaihe River. You know, the Aidaihe River. I am too old to bear it..."

"Watch out for the pillars."

As soon as Dalek finished speaking, he bumped into it firmly. It caused a burst of happy snickering from the palace people.

Seeing the priest laughing and having fun with everyone, Dalek looked disgusted.

Is this the guy that my father is so afraid of inviting back? What the hell?

It's a fuss...but why is he responsible for leading the team?

Having said that, Dai Mingming is no longer in court, but the expedition tasks assigned to him are not missing at all, and they are all completed perfectly, and military merits are all in his name.

He was annoyed when he heard that the ministers praised him for managing his subordinates well and not delaying government affairs even when he was ill.

Vampire angels can't see the sun for a long time... Who is doing this work day in and day out? It can't be a prince or concubine, right?

Dalek was worried and accidentally took the priest in the wrong direction.

Leake Palace.

By the time he realized it was too late, the pastor's rough voice howled:

"Oh! What a big reaction!"

"It glowed with a dazzling yellow light!"

Dalek came over nervously, not knowing where to place his hands.

Crap! Later, Quintina thought he did it on purpose and she didn't even want to skin him! What on earth is he thinking!

"Hey, that's seems to be reacting to you, Your Highness?"


"My wand understands the law and loves the law. It is afraid of the king's power. It gets scared when it sees His Highness. You see, everything is wrong, haha!"


For some reason, Dalek seemed to see an ellipsis coming out of the wand.

"Oh, there is no need to worry, His Highness Dalek. Although he occasionally makes false alarms, most of the time he is still reliable."

Is that so?

Perhaps because he was not happy to see Dalek, the priest suddenly concentrated his expression, and his eyes shot out a sharp light!

Dalek followed his gaze tremblingly.


A maid with curly red hair walked over, her thorny rose eyes lingering on him.

The cold hair of the Daleks immediately stood up and saluted her.

The maid came almost face to face with the priest.

"Dear Pastor, do you still recognize me?"

The priest looked at her blankly, lowering his head as if thinking hard.

Dalek looked at them nervously: Isn't it?

Your wand flashes with yellow light, priest!

After a brief silence, the pastor smiled awkwardly and politely.

"Of course I won't forget you, honey! We met in a tavern at sunset, right?"

The maid blinked: "We don't have vampire angels here, you know?"

"I must remember what my dear said."

She nodded with satisfaction, turned around and left.

The people in the palace were dumbfounded, their eyes dull. But Dalek had no time to care. He just raised an eyebrow and looked at the priest.

The latter was stunned for a moment and immediately regained his composure:

"Your Highness Dalek, your palace is really endless and it is an eye-opener for me. Please lead the way for me again."

ah? Have you been here?

Dalek helped the priest gradually walk away and couldn't help but look back.

That person happened to look over, with a snake-like smile on his lips.

Dalek turned back timidly.

"Come back and see how I deal with you." - Her eyes said this.

"Wherever my wand points, there is a monster!"

The priest was still enjoying himself, but suddenly thought something was wrong, turned around and flattered Dalek.

"Of course, except His Highness the Prince."

Dalek looked bored and had no hope for his level.

With him like this, I'm afraid he wouldn't even be able to knock off a hair on Devon's head.

"Your wand can shine on everyone, so how can you hit me?" he said angrily.

"Xiao Liang is happy, but Daliang is hurtful. It's normal, normal."


On their way to Devin Palace, they heard a message from the palace people from afar:

"His Majesty the King has arrived——"

"Father, why are you here?" Dalek bowed.

"Of course I'm here to watch the fun... Well, let's pay homage to the majesty of our great priest. Have you been to the Lick Palace?"

"Unfortunately, no trace of the vampire angel was found in the second prince's place." The priest quickly answered.

"Really? But the dead are all around there."

Dalek said hurriedly: "I think the vampire angels deliberately moved the corpses to raise suspicion."

The king stroked his beard: "It makes sense."

Dalek's expression lit up. He was rarely praised by his father.

"But the people who died were all people near your Lick Palace. Why did they come to Devin?" He changed the subject.

Dalek's heart shivered.

"Your Majesty, don't be anxious. When I point my wand, you can..." As soon as he finished speaking, the wand suddenly showed an unparalleled brilliance.

Just like what happened to Quintina just now.

Bai Qingxue appeared.

Dalek was frightened by its power and moved slightly back half a step.

He couldn't explain why, but he felt a "companion"-like aura from Bai Qingxue... Could it be that the princess was also forced to become a blood servant by Devin?

"Your Majesty, you have a lot of trouble with this priest. His wand shines brightly to everyone. If you don't believe me, just touch it." Bai Qingxue came up to him leisurely.

The priest was not convinced, and the king naturally touched it curiously.

It’s really yellow!

It’s also ridiculously yellow!

The king was furious, the priest was expelled, and the matter was settled.

"How did you do that?" After the crowd dispersed, Dalek couldn't help but ask Bai Qingxue.

Dalek knew full well that the wand was indeed useful, but it couldn't bring along his pig teammates.

Of course Bai Gengxue would not tell him.

She heard about the arrival of a priest early in the morning, so she sneaked into the team waiting for the king to wash his hands early, and the milk he used to wash his hands every day seeped into Devon's blood.

Naturally, it was she who encouraged the king to come and watch the show together.

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