White tea legend

Chapter 122 Measles

"It's okay." Miracle Doctor Lu Yu lovingly held Xiaobao in his arms and let him sit on his lap.

"I'm so sorry!" the child's father said to the miracle doctor Lu Yu.

"It's okay, I think you look a lot like an old friend of mine." Miracle Doctor Lu Yu looked at the man on the other side of the cave.

"Who is your old friend?"

"A friend who is good at treating water." Miracle Doctor Lu Yu said and sighed.

"Are you talking about my father, Immortal Lord Chong Bo?"

Unexpectedly, he met the son of Immortal Lord Chongbo in Tianlao.

"Are you Immortal Wenming?"

"I don't dare to accept it. I am just a prisoner of heaven." Wen Ming sighed.

Who would have thought that after thirteen years of exhausting sleep and food, he would end up being a prisoner.

Are you lucky that you were not executed like your father?

"I've long heard that Immortal Wenming cured the floods in the world and received a reward from heaven. How come... the reward is a prison cell?" Miracle Doctor Lu Yu was surprised.

Next door, Immortal Wenming sighed and said: "Tianjun said, the miracle doctor Lu Yu said that the great mother-in-law's compassion cannot be recovered unless the disaster in the world is completely resolved. Now I have seemingly cured the flood in the world. But the mother-in-law did not wake up, so Tianjun feels that the flood in the world will relapse sooner or later, and I have not succeeded in controlling the flood."

"So, it was this miracle doctor who harmed you."

Miracle doctor Lu Yu felt heavy in his heart.

"May I ask, which miracle doctor are you?"

"Heavenly Herb Garden, head of the grass department, miracle doctor Lu Yu."

Lu Yu announced his door, and the couple next door cheered in surprise.

"We have finally found you, Miracle Doctor Lu Yu."

So he told the miracle doctor Lu Yu that Bai Cha missed him.

Miracle doctor Lu Yu was so sad that he could not speak.

I haven’t seen that little tea tree spirit in person for a long, long time.

It's a pity that he is in jail and cannot get in touch with her Asazuki Ruge.

"Is the white tea okay?"

"I have been able to control floods these years, thanks to the White Tea Fairy."

Although Bai Cha has not yet become a fairy, in the minds of Wen Ming and his wife, she is kinder and more capable than the fairies in the sky. Wen Ming then tells how she has used the art of ice and snow in the world to help him control water and take good care of his wife. Tell me everything about your son in detail.

Lu Yu was moved and looked at the little boy in his arms, "So, that young lady also hugged you?"

He hugged the little boy tightly, hoping to feel some of the body temperature and breath from the white tea. …

Caibao Village.

The plague, like an invisible claw, invaded the peaceful village silently.

The sunshine in early summer should have shone on the carefree smiling faces of the children, but now, it shines ruthlessly on this land that is tortured by illness. In the village, the former laughter and laughter were replaced by suppressed moans and cries, and the infection among the children made the tragedy of this disaster even more shocking.

Xiaoli, a six-year-old girl, was originally a lively baby in the village. She was always chasing after butterflies, trying to touch the flying beauty with her immature fingers.

However, the plague swept through and she was the first to fall. On the hospital bed, Xiaoli's skin lost its usual rosiness and was replaced by a sickly pale color. Her eyes were sunken and she looked extremely tired. The high fever made her forehead as hot as a fried egg. The coughing sound was hoarse and frequent, and every cough seemed to use all the strength of the body.

Xiaoqiang next door is one year older than Xiaoli, and his situation is even worse. The plague not only robbed him of his vitality, but also left ugly sores on his legs. Xiaoqiang no longer had the energy to chase rabbits in the fields. He could only lie on the bed and stare blankly at the roof, as if thinking about why this misfortune would happen to him.

In another room, a group of young children huddled together, their cries mingling into a miserable song. One of the little boys, named Xiaojie, was huddled in the corner, holding his mother's handkerchief tightly in his hand. His tears had already soaked the cloth.

His mother lost her life in the plague, leaving Xiaojie to face this cruel world alone. His eyes were full of confusion and fear, not knowing what his future would be like.

Doctors were busy walking through the village, their faces full of exhaustion and helplessness. They were unable to provide adequate treatment for these children. All they can do is provide some comfort and companionship to the children in the final stages of their lives.

Every corner of the village is shrouded in the shadow of the plague, and the children's pain and despair have become unhealable wounds in the hearts of every family.

The helplessness of parents and the grief of relatives all seem so insignificant in the face of this disaster. They can only watch their children gradually wither under the torture of the disease, but they are unable to do anything.

As night falls, a sense of death fills the village. The occasional barking of dogs and the call of night birds seem to tell the tragedy of this land. The cold wind blows away, taking away the hustle and bustle of the day, but it cannot take away the sadness and fear of the future in people's hearts.

Bai Cha followed Lan Gu into the village, her ears filled with the cries of her parents.

"Another child was infected with the plague and died..." Lan Gu said to Bai Cha.

After a flood, a large amount of sewage, garbage and dead animal carcasses will enter the water source, causing the water quality to deteriorate. These pollutants contain viruses, and when people drink these contaminated water, they are easily infected with various diseases, such as cholera and dysentery.

Bai Cha understands this truth, but Lan Gu says it is not the truth.

"If you look carefully at the symptoms of these children, they are not the same as the plague after the flood."

At Lan Gu's prompting, Bai Cha's family checked on the children's condition: they saw many red spots on the children's skin. They spread out randomly and ruthlessly like small petals lightly scattered on her body by the wind. The spots quickly coalesced into large rashes, as if someone had applied a thick layer of cinnabar to their fragile skin. The originally smooth and delicate faces are now covered with pimples, which are connected together, making the children's faces look like they have been licked by hot flames.

Some children's rashes are raised, like countless tiny volcanoes erupting on the skin. These raised rashes merge with each other to form large lumps that are painful to touch and unbearable to look at. Some children can't help scratching, resulting in skin damage, and blood and oozing fluid make the wound more serious.

Not only the face and limbs, but also other parts of the children's bodies are not spared. Dense rashes cover their little bodies, turning what should be a season of free running and playing into a day of battling disease.

Their eyes revealed confusion and fear, and their little hearts were not ready to face such a heavy blow.

The entire village was enveloped in this invisible panic. The parents were distraught but unable to do anything, so they could only hope for help from the gods.

"The children have measles," said Lan Gu.


White tea just sounds familiar.

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