White tea legend

Chapter 118 3

In the royal study room of the Tiangong, Tianjun sat in front of a jade table inlaid with pearls and gems, reviewing the memorials of the immortal world with concentration.

The green smoke rising from the incense burner in the imperial study room surrounded the figure of Tianjun, making him look more solemn and solemn.

Tianjun wears a golden crown on his head and a brocade robe embroidered with dragon and phoenix patterns. His brows reveal an unquestionable majesty. A pair of wise eyes examines every document to ensure that the three realms are in order and everything coexists harmoniously. .

The bookshelves in the imperial study are lined up in rows, filled with various classics, recording the mysteries of heaven and earth and the wisdom of the heavenly kings of the past dynasties. Tianjun reads these ancient books from time to time in order to find the best plan for governing the three realms. His fingers gently slid across the yellowed pages, as if he were touching the veins of time.

Standing beside Tianjun are several civil servant fairies, holding pens and inkstones or scrolls, ready to record Tianjun's will at any time.

They have beautiful faces and gorgeous clothes, but in this solemn atmosphere, their expressions also look particularly solemn.

At this time, an immortal envoy dressed in white hurriedly walked into the imperial study, knelt on the ground, and reported an urgent matter in the world to the Lord of Heaven. After hearing this, Tianjun pondered for a moment and then wrote down his comments on the memorial. His movements were steady and powerful, showing his ease in controlling affairs within and outside the Three Realms.

Although the atmosphere in the imperial study is solemn, it is also peaceful and harmonious. The fairy birds outside the window danced gracefully, and melodious songs came from time to time, adding a bit of vitality to this sacred place.

As time passed, Tianjun finally finished handling the government affairs at hand. He breathed a sigh of relief, looked out the window at the peaceful heavenly scene, and secretly prayed for peace in the three realms.

These days seem a little boring.

Tianjun leaned on the throne, feeling a little confused.

At this time, there was a rush of footsteps outside the door, and Taibai Jinxing was seen walking in with a mysterious look on his face.

Taibai Jinxing was dressed in a white fairy robe, holding a fly whisk, and there was faint starlight behind her. He came to Tianjun and respectfully presented a beautifully decorated script. The cover of the storybook is inlaid with pearls and gems, shining with charming light, which is obviously extraordinary.

Seeing this, Tianjun raised his eyebrows slightly and took the script curiously. Taibai Jinxing's face was full of smiles, and her eyes shone with anticipation, as if she couldn't wait to see Tianjun read this treasure.

"what is this?"

Seeing Taibai Jinxing looking like offering a treasure, Tianjun asked curiously.

"Your Majesty, you will know after reading it. Just treat it as a way to kill boring time. The story book created by Fairy Yuanxiang was specially copied by the old fairy on the stone curtain in Tianhu."

Taibai Jinxing said, no longer disturbing Tianjun, and retreated.

Tianjun opened the storybook and wondered what story Fairy Yuanxiang had written this time. The story about the snail girl last time made Tianjun dumbfounded.

He is not the pedantic heavenly king in the story who asked the pure girl Jiuyou to come down to earth to wash hands and make soup for mortal Xie Duan.

This time, the protagonist in Fairy Yuanxiang's novel is a man. This man has a skill: water control.

The male protagonist is fully aware of the great responsibility he shoulders. He understands that only by completely subduing the flood can the people live and work in peace and contentment, the crops will be plentiful, and Kyushu will be strong. Therefore, he rushed between mountains and rivers day and night, regardless of his personal safety, and worked hard to plan a water control plan, so much so that he never entered his house three times.

When he passed by the house for the first time, he heard the cry of a baby. It turned out that his wife had a newborn baby. Although guilt and longing surged in the hero's heart, he did not stop. He just bowed silently in the direction of home and left in a hurry. He knows that his greatest wish is for all the lights to be safe. The second time, his wife stood outside the door, holding her babbling child in her hands, looking longingly at the passers-by on the road. The hero's heart was touched again, and his pace involuntarily slowed down. However, he still did not step into the house. He just bowed silently in front of his wife and turned around to continue his journey of water control.

The third time, the child was able to toddle on the ground, and the wife was much haggard. She stood in front of the door with her son, as if waiting for something. There were ripples in the hero's heart. He stopped and looked at his wife and children, his eyes full of reluctance and apology. But he knew he couldn't stay. He had more responsibilities to bear. So, he took a deep breath, bowed deeply in the direction of his wife and children, and then stepped forward firmly.

The three stories of "playing house but not entering" spread all over the world. People were all moved by the hero's noble moral character and firm will. They joined the flood control team one after another, followed the hero to dig ditches and fight against floods, just to wait until the river reaches the river. The rivers have returned to normal, farmland has regained its vitality, and people have regained their peace.

Tianjun closed the script, with a solemn expression on his face, and said to Xian'e: "Go and invite Prince Danzhu and His Highness Chonghua to meet me at Nantianmen."


Prince Danzhu and His Highness Chonghua came one after another. Outside the Nantian Gate, Tianjun was standing on the top of the rainbow, looking through the clouds and overlooking the earth.

Prince Danzhu and His Highness Chonghua came to Tianjun and looked down with him.

Their eyes were attracted by a busy and harmonious picture below. In the midst of the turbulent floods, a young man was leading the people to dig ditches and channels, fighting endlessly to control the overflowing rivers.

He took the lead, and his figure working in the mud looked extremely firm and majestic. Holding grass in his hand, he guided people to dig the land so that the river could be diverted and gradually form an orderly waterway.

The young man was not afraid of hardships and shared the joys and sorrows with the people. The sweat they shed together turned into seeds of hope, which took root and sprouted in that land ravaged by floods.

Every newly dug canal is a longing for a peaceful life in the future and an escape from the shackles of floods.

As time passed, the originally roaring river began to flow along the new river channel, and the once flooded Zeguo gradually turned into pieces of fertile land. Under the leadership of young people, people are changing their destiny with their own hands.

Prince Danzhu looked at that scene, his expression became more and more serious, and his eyes were filled with unhappiness. He knew that His Highness Chonghua was going to be praised.

Sure enough, I heard Tianjun ask His Highness Chonghua: "How long has it been since Wen Ming went to the human world to control floods?"

"Thirteen years." His Highness Chonghua replied.

"Thirteen is an ominous number." Prince Danzhu commented.

Tianjun understands what Prince Danzhu means. Prince Danzhu once went to study in the Western Heaven. In the West, there were thirteen people in the last supper of a certain god, one of whom was a traitor. Therefore, thirteen represents betrayal and misfortune, and is considered unlucky. number.

His Highness Chonghua said: "In our Eastern Heaven, thirteen is an auspicious number. The thirteen Buddhas represent wisdom and understanding, which means a life of peace. So Your Majesty, the disasters in the world have come to an end."

Tianjun nodded.

"The floods in the world can be completely controlled. Chonghua, you have meritorious service in recommending Wen Ming. You should be rewarded."

Tianjun's words made Prince Danzhu feel sour in his heart.

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