Yan Mo was dressed in women's clothing and her hair was loose, but her posture was not awkward.

But when he cried, Bei Sheng always found it a little funny.

He didn't hold back for a moment, and laughed out loud, but a cry followed immediately.

Happiness and pain suddenly went hand in hand. Yan Mo was sobbing and talking when he was so frightened that he even stopped sobbing.

He asked: "Why are you laughing?"

Bei Sheng was speechless. He covered his aching face and pointed at Yan Mo.

Yan Mo lowered his head and looked at himself. There was a pink pleated skirt hidden under the pink cloak, and a pair of huge embroidered cotton shoes under the skirt. He quickly understood what Bei Sheng was laughing at, and his expression darkened.

He threw the curtain hat to the ground angrily and said angrily: "Are you laughing at me? I came to Baoding just for you, the girl! Otherwise, I would have taken the money and gone to Jiangnan to be happy."

My worry turned into grievance, and I cried again, "Who am I doing this for? It was you, girl, who came up with the idea of ​​cheating and abducting me, but you are still laughing at me now?"

Bei Sheng had already waved his hand, suppressing the smile in his heart, saying that he would not laugh at him anymore.

The smile at the corner of his mouth was suppressed, but the smile in his eyes could not be suppressed. When Yan Mo raised his head, he could see clearly!

Yan Mo put his hands into his sleeves and turned away: "If I had known someone would save you, I wouldn't have come!"

Bei Sheng saw that there was paper and pen on the cabinet of his carriage, so he reached out and took it out, spread it on his lap and began to write. Yan Mo did not move, but he peeked sideways.

I saw her writing: "I am safe and sound. Let Aifeng take you to change clothes, and then send you back to Beijing."

Bei Sheng picked up the written words and showed them to Yan Mo. Yan Mo glared at her angrily and said, "This is not bad."

"By the way, I forgot something during the tea break." Yan Mo reached into his sleeves for a while and pulled out a letter, which he handed to Beisheng. "It was sent by someone from my Erya Hall. He said it was A woman came to buy tea and put this letter, but it was written on the envelope that you should receive it."

Beisheng took it and looked at it. Sure enough, the envelope said "Accepted by Miss Xu Er".

Beisheng had never seen this handwriting before. She couldn't think of anyone who would write a letter to her and send it to Erya Hall.

Opening the envelope, taking out the letter paper, he looked straight at the signature - it was Wen He!

Will she write to herself?

Bei Sheng was suspicious, and after reading the letter carefully, his heart skipped a beat.

Despite all the precautions, Ren Yuanzhi and Xiao Yi were not prevented from getting together!

Seeing Bei Sheng's expression getting darker and darker, Yan Mo couldn't help but ask, "What did the letter say?"

Bei Sheng handed the letter directly to Yan Mo to read. Yan Mo glanced at it twice and frowned, "Ren Yuanzhi? Isn't he from the second girl?"

Beisheng remained silent.

Ren Yuanzhi listened to Beisheng's advice and repaid Yan Mo's losses, so Yan Mo always thought that Ren Yuanzhi was Xu Beisheng's man.

Scanning the letter, Yan Mo clicked his tongue in surprise, "This Ren Yuanzhi is cruel. He even killed his maids and buried them in the garden. What else can't he do?"

Wen He said in the letter that her dowry maid had been missing for many days, and Qiu Lai discovered her body when she was loosening soil in the garden. She suspected Ren Yuanzhi of murder but had no evidence.

The letter said a lot about Ren Yuanzhi, and Beisheng didn't care about the rest. It was only his contact with Xiao Yi that made people worried.

It stands to reason that her various arrangements for Ren Yuanzhi have caused Ren Yuanzhi to be turned against Xiao Yi, and Xiao Yi will not trust Ren Yuanzhi.

Beisheng really couldn't figure out how Ren Yuanzhi got connected with Xiao Yi.

She took the letter out of Yan Mo's hand and hid it in her sleeve. With an ugly look on her face, she pointed to the car door to signal that she was leaving.

Yan Mo knew that she was in a bad mood, so as long as he made sure that she was safe, his worries would be over. He nodded, "Then we'll see you in the capital."

Beisheng let out a "hmm" in his throat and got out of the car.

From entering the post house to going upstairs, Bei Sheng kept thinking about one thing, and that was how to let Ren Yuan die.

This person has alienated intentions and cannot be used for his own purposes, so he can only die.

But she was in Baoding now, thousands of miles away from the capital, and could not hurt Ren Yuan at all.

When Lang Zhuo came back in the afternoon, the wind picked up and snow particles drifted.

When the carriage was stationary in front of the post house, O Feng had just sent Yan Mo off and picked up Lang Zhuo to go back with him. They talked about Yan Mo's visit to Bei Sheng.

He said: "I don't know what Yan Mo said to the girl. The girl didn't look well when she got off Yan Mo's carriage."

Lang Zhan's face was flat and he just said: "I'll go in and take a look."

Yan Mo and Bei Sheng were connected in business, but based on the fact that they earned Xiao Yi 600,000 snowflakes of silver, they shouldn't have a sad face when they met. Something else must have happened.

Lang Zhuo trotted upstairs, took off his cloak at the door and threw it into Ofeng's arms, saying: "You two wait outside the door, don't let anyone disturb you."


Qingyang and Onfeng stood like two door gods to the left and right of the door, holding their hands on the swords at their waists, looking domineering like people coming to block others and ghosts blocking ghosts.

Shu Tang heard the noise outside and knew that Lang Zhuo was back, so he thought about going out to greet him.

When the door opened, he happened to see this scene, and then he shrank back angrily.

"Don't disturb me?" She murmured and closed the door, feeling even more sour in her heart.

Who else is "other" in this post house? Isn't it her?

Looking at the snowflakes flying outside the window, Shu Tang felt completely cold.

The door to the room was pushed open. Bei Sheng was lying on the table, with the uninjured half of his face resting on his arm, motionless.

Lang Zhuo's eyes gradually turned cold, and he walked over and asked, "What happened?"

Bei Sheng gradually raised his head, and shed a tear as if absentmindedly, and rolled it down on the table.

There was such a long cut on her face, and she didn't even shed a tear when the doctor was sewing it up for her. Why on earth was she crying like this today?

Lang Zhuo looked tense and asked again: "What happened?"

Beisheng showed the letter to Lang Zhuo and said word by word: "Ren Yuanzhi must die!"

The wound hurt so much that she could only remember today's oath if she said the words out loud and the pain was so painful that her heart ached.

Lang Zhuo finished reading the letter and said expressionlessly: "How many other things have you done that I don't know about?"

For a moment, his heart was empty. Beisheng was like a box that could never be seen to the end. One day something unexpected would suddenly happen!

"Many, many, many." Bei Sheng said, "I have worked hard, and everything is for King Leping."

Lang Zhuo couldn't bear to ask, what purpose did she have for King Leping? She had gone to great lengths to make King Leping bankrupt. With her methods, it was clear that she could completely eliminate King Leping with a dose of poison.

He put the letter on his desk and finally couldn't help but ask: "Can you tell me why you hate King Leping so much?"

In an instant, the blood debt from the past life resurfaced before her eyes. The pain in Bei Sheng's heart was worse than the wounds on her face. She said, "Because Nan Yin, together with Xiao Yi, killed me." (End of Chapter)

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