Peng Lai was so young that he couldn't help being frightened. His legs were as weak as noodles and he collapsed on the ground. He seemed to have figured out why Ofeng wanted to kill him.

He said: "Shu Tang came to me in the afternoon and said that Mr. Lang did not want to touch her, and I was very happy. But she said that she wanted to win the trust of the king and Mr. Lang, and begged me to help her and let her lose her virginity. This would also allow her to lose her virginity. The king thought that she had served Mr. Lang and that he could make Mr. Lang trust her loyalty."

"But she is my most precious person, and I don't want to do something like this hastily. I have been waiting to get married to her in the capital in front of her sister, so I don't agree, but he begged me hard, begging me to give him She lost her virginity..."

Peng Lai was already in tears. He really didn't expect that Shu Tang would turn around and let him die.

Orfeng already understood why Lord Lang wanted to kill Peng Lai. Naturally, Lord Lang would not kill him because Peng Lai and Shu Tang had an affair, but he was worried that Peng Lai would kill him if he knew Shu Tang's true identity.

This is also true. Peng Lai knew that Shu Tang's sister was in the restaurant business in the capital, but he didn't know how many people knew about the relationship between Shu Tang and Bo Ran?

Orfeng suddenly put away the dagger, pulled Peng Lai up from the ground, and asked curiously: "Who else have you told about wanting to go to the capital?"

Peng Lai shook his head, suddenly remembered, and added: "I only talked to the boy playing the drum this afternoon, no one else."

Orfeng nodded with satisfaction. In an instant, there was a flash of cold light, and Peng Lai felt a cold and stinging pain in his neck. When he reached out to touch it, hot blood had already come out.

There was a gurgling sound in his throat, his eyes flickered as he stared at Ofeng, speechless.

He couldn't hold on for a moment before he fell to the ground.

However, Orfeng's body was clean. There was no trace of blood on his body or on the blade.

He ducked out, evaded the patrol, got back into the bedroom where the actor rested, and assassinated the child in his sleep.

The moment the blade cut across the child's throat, the child opened his eyes, but he couldn't make any sound, and his eyes were so blurred that he couldn't see who the shadow in front of him was.

It wasn't until his hot blood flowed to the side and the person sleeping next to him was woken up by the bloody wetness and screamed that everyone discovered that the child had been assassinated in his sleep.

Early the next morning, two corpses covered with white cloth were placed in front of Tuoba Lang. Both of them died with their throats cut.

Tuoba Lang was such a keen person. He immediately pinned the suspicion on Lang Zhuo, but there was no actual evidence.

After all, it was only two insignificant actors who died. Why did Lang Zhuo kill two actors?

Moreover, his people came to report that Shu Tang never came out after entering Lang Zhuo's door, and the laughter of men and women inside could be heard in the middle of the night.

Lang Zhuo is so lustful, how come he has time to kill people?

Lang Zhuo's people had heard that someone had died for no reason early in the morning, and they used this as an excuse to move out. Even if Tuoba Lang wanted to keep someone but had no evidence, he had no choice but to agree to let Lang Zhuo and his party move to Baoding Inn. .

Even though he was out of Tuoba Lang's direct surveillance, Lang Zhuo could no longer take it lightly. There was no guarantee that there would be spies of Tuoba Lang or King Leping in or around the station.

He had no intention of asking Ofeng why he wanted to kill one more person. Ofeng and Qingyang were loyal people who had followed him for many years. Ofeng had his own reasons for doing this.

But Shu Tang, who was in the same carriage, couldn't think of how to arrange it for a moment.

This girl was almost inseparable from him, and had to be inseparable. On the surface, he seems loyal, but there are always some things that are unclear.

The carriage drove to the inn and stopped downstairs. Shu Tang got off the carriage first. When Lang Zhuo got out of the carriage, she smiled like a flower and extended her hand. Lang Zhuo smiled, took her hand and stepped on the footstool to get out of the car, then hugged the beauty and walked upstairs.

Qingyang entered the room to bring food to Lang Zhuo and Shu Tang, only to see one huddled in front of the tea table, serving tea, and the other sitting in front of the book table, flipping through a book seriously.

When Lang Zhuo saw Qingyang coming in, he seemed to have seen the savior. He raised his eyebrows slightly, and Qingyang understood.

Qingyang said to Shu Tang: "We adults need to wash up, and the girl will go to the kitchen to prepare some bathing soup for you. Your Excellency is not in good health, and some medicinal materials will be added to the bathing soup. All the things are collected by Onfeng. I don't know if you ask him." , Your Majesty said you will do all these things from now on."

Originally, he and On Feng usually did these personal tasks, but Qingyang really couldn't find a suitable excuse to send Shu Tang away.

When Shu Tang heard that he would prepare the bathing soup for Lang Zhuo from now on, his cheeks immediately turned red. He nodded shyly and said to Lang Zhuo, "I'll go down and prepare it first."

Lang Zhuo's eyebrows flashed, and Shu Tang just took him as his acquiescence and quietly stepped out.

Qingyang was still a little worried, so he stuck his head out the door and saw that she had gone away. Then he retracted and closed the door and breathed a sigh of relief.

Lang Zhuo had a stern look on his face. The book in his hand covered half of his face, revealing only a pair of long, frowning eyebrows.

Qingyang said: "Sir, please don't be surprised. I saw that there was a sneaky person spying on us in this inn, so I had to ask Shu Tang to take care of your closeness to cover up the situation."

Lang Zhuo snorted coldly, put down the book, and said: "Shu Tang will be left to you and Ao Feng, just don't make people suspicious. Just tell me what's important."

Qingyang took a step closer and lowered his voice, "The people below came to report that King Leping purchased nearly a thousand horses from various places. They were all lively and vigorous when they were first bought, but within two or three days they all fell ill, and now some are dead. More than half, the rest will not survive long.”

Qingyang said with sweat on his forehead and said doubtfully: "I don't know who is so bold and has such unpredictable abilities. He collected so many sick horses at once and sold them all to King Leping."

Lang Zhuo instinctively thought, "Where is Beisheng? Is there any news about her recently?"

"Isn't Miss Xu Er at Mr. Yun's house, but there has been no news recently..." Qingyang gradually lowered his voice and suddenly said: "Sir, do you mean that Miss Xu Er was responsible for selling the troops and horses?"

Lang Zhuo's hand on the desk was slightly clenched into a fist, and he said nervously: "I just guessed that she can't do such a big thing by herself, there must be helpers."

After thinking for a moment, he said urgently: "Send two letters immediately, one to my master in Runing to inquire about the whereabouts of Beisheng, and the other to Puran to ask her to go to Erya Hall to inquire. Is Yan Mo still in the capital? Hurry!"

Qingyang was stunned for a moment as he listened. Isn't it a good thing that King Leping took in so many sick horses? Even if Miss Xu Er did it, so what?

Miss Xu Er cheated King Leping more than once or twice.

Lang Zhuo had already stood up, opened the door, and hurriedly walked out, adding: "Go and ask Ao Feng to come, and come with me to visit King Leping!"


Qingyang was in a hurry and was about to pick up a pen to write a letter. When he heard that the master was looking for Aifeng again, he put down the ink-stained pen and ran out in a hurry. (End of chapter)

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