At Mao hour, the sky was still dark.

There was another drizzle in the middle of last night, making the roads slippery.

The guards were waiting at the entrance of Duke An Guo's Mansion, and the three carriages had been waiting for a long time.

Lang Zhuo's motorcade was also waiting quietly in front.

He was wearing a dark purple robe and a thick orange cloak. He stood very brightly next to the carriage and watched Bei Sheng come out of the mansion and get on the carriage.

Xu Zhaoting and his wife went out to see him off. After seeing Lang Zhuo, they didn't dare to show off to others no matter how much they had objections to him.

After all, his daughter was traveling with him, and Lao Langzhuo had to take care of her on the way.

So Xu Zhaoting walked down the steps of the mansion, went to Lang Zhuo's side, and gave him a bottle of wine to keep him warm on the road.

Lang Zhuo accepted the wine flask and handed it to Ao Feng to put it away, and then said to Xu Zhaoting: "This trip, the junior is going to Shengle, and Beisheng is going to Runing to visit his uncle. How can the junior say that he and the father-in-law are relatives? By the way, I will send him to Bei. Sheng Yicheng is reasonable, sir, you don’t need to think too much.”

Xu Zhaoting was a little shocked, but after thinking about it for a moment, he understood the meaning of Lang Zhuo's words.

The palace's stated intention for Bei Sheng was not to allow her to run for the crown princess, but it was a secret intention to go to Baoding.

Now that Beisheng is leaving Beijing with Lang Zhuo, I don't know how many people will be surprised and criticized. Going to Runing to visit his uncle is an excellent reason.

Xu Zhaoting didn't say anything more and just watched him get on the carriage.

This time, Beisheng brought Lu Zhuwanyue and Yan Qingjingfan with him, and there were thirty guards accompanying him, all of whom were masters selected by Xu Zhaoting.

On Lang Zhuo's side, in addition to Aofeng and Qingyang following the carriage, there were more than ten of his own people, and more than twenty palace guards followed. The cart behind also contained a lot of goods for Sheng Sheng. A gift from the King of Music.

Five carriages, followed by dozens of people, walked majestically down the long street, staring at a layer of mist. They slowly left the city gate in the middle of the capital and headed north onto the official road.

Beisheng ate very little for breakfast and finished it with a box of snacks in his hands.

After eating the snacks, I felt thirsty again, and after drinking water, I felt bloated, so I lay down on the comfortable bench of the carriage and took a nap.

But as time went by, he felt bored again, so he called Lu Zhu and Wan Yue into the car to talk.

She usually didn't care about the affairs of the people in the house, but Lu Zhu and Wan Yue talked endlessly about which little maid fell in love with which male servant, which servant accidentally broke something and was scolded by Ye Zhi...

It took most of the day for the parents of dozens of families to finish their short talk. Beisheng felt drowsy after listening to it, and occasionally laughed out loud when he heard something funny.

Beisheng was laughing and talking, and after finishing gossiping about the family, the three of them sang and played chess, and the time passed quickly.

But Lang Zhuo was extremely bored there. He never chatted with On Feng and Qing Yang. He had brought many books to read on the road.

But reading for a long time is boring, not to mention the carriage is bumpy, and reading while shaking is not very comfortable.

Therefore, I don’t read books often.

The chatter and laughter in the car behind caused Lang Zhuo to lift the curtain and look back, muttering in his heart.

It had been five or six days since they left Beijing. Apart from meeting a few times when they got off the bus to rest and have meals, the two of them had not even had a chance to talk for a long time.

Lang Zhuo felt uneasy. Has Bei Sheng already abandoned him?

After knowing her for so long, he has never understood Xu Beisheng. He only vaguely felt that she was a crazy person like him.

The thoughts are deep and difficult to understand.

Sometimes she is reserved and restrained, sometimes she is flamboyant and frivolous, and she is completely unruly. Sometimes he is timid and timid, sometimes he is bold and has a barbaric spirit.

Lang Zhuo was not even sure which one was the real Xu Beisheng. But people are complex after all, and it makes sense that a person has thousands of sides. To this day, he still doesn't dare to be sure whether the medicinal soup that Beisheng fed into his mouth that night was really what she said. In the future, he would suffer from unbearable abdominal pain whenever he exerted force.

He just believed that Beisheng would not kill him, but if he wanted to torture and retaliate against him, Beisheng would definitely be able to do it.

After staring at the carriage behind him in confusion for a while, Lang Zhuo suddenly smiled evilly.

How effective is the medicine? Just find a chance to try it.

The sky has darkened outside the car, and there is a small county town not far ahead, where the troops plan to rest tonight.

The bright moon is in the sky, and there is a bit of coldness hidden in the night.

The motorcade stopped at the entrance of an inn, and dozens of people stayed here tonight.

They each ate in their rooms. Bei Sheng felt that after sitting down all day, the bones in his body were loose. As soon as he finished washing and was about to fall asleep, there was a knock on the door.

Qingyang said from outside: "Miss Xu Er, we adults have something to discuss with the girl in detail. Please ask the girl to come over."

Bei Sheng's eyebrows turned and he guessed what Lang Zhuo was planning.

After waiting for him for so many days, Lang Zhuo finally couldn't stand it anymore, but it was not enough.

Bei Sheng planned to continue to let him go, and gave Lu Zhu a wink to ask her to send him away. He took off his shoes, got on the bed and got into bed, planning to sleep comfortably.

Lu Zhu opened the door a small crack and said to Qingyang in a low voice: "Our girl has gone to bed. If Master Lang has something to do, please talk to the girl tomorrow morning."

I don't know if it was because of the hard journey, but Lang Zhuo had been in a moody mood these days. Qingyang and On Feng didn't dare to breathe loudly when talking to Lang Zhuo.

Xu Beisheng could not be invited, and Qingyang did not dare to talk to Lang Zhuo, but he also did not dare to force Xu Beisheng to get up and see Lang Zhuo.

He could only shrink his head and reply to Lang Zhuo.

Beisheng yawned, and just in time to doze off, there was another knock on the door.

This was the voice of Orfeng, who was very anxious: "Miss Xu Er, our master has a severe fever. Please go and have a look."

The sleepyhead was chased away. Bei Sheng felt angry and quickly opened the quilt and stood up. If he didn't go to see Lang Zhuo today, he might not be able to rest well.

Angrily, he put on a thick cloak and went out.

Lu Zhu and Wan Yue wanted to follow, but she raised her hand to stop them. If they followed, how could she deal with Lang Zhuo?

Bei Sheng lives on the third floor, and Lang Zhuo lives on the second floor. Bei Sheng and Lang Zhuo's guards are still taking turns keeping vigil in the corridor.

They were quite surprised when they saw Bei Sheng following Or Feng downstairs and into Lang Zhuo's room, but when Or Feng came out immediately and explained that Mr. Lang had a fever and was ill, and asked Xu Beisheng to go for diagnosis and treatment, everyone dispelled their doubts.

After all, Miss Xu Er and Master Lang had not exchanged a few words along the way. Even if Miss Xu Er entered Master Lang's room this time, no one would think anything bad about it.

As soon as the door opened, Lang Zhuo's eyes turned around and fell on Bei Sheng, staring at him eagerly.

Bei Sheng stared at him with a pair of black eyes and said calmly: "Didn't you say you were sick? How do I think you are in good spirits?"

Lang Zhuo's eyes flickered slightly, and he stood up and walked towards her.

He had finished washing and changed his clothes. He was now wearing a pure white coat, with his hair disheveled and a smile on his lips:

"If I didn't say I was sick, I'm afraid you wouldn't come."

As he spoke, he approached Bei Sheng and sniffed gently. The meridians in Bei Sheng's neck jumped.

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