When she got up the next day, Yang Qing asked Leng Yi, "What do you think about our move? Where should we move?"

Leng Yi nodded, "I've thought about it. If you are afraid of tsunamis, there is a place that is quite suitable. That place is deserted and full of unfinished buildings. I'm afraid you won't get used to it."

"What are you afraid of in an unfinished building? We can just decorate it ourselves at that time. We have so many things anyway." Yang Qing smiled, "By the way, speaking of this, we still have to find some decoration materials."

"My space has ready-made doors, windows, etc., but there is no cement, sand and gravel. If I need to use those for decoration, right?"

Leng Yi pondered, "It's unrealistic and we don't have the ability to decorate like a decoration company. It's okay to decorate the doors and windows ourselves, but it's good to find some decoration materials, which will be used in the future."

"Then we'll go later." Yang Qing said. Anyway, there is no flood now, and it is convenient to go anywhere with a car.

"Where is the place you mentioned?" Yang Qing asked.

The two of them left the room. Lu Lin was having breakfast. She got up early and saw that they didn't come out, so she didn't disturb them.

They came out and hurriedly invited them to have breakfast together.

"In Yunshan." Leng Yi continued, "I used to have a boss who was in the real estate business. He built a project in Yunshan to build a resort. But then the capital chain broke and the project didn't go forward."

"I've been there with the boss. It's located in a high place and may not be affected by the tsunami. Of course, I can't guarantee the specifics. After all, we don't know the extent of the tsunami."

"The environment there is quite good. They are all villas and have the same overall layout of the houses, but there are no decorations."

Yang Qing raised her long eyebrows slightly, "That's okay. We can just decorate it a little ourselves. We don't want to live there for a lifetime."

After breakfast, the two drove their motorcycles to various construction sites.

Some are half-built houses, some are ready for renovation, and some are unfinished.

The two of them scanned every construction site and still found a lot of good things.

Lime, cement, putty, steel bars, sandstone, red bricks, ceramic tiles, paint, wooden floors, and many toilets, bathtubs, washbasins, cabinets and various bathroom equipment that were not installed in the building.

The harvest is quite big.

The main official base is not built in Xia City, and people who go to the base to look for supplies have not found it here, otherwise these things may have been swept away long ago.

However, there are still a lot of materials piled on the first floor that have been soaked in water and are useless, which is a pity.

"These are enough for us." Yang Qing was very happy.

"More than that, is it enough to install half a building?" Leng Yi smiled, sweeping over each construction site, I didn't notice it when I collected it, but it was really a lot when I counted it.

The two of them didn't go home until evening. When they got to the corridor, they saw the mouse sitting there holding a box.

"Rat?" Yang Qing called.

"Sister, you are finally back." Mouse breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Yang Qing, "I heard that you took away the amphibious aircraft. I'm here to get the remaining vaccines."

Leng Yi frowned slightly, "Did anyone follow you when you came here?"

Mouse was startled, "Huh? There shouldn't be one, right?"

"But Sister Cai will give them the vaccine tomorrow. There are so many people under Sister Cai, they shouldn't know that I received it, right?" Mouse suddenly felt a little embarrassed, "Sister, should everything be okay?"

Yang Qing didn't know what to say. The mouse was unintentional. He had been here many times and was not vigilant.

"It's okay, I'll go upstairs and get the vaccine for you." Yang Qing said.

After loading the vaccine into the mouse, "Take a look."

The mouse took a look. He remembered that Sister Cai said there were four more vaccines, and the number was correct.

"Mouse, we are ready to move. Don't come here to see me again." Yang Qing said.

"Ah?" Mouse was shocked, "Sister, did I bring you trouble? I really didn't mean it."

Yang Qing smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. We had to move. But this time, I'm afraid of being noticed, so it's better to be cautious." "Sister..." Mouse felt very guilty, feeling that he had accidentally caused the harm. Sister Yang.

"It's okay. If I need anything from now on, I'll go to the department store to find you. I won't leave Xia Shi for the time being." Yang Qing laughed.

"Well, you must come to me if you need anything in the future. I will try my best to help you find it." Mouse pursed his lips. Yang Qing was the best sister he had ever met. Not only did she save his life, but she also helped It hurt him a lot.

If it weren't for her, he and his sister might not be able to continue working together in Cai Qin.

"Go ahead and be careful!" Yang Qing patted the mouse on the head. He was actually still a child.

When the two returned home, Leng Yi looked down with his binoculars and saw no suspicious characters for the time being.

"Let's pack up and prepare to leave tonight." Leng Yi said.

"Ah, so urgent? What happened?" Lu Lin was surprised.

"There's nothing wrong for the moment. I'm just afraid of being targeted in the future, so it's better to leave first." Yang Qing said.

After dinner, the three of them started packing their things.

Yang Qing put everything he could take into the space, and Leng Yi began to dismantle doors, windows, air conditioners and furniture. He took away everything he could without leaving anything behind.

Especially the doors and windows are made of explosion-proof materials specially customized by Yang Qing, which can also be used in Yunshan's villa in the future.

After demolishing these, Yang Qing asked Leng Yi to demolish the sunroom on the top floor as well. This might come in handy in the future.

"We're leaving. I'm going to tell Teacher Zhang." Yang Qing said.

After thinking for a while, they took out two rabbits from the space. These were brought by Teacher Zhang before changing the dressing, otherwise they would not be able to get so many little rabbits.

Yang Qing packed it in a cardboard box and knocked on the door of 601. Teacher Zhang opened the door.

"Teacher Zhang, we are moving tomorrow, and I will give you this pair of rabbits."

"Ah, you are moving?" Teacher Zhang was surprised. No wonder he heard the sound of ping-ping-pong-pong-pong-pong upstairs, and he didn't dare to ask. It turned out that he was moving things.

"Well, we want to change places. These rabbits are the same as the ones you gave me before. They are already so big. If you can, you can keep them. If you don't, you can eat them." Yang Qing said.

Teacher Zhang smiled and said the same thing when he gave the rabbit to Yang Qing.

"Thank you. I didn't expect you raised the rabbit so well. The little rabbit has grown so big." Teacher Zhang took it without refusing.

Yang Qing pursed her lips and thought about whether to tell Teacher Zhang about the tsunami. It was no longer safe to live here, but she didn't know what to say.

"Actually, I'm moving too." Teacher Zhang suddenly said.

"You want to move too? Where?" Yang Qing was surprised.

Teacher Zhang smiled and said, "We are going to the official base. Zhang Nian worked at the camp and got a few point cards that are just enough for us. We decided that it would be safer to go to the official base."

Yang Qing nodded, so there was no need to tell him about the tsunami, "When are you leaving?"

"It's only been a few days. I was thinking of telling you, but I didn't expect you to leave first." Teacher Zhang said with a smile, a little sad, "I don't know when we will see each other again after leaving."

"We will meet again if we are destined to," Yang Qing said, "Teacher Zhang, please wait for me for a while."

Yang Qing went upstairs and got a few bottles of mineral water and some bread, "Teacher Zhang, you can take these with you to eat on the way."

Teacher Zhang quickly declined, "How can I ask for your things? I have nothing to give you."

Yang Qing smiled and said, "Teacher Zhang, we don't lack this. You can take it. You still have children at home. It's delicious on the road. This journey may not be smooth, so you must be careful!"

Teacher Zhang was very moved, "You are too, you must take care of yourself!"

"You too!" Yang Qing nodded.

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