"Did things go smoothly yesterday? I see you brought back a lot of things?" Lu Lin asked.

"Well, we found the group, got the car back, and everything is there," Yang Qing said.

"That's good." Lu Lin nodded.

She knew that Yang Qing had space for many cars, but he only had one set of ice fishing drills and fishing nets, and they would be gone if they were lost.

Fortunately, they were all found.

After dinner, Leng Yi washed the dishes and saw a mouse coming from a distance through the glass window. He quickly put down the bowl, wiped his hands and went downstairs.

He didn't want Jiang Hao and the others to know about the deal with Mouse.

When Mouzi saw Leng Yi, he quickly called out, "Brother Yi, I'm just going to find you. Do you want to go out?"

"I saw you upstairs and came down. Did you find everything?" Leng Yi asked.

"Well, we already have the equipment for digging wells and pumping water, as well as harvesters and rice mills that you want, or should we send them to the same place?"

"Okay!" Leng Yi nodded, naturally he couldn't trade here.

"However, the harvester is a large machine, and I'm afraid your pickup truck won't be able to fit it in." Mouse reminded.

Leng Yi nodded, "We will find a way, just send it there."

"Also, the goods we trade with you cannot be told to anyone, including the people who live with us."

"In other words, besides me and you, Sister Yang, don't tell any third party about our transaction."

Mouse nodded quickly, "Brother Yi, don't worry, we will keep our customers' secrets secret. After all, in times like this, everyone is afraid of something going wrong."

"It's good that you know!" Leng Yi nodded, "You guys pull the goods over now. Your sister Yang and I will be there soon."

"Then today's machine is a large one. Sister Yang said before that we should give more..." Mouse smiled.

"No problem, your sister Yang will not treat you badly. Do you want Durex or fish?" Leng Yi asked.

"It's Durex, that stuff is very popular now." Mouse was a little embarrassed.

"Okay, we will bring it with you later. You can go over first." After Leng Yi said that, he turned and went upstairs.

After talking to Yang Qing, Yang Qing nodded, "I have a truck in my space. I will change into that one when I go out later."

The two changed their clothes, told Lu Lin, and drove away in the pickup truck.

When you get to a place where no one is around, you change into a truck and drive to the agreed-upon location.

Mouzi and Lin Zhen had already arrived. They were surprised to see Yang Qing and the others driving a truck. It would be great to have a pickup truck, but they actually have a truck?
It seems that their connections are no worse than Sister Cai's.

There were several people on Lin Zhen's side who helped move the harvester, rice mill and well-drilling equipment to Yang Qing's truck.

"Sister, do you think these things are good..." Mouse looked at Yang Qing longingly.

Yang Qing smiled and said, "As promised before, I will give you ten boxes of Durex for the large machines. The rice mill is not big, so just five boxes, and the well drilling machine will also have five boxes, a total of twenty boxes."

Her box contains eighteen pieces, and twenty boxes equals three hundred and sixty pieces, which is not a small amount. If you exchange grain, you can exchange it for several hundred kilograms.

Although their machines are valuable, in this period, no one wants them and they can only sell them as scraps, which are not as practical as Durex.

"Okay, sister, you have the final say!" Mouse had a smile on his face, and naturally he would not bargain if the price was too much.

"By the way, I still have a thousand catties of fish over there, and I'll trade them with you for a thousand catties of grain, and I want new rice." Yang Qing said again.

Mouse and Lin Zhen looked at each other and said, "Sister, a thousand kilograms of broken rice is fine, but new rice is not."

"Didn't I exchange the 500 catties of fish for 500 catties of rice seeds?" Yang Qing said.

"Sister, you also know that the rice seeds are inedible, and they are still in the shell. The rice is pure rice, not rice." Mouse said.

Yang Qing frowned, "The eight hundred kilograms of new rice cannot be left any less, or I will find someone else to replace it."

"No, sister, I'll give it to you instead. Eight hundred catties is eight hundred catties." Mouse said quickly.

Yang Qing has good things, but she can't lose her as a big customer because of this.

Yang Qing gave Durex to Mouse and asked them to leave first. He drove the truck in a circle to recover the space, and then drove the pickup truck back. When they got home, the two entered the space. Leng Yi immediately picked up the drilling equipment and prepared to drill a well.

The location was chosen at the front of a divided 100-acre field so that if there was water, it could be irrigated.

Yang Qing helped set up the well drilling equipment, brought electricity from the villa, and then started drilling.

Unexpectedly, the geology here is very soft and it is easy to hit it.

There will be water when you reach twenty meters.

The mouth of the well is only 40 centimeters. It is not a water well, so it is big enough.

Then use a water pump to put the water pipe down to draw water.

Leng Yi used a hoe to dig channels in the fields, so that it would be easier to irrigate the fields.

Yang Qing took this time to take out some rice seeds from the biological refrigerator on the cruise ship. She wanted to see if they could be cultivated.

Soak the seeds in water from a spiritual spring, and you should be careful when you only take a pound.

The survival rate will be higher by accelerating germination first and then sowing after germination.

Leng Yi took a break and saw Yang Qing soaking rice seeds and said, "Use the seeder directly without soaking."

"These are seeds I got from the research institute. The space conditions are good and I want to try to see if I can breed them myself," Yang Qing said.

Leng Yi nodded, "Okay, then I will set aside a special area for you to breed and take care of it."

"Okay!" Yang Qing smiled. She knew nothing about this and had to rely on Leng Yi.

"By the way, I don't have any living things here, so I can't rely on insects for pollination. Can the breeding be successful?"

"And those rice and fruit trees, can't they all grow?" Yang Qing suddenly remembered the disadvantages of space.

"Probably not. The vegetables you planted before... By the way, didn't the edamame grow too?"

"In addition, rice can actually be artificially pollinated." Leng Yi said with a smile.

"How to artificially pollinate?" Yang Qing was very curious. She had seen videos of some vegetable bloggers before. When there was no insect pollination, they would apply pollen from male flowers to female flowers, so that they could bear fruit.

But there are so many rice plants, how to pollinate them?

Leng Yi smiled, "You may not know if you have never grown rice. In fact, many in the countryside rely on artificial pollination, especially for breeding."

"When the rice blooms, two people hold a rope and stand at both ends of the field."

"Put the rope on the rice flowers and press it all the way. The pollen from the male flowers will fly up, and when it falls, it will fall on the female flowers. In this way, artificial pollination is completed."

Yang Qing suddenly realized, "So that's it."

People who have never lived in rural areas really don’t know.

"Some areas are very small. You can just sweep them with a long bamboo pole." Leng Yi added.

"Won't it break it?" Yang Qing asked.

"No, you don't have to use too much force. Just press lightly and sweep it over to let the pollen fly up." Leng Yi said.

Yang Qing nodded, "I have learned a lot."

"You can't soak seeds in water all the time, as they will rot. Once the seeds have fully absorbed the water, put them in a permeable bamboo basket, cover them with a cloth, and pour some water from time to time to maintain the humidity."

"The weather here is good, and they may sprout in a day or two."

"Oh!" Yang Qing nodded, I really don't know if I haven't done it before.

"Leave these to me, just wait for the harvest." Leng Yi smiled.

Then continue to dig the ditch, pump the water from the well and pour it down the ditch, and the water slowly flows into the ground.

One hundred acres of dry land became paddy fields.

In the next few days, apart from exchanging fish for food, the two of them went into the space whenever they had free time and planted a hundred acres of rice with a seeder.

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