"Why not?" the military advisor asked confidently.

Yes, why not? Of course it is a big deal!

"Then tell me how we can do it. As long as I'm 30% sure, I'll do it!" Yu Zhan was very excited, like a little mouse planning where to steal oil.

The military advisor paused and asked a little uncomfortably: "What if it's less than 30%?"

Yu Zhan's face fell instantly and he glared at the military advisor, "Not even 30%? Are you trying to make fun of me? Don't think that I am so powerful now that tigers are not afraid of group fights!"

After Yu Zhan finished speaking, he added a little bit unscrupulously, "Although I'm not afraid, this is not something that can be solved without being afraid!"

The military advisor snorted, "Just tell me whether you want to go or not?"

"go with!"

Now that you have decided to go, you must be prepared. No matter how certain you are, you will have hope if you do it.

"The purpose of our trip is not to dominate the apocalypse, but to take more initiative, understand?" Before departure, the military advisor reminded Yu Zhan, fearing that this person would disappear in a short time.

"Nonsense, if you don't want to dominate the apocalypse, why should I go out into this muddy water? Can't I just work hard on my own one-third of an acre?" Yu Zhan didn't listen to such words. It was of no use at all. "My goal is to dominate the apocalypse. , become the biggest overlord in the last days, let everyone listen to my words, and never dare to look down on us old Y again!"

To say that Yu Zhan had such a wish did not appear out of thin air, but was inspired by being looked down upon countless times since he was a child. As a gray organization with no national background, Lao Y especially does not like to talk about credit. It is really Not welcome anywhere.

In addition, Lao Y is a group of orphans. Many people ridicule them as an orphan army, a little trash that no one wants, a superfluous existence, and...

"Hmph! I will kill anyone who dares not to agree!" Yu Zhan didn't want to recall the past, she only had a glorious future in her eyes!

This was the first time Song Qingyan heard these words, and his heart suddenly softened. He felt that he still didn't know enough about Yu Zhan, "Well, I will help you investigate, and those who don't mean what they say will be killed."

Ever since he started dating Yu Zhan, Song Qingyan's outlook on life began to follow that of Yu Zhan. He did whatever Yu Zhan did, becoming increasingly unprincipled.

Yu Zhan looked at Song Qingyan with a somewhat complicated look. Well, it's not that big of a deal. If she wasn't convinced, she could really massacre the city!

At around two o'clock in the afternoon that day, Yu Zhan and her team arrived at the Beidu base. She brought more than 70 people with her, most of whom were old Y members, and only a few were new faces.

The motorcade stopped at the entrance of the car. The passage through the car was blocked by railings, so it was difficult for them to force their way through, so they decided to bow first and then fight.

"Where are you from? Do you have identification?" The soldier responsible for guarding the door ran over and asked with a serious and vigilant look.

Er Gouzi was in charge of the negotiations, and he even gave himself an official position, "I am the person in charge of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Y City. You can call me Brother Gou. The person in charge of your base invited our city lord to come as a guest. Now our city lord is here. Let him greet you."

Some people have a villainous temperament when they appear on stage, and write the word "cannon fodder" on their foreheads when they open their mouths. For example, our dog brother, we are definitely going to be slapped in the face.

"What kind of joke are you talking about? What qualifications do you people from a small base have to be greeted by the person in charge of our base?" The guard said with a straight face and scolded him with disdain. He didn't know that he had never heard of Base Y. Daimyo, I still really don’t take base Y seriously.

Ergouzi was confused. He turned back to Yu Zhan and asked, "Boss, isn't our old Y famous enough?" They leveled the Laoshan base, the New Humanity base, Lanying Mountain, and the plain. City, with so many brilliant achievements on display there, isn’t that enough to make people think they are awesome?

"It's been half a year, boss, we have worked hard for half a year and yet we are still looked down upon by a guard. This is all your fault!" Ergouzi immediately started to cry, with a look of grievance on his face. expression.

The corner of Yu Zhan's mouth twitched as he looked at the drama queen in front of him. She had never thought that Er Gouzi liked acting before, did she... Yu Zhan suddenly looked at Song Qingyan.

Song Qingyan was helpless and said bluntly: "What are you thinking about?"

Where does he find the time to teach others how to act? It's called self-taught without a teacher, it's called talent, it's called an actor!

"Whenever I want to write a script for you, let's see whose acting skills are better." Maybe it will be pretty good.

"Okay, as long as you're happy."

Ergouzi saw that the boss ignored him and only talked to his own man. He covered his heart sadly and said plaintively: "Boss, it's this time, why are you only talking about love? Your little brother I’m going to be bullied to death!”

Yu Zhan got an ice cube to hit Ergouzi, and went into the city properly. Why did it cause so much trouble?

"Ergou, get in the car, I'll take you in!"

"Okay!" Ergouzi jumped into the car in a few steps, and the team had already rushed out before he could sit firmly!

"Ah! Someone broke into the door!" Everyone exclaimed. No one expected that such an exciting scene would happen at the gate of Beidu Base.

Accompanied by the roar of the car, there was the sound of gunfire in the hands of the guards. After a brief panic, the other party quickly organized a counterattack.

Judging from the reaction speed of these guards, Beidu's military power is still relatively strong, but it is a little weaker than Lao Y in terms of strength.

In the past three months, Yu Zhan would study interesting combinations of powers when he had nothing to do, such as water with fire, light with darkness, healing with corrosion. Anyway, he would experiment with whatever came to his mind. A lot of interesting abilities were created.

Among these abilities, there are two abilities that are particularly suitable for this situation. One is bubble teleportation. The ability bubble is paired with the space system. As long as the person or object contained in the bubble can be manipulated by Yuzhan Teleport.

The other is a super defensive ability, the metal element, the earth element, plus the strengthening element. No matter what it is about to hit, it will not be you who gets hurt!

There was a loud bang, and the pole blocking the road flew away. This thing could still be of some use before the apocalypse, but after the apocalypse it would just be a nice-looking decoration, almost like a piece of paper.

To talk about the end of the world, in addition to survival, many innovations are also needed. Otherwise, the backwardness of any place will become an opportunity for people with supernatural powers to commit crimes.

"Hurry up and report it. It's said that people from base Y have invaded and we are asking for support!" The gatekeeper yelled angrily and a little panicked. He was still a squad leader.


...(End of chapter)

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