The further he walked, the colder he became. Yi Zhu could already feel the coldness still creeping into his skin, and the coat he had just made with Ka Neng was already as thin as silk. If he hadn't been there in time, Supplement, it can be gone with the wind the next moment.

Yi Zhu once again made a supplement to her outer shirt, resisting the coldness, and her body temperature increased.

Yi Zhu kept walking forward until she reached the end, when she saw a picture that puzzled her.

Right in front of where she was standing was a cliff. Standing at the cliff and looking down, she could see a large square stone pier. The exact size of it was uncertain, but it must have exceeded several thousand meters. Because she could only see one side of the big stone pier from where she stood.

Yi Zhu wasn't sure if it was said to be square, but on the side she saw at the moment, the two corners extending out were indeed very square.

Of course, if it was just a big stone pier, Yi Zhu would not be particularly confused. But next to the big stone pier, there was a long channel about one meter wide that went out along the stone wall.

If I guessed correctly, the red liquid flowing inside the stone wall should be blood.

How much life would it take to sacrifice such a large amount of blood?
Soon Yi Zhu's doubts were answered. As she flew down, she saw a scene that made her shiver.

I saw a line of various strange beasts lining up in the distance, one after another rushing to jump into a deep pit of a hundred meters square blood pool.

The entrance of this blood pool is like a large man-made meat grinder. Before the strange beasts lined up fall into the blood pool, they were squeezed into blood foam by this meat grinder.

No wonder there is so much blood to circulate, and there are probably tens of thousands of strange beasts waiting in line to die.

Yi Zhu felt something was not right. Just when she was hesitating whether to move forward to continue checking or to go back the same way, Li He on her shoulder was very excited.

He absorbed the blood curse last time, and the red threads on his body were faintly shining at this moment.

Li He's voice in Yi Zhu's card book was almost making a noise.

Keep walking, keep walking.

This place helps me.

Left left, walk fast, walk fast.

In addition, she was indeed very curious, so in the end, Yi Zhu decided to continue exploring along this route.

Yi Zhu carefully hid her figure while surrounding the huge stone pillar to see what was on the other side.

Yi Zhu, carrying the Li He doll on his shoulders, walked along one side of the stone pier for almost half an hour, and finally the other side of the stone pier came into view.

Such a big sculpture?

Looking at the other side with the sculpture of the alien beast, Yi Zhu confirmed that this was the front of this huge stone pier.

Yi Zhu counted and found that nineteen giant sculptures of strange beasts were evenly distributed. The sculpture in the center was twice as big as the other sculptures, and its crouching front legs were like arches. Could this be a stone pier? The entrance?

The blood of the red canal surrounding the outer edge of the stone pier also seemed to have an end. The blood canal was divided into several branches on the left and right ends of the side that came to the front of the stone pier, supplying the nineteen people in an orderly manner. Sculptures of exotic animals guarding the facade. Yi Zhu looked at the nineteen sculptures carefully, but what made her very puzzled was that these nineteen sculptures of alien beasts were indeed very lifelike. Because after staring at them for a long time, she could even feel that her own consciousness would be sucked in. generally.

However, the strange thing is, why has such a powerful alien beast never appeared in human history books or the encyclopedia of alien beast species?

The discomfort in Yi Zhu's heart increased again.

The war between humans and alien beasts has existed for thousands of years. During these thousands of years of confrontation, the types of alien beasts have been almost wiped out by today's humans. Not to mention such powerful alien beasts. Some low-level exotic beasts are carefully divided into delicious and unpalatable ones.

There were too many special situations that occurred during this period. Since the last time Asan Kingdom was invaded by unknown 'Malu Alien Beasts' and 'Ox and Horse Alien Beasts', this is the third time she has seen alien species that did not appear in the textbooks. Alien beasts, although they are still just sculptures, since they can appear here, it means that there must be traces.

While Yi Zhu was still thinking about how to enter this stone pier, Li He, who had already lost his patience, began to jump directly into the blood pool at the bottom of the nineteen statues from left to right, as if there was something pure. The power can be absorbed by him.

At first, Yi Zhu was worried that Li Hesan would absorb two things, but he should not touch the hidden mechanism.

But after seeing Li He absorb the blood pool of the huge statue on the far left, with ulcerated skin, green flames flashing on its eyes, and sharp fangs in its bloody mouth, there was no one at the scene. After any strange changes occurred, Yi Zhu relaxed a little.

Li He began to absorb the blood pool of the second sculpture. I don't know if it was due to the replenishment of energy from a similar source. This time it absorbed the blood pool more than ten minutes faster than the first time.

After absorbing three, Li He returned to Yi Zhu's shoulders.

If it hadn't been seen with the naked eye that Li He was not contaminated by blood, Yi Zhu would have almost kicked the burping puppet Li He away.

Li He, who was full, muttered.

[Stone veins, flowing water, springs dripping with sand, ghost lamps like paint dotted with pine flowers. 】

In the past, this skill could only be used against cards and enemies, but Li He's skill, which had just absorbed the supply of blood channels, once again underwent a slight change. This skill, which drags all environments into supernatural beings, can actually be used to hide.

After being dragged into the supernatural environment, Yi Zhu found that she seemed to have no warmth. At this moment, she seemed to be integrated with the surrounding environment, as if she was a member of this cold environment.

After Li He's energy was replenished, he stopped jumping and continued to explore this mysterious area, and even gave a reminder that it was dangerous here.

Yi Zhu originally thought that she might as well see if she could enter this stone pier, but suddenly the door of the huge statue in the middle suddenly opened. Yi Zhu only took a look inside. He gave up the idea completely, turned around and left without any hesitation.

Just when she saw it, what came into view inside the stone pier was a huge foot that was half broken.

How big is this foot? What is the concept of half a foot that is close to two to three hundred meters?
This means that the owner of this foot is over two thousand meters tall.

In Yi Zhu's mind, the last time he saw such a huge hand was when Monkey King was pressed against the Wuzhi Mountain.

Yi Zhu realized at this moment that the stone pillar was not done well, and it was probably more like the bed of the giant beast inside.

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