Meng Tan was helped to the kitchen by his filial sons.

Looking at the blood-soaked area on her waist, the three of them felt extremely distressed. Chen Changan even wanted to wipe her wound, but Meng Tan pushed him away in disgust.

[As for your hands and feet, don’t open the wound for me. I’ll do it myself. ]
Fortunately, the wound was not adhered to the clothes, but when it was opened, some flesh and blood still appeared.

Meng Tan gritted his teeth and shook them. When he washed them with salt water, the pain made his teeth itchy. His whole body went blank for a moment and curled up into a pile.

I can't imagine how painful Cui Ping was.

Seeing pain and experiencing it yourself are two different things.

Meng Tan's nose twitched, her eyes were wet and painful, and she missed the old magician.

Although the old magic stick scolded her all the time, he would hold her in his arms and comfort her when she was sick or injured.

"Mom, don't be afraid. Let's drink the medicine. The wound will heal in a few days and it won't hurt anymore."

Chen Changyun squatted in front of her, his eyes full of distress and his coaxing tone made Meng Tan couldn't help but smile, touched the young man's head, took the medicine and drank it in one gulp.

It’s so bitter.

[It doesn’t hurt. You are also tired. Go back to sleep. ]
"No, let's stay with Mr. Cui while Mom goes to sleep in the sisters' room." Chen Changyun grunted, looking down at Meng Tan.

[If someone comes to my house tomorrow, I have to pretend to be sick. If you want to protect me from others outside, just say that I have an old injury and it’s hard to see people. Mom, I have to rely on you, so I have to sleep on my own. in the house. ]
Hearing this, Chen Changan and the others stopped talking.

Meng Tan pursed her lips and added.

[Make a bed for me next to Master Cui. ]
The three brothers breathed a sigh of relief visibly.

Then they all went to Bao Zhuoyue's room and moved a bed to Meng Tan's room.

Before leaving, Chen Changan looked at Meng Tan and said earnestly, "Mother... remember to call us if anything happens. If... a woman should be more reserved. As a man, if he is not polite, he is not a good man."

Meng Tan was surprised, but then relieved. She had discussed these issues with Chen Changan from the beginning. Chen Changan was not a stickler for rules, but someone who understood flexibility. He also knew how to do things that were good for the entire Chen family and good for himself. .

[I know, go ahead. ]
The surrounding area became quiet, and under the dim light, Meng Tan's eyes fell on Cui Ping's abnormally red face, and he reached out to reach up.


The inevitable happened anyway.

Meng Tan sighed, resigned to his fate and went out to fetch water in the dark. When he came back, he gave Cui Ping a cold compress on his forehead, opened his collar and wiped his armpits and chest.

The feel of Cui Ping's chest was not as good as expected. It was hard, with not even a few ounces of flesh, and the ribs could be vaguely touched.

[Tsk, Cui Ping, Cui Ping, do you think we are even? You give me the turtle shell, and I give you a life. Tell me, how do you want to pay me back? ]
[Hey, actually speaking of it, I should be the one who owes you. Although I don’t know why you became like this, you must have something to do with me. It’s a bad fate. ]
[In my last life, we might have had a grudge. In this life, whatever you owe me and I owe you, I might be repaying debts. ]
Meng Tan thought about it, and felt Cui Ping's body temperature in the middle of the night. After finally feeling that it had dropped, Meng Tan climbed into his bed and fell asleep.

It was a dreamless night, except for the occasional pain in my waist, which was a sweet sleep.

She was awakened by the sound of an argument.

Meng Tan was stunned for two seconds and heard the woman's voice.

"Chen Jiasanlang, I made an agreement with my third uncle that I would feed the livestock here for a month, but I still haven't been given all the food."

"Three men in your family have to leave the hospital, and Aunt Meng is the only one left. How can you do such a rough job? Why don't you give me some coarse food, and I will do the work for your family."

"No, my three brothers are back. Who told you that we are leaving? My brothers have to stay at home. My mother has an old injury, so I need you as a woman to work in my house. , tomorrow the rumors in the village will be flying all over the sky." Chen Changyun was not polite at all, and stood at the door with his strong body, blocking the road.

If it were normal, Luo Tao'er would just stick to it, and it would be fine to rely on it directly. Now, Sanlang of the Chen family is the most popular person in the village. Several families with daughters in the Liu family have secretly inquired about Chen San's uncle. Ask Uncle Chen San to block her back.

After Chen Fugui died, she also thought about it, but Aunt Meng said that she had a boy in her belly, and this was her child. She didn't want to ruin her reputation and bring harm to the child.

But now she has neither food nor money. The money from embroidery comes too slowly, and no one in the village takes her to the town. She dares not go alone, so she can't get any work.

But the child in her belly was getting bigger day by day, and she had to eat better so that the child could grow well.

Luo Taoer's eyes suddenly filled with tears, "This is what we agreed to, and your family can't go back on it. The worst is that I will wear a veil when I work."

Chen Changyun didn't accept this trick. He was an experienced man, so he wouldn't let a woman be deceived by these tricks again.

"No, No, this small bag of grain is worth all the hard work you have put in these days. My family is not unreasonable. It's just that there are many boys in my family. You, a woman, are not easy to treat. I heard that you are pregnant, so I'd better come back soon." Come home."

Luo Taoer took the bag of grain and tears fell from her eyes.

It's really hard to live, it's better to be shameless and still survive.

Luo Taoer bit her lip and suddenly fell back, crying loudly, "Chen Jiasanlang, how could you push someone away?!"

There seemed to be some charge horn heard next door, the fence door clicked open, and a figure came out with a wiggle.

It was Da Meng who fell into the manure pit a few days ago.

"Hey, Sanlang, at such a young age, why are you still bullying Chen Fugui's widow?"

This drama is just like a negotiation.

Chen Changyun's eyes widened and his chest heaved with anger.

He shouldn't be soft-hearted!

He shouldn't be soft-hearted towards women!
"Fart, who pushed you, Luo Shi, you have to provide evidence when you speak!"

"Oh, Sanlang, then Luo Shi is pregnant with a child. If you push her, if the child is not good, it will be a big deal."

Dameng's words seemed to be a reminder to Luo Tao'er, who burst into tears immediately.


Seeing that Luo Tao'er was about to pounce, Chen Changyun hurriedly stepped back, fearing that he would be touched a little. His heart was pounding, and the fear of being plotted by a woman came over him again.

Chen Changyun had goosebumps all over his body and shouted towards the backyard, "Big brother! Second brother!"

He didn't have the nerve to shout this.

It's a pity that his eldest and second brothers didn't call over, but my mother's door opened.

Chen Changyun's heart skipped a beat and he rushed over to greet her, "Mom, your injury hasn't healed yet. Why did you come out?"

After saying that, he glanced at the door of the main room again.

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