Before looking for Cui Ping, Meng Tan looked for yellow paper despite her sleepiness, folded a peace talisman, and added a secret method to it. This was taught to her by the old magic stick. It was said to be the secret method of Miao territory, which was quite taboo, so Zhengzheng said When her family members saw it, they would have to say something evil about her and ask her to use it less.

Meng Tan felt that she was a person who respected her teachers and had no formal use of the steps after learning them. But when she used them today, she found that the old magician's habit of only speaking half of his words was really deceiving, and she felt numb.

This hemp is not that hemp.

Her mind was numb, as if something had seized her body. After clicking the last step, she couldn't move. Her eyes were open, but what she saw was completely white. The surroundings were cold and there was a rustling sound under her feet.

It seemed, like the sound of many insects crawling by, or like the sound of raindrops falling.

In short, the feeling is not good, as if a ghost has possessed me.

After a while, Meng Tan returned to normal before her eyes. There was a lot of sweat on her back and forehead, and she almost fell to the ground when she moved.

This way is harmful to God.

Meng Tan was a little scared, but then calmed down. After feeling strong in his limbs, he picked up this precious golden amulet.

[Cui Ping, Cui Ping, you really owe me Dafa. ]

After getting up and going out, Meng Tan found Tian Yunxiang, who was taking care of the neighbor's confession ceremony, and pointed to the door to indicate that he was going out.

Tian Yunxiang thought for a moment, understood and then disapproved, "Mom, your injury is not fully healed yet."

Meng Tan waved his hand and lifted up his clothes, revealing the scabbed wound.

Tian Yunxiang quickly pulled off Meng Tan's clothes and frowned, "Mom, no, it's grown on the outside, but I don't know if it's grown on the inside."

Meng Tan waved his hand again, with a worried look on his face, "Oh, why aren't the two apprentices nearby?"

"Is your mother in a hurry?" Tian Yunxiang asked again, and Meng Tan nodded.

"Then I'll go with my mother." Tian Yunxiang washed her hands, went out and called out, "Bao Zhuoyue——"

The two sisters soon appeared. When Meng Tan saw the yellow talismans on their hands, he knew that they were learning the Bagua formula.

On the second day after they moved in, she tested the two of them on their homework and memorized them all. Then she taught them the basics, asking them to memorize the connection between gossip and nature and learn to read.

It's hard for these two little girls. There are so many things going on these days. They can memorize the formulas, recognize the words, and the Wu Qin Opera is also decent.

Now I have a new task, and I know how to learn it.

It’s so worry-free.

Meng Tan thought happily that this was much less worrying than before.

Although it might be because she was injured.

"Second sister-in-law, what's wrong?" the two sisters looked up and asked.

"My mother and I have something to do when we go out. You two should close the door at home and don't open the door to outsiders. We will be back soon."

The two sisters looked at Meng Tan, who had a serious face.

[My mother is going to the Yamen this time, so she won’t do anything. You two should study hard at home. I’ll check you out when you come back. ]

"Oh, second sister-in-law, I want to go to the Yamen. I don't know how far we are from the Yamen. If it's far, why not call a donkey cart?"

Baoyue was a little disappointed. The things she had seen with her mother these days were more than they had seen in a year in the country, no, more than many people had seen in a lifetime.

But then I thought about it, the second sister-in-law definitely didn’t know where my mother wanted to go, so she was sensible and helped her.

"Yamen?" Tian Yunxiang pursed her lips and glanced at Meng Tan, thinking about how her eldest brother was angry at Erlang last time. Erlang told her not to think too much about her mother-in-law and Master Cui, and not to interfere.

She didn't ask, but her eyes did. I really want to know, my mother-in-law doesn’t seem to be a fairy, so how can she be so capable of establishing a relationship with Mr. Cui?

Tian Yunxiang didn't quite believe that he was a friend.

Meng Tan's head was full of doubts. Her daughter-in-law looked at her with such a gossipy look. Did she have some gossip that she didn't know about?

"Well, it's a bit far to go to the Yamen. The Yamen is to the east of Changhe Town. We are in the south. I'll call the donkey cart."

But the daughter-in-law didn't ask. She bit her lip and ran away with the corners of her mouth raised.

Meng Tan felt that Tian Yunxiang must want to read gossip. No, not long after she was home, a donkey brayed outside the door. It sounded like a good-tempered donkey.

Tian Yunxiang came in with a smile on her face, "Mom, the donkey cart has arrived, can you get on it?"

Meng Tan got into the car. The donkey was indeed not a good-tempered one. The owner fed it several times with grass before he was willing to continue walking.

After getting off the car, Tian Yunxiang wanted to give money, but was pushed back by the car owner, "This donkey and I are new to the road. I am used to it. It has been bumpy for a long time. How can I have the nerve to ask for money?"

Hearing this, Meng Tan looked at the man with confusion in her eyes. She didn't say who she was.

"How do you know that my mother is a great immortal?" Tian Yunxiang looked defensive, especially those who had the intention to keep an eye on her family.

The man hurriedly waved his hands, "Hey, don't be afraid, you two. I know it because there were two fights in the alley. The government officials were patrolling nearby and no one was allowed to come near and disturb you. I only found out. Besides, my daughter and youngest son are you." The one who was rescued... I really didn't prepare anything today. If I had known I would meet the Great Immortal today, I would have prepared something. I, I will kowtow to the Great Immortal!"

After saying that, the man knelt down quickly. Meng Tan quickly stopped him, waved his hand and made a mouth gesture: "Don't thank me, it's not me."

The younger son may be her, but the daughter is definitely not her. I don’t know how the words were spread, but Cui Ping could definitely hear it, but he didn’t stop the rumors.

What on earth does this man want to do?

The man's eyes immediately turned red, "The Great Immortal is indeed as kind-hearted as the rumors say, but I must knock this end, otherwise I don't know what kind of misfortune my innocent daughter will suffer, and what will happen to my younger son. Are you trying to save me?" You can bear it if you kill my whole family!"

Meng Tan was touched and did not stop him.

The man kowtowed sincerely twice, and then Meng Tan forced the money into his arms and sent him away.

Meng Tan didn't look back until the man was far away.

There is a sense of joy in this heart, which is the feeling of the soul being cleansed.

Even though she helped people in her previous life, she didn't have such a state of mind. Nowadays, everyone has seen more and knows more. At most, she only has sincerity. She just does more good deeds for her own practice.

And this man looked at her as if he were a god.

Full of trust, full of respect.

Ah... Meng Tan, you are powerful. This is what you want.

Despite this, the corners of Meng Tan's mouth still rose.

Cultivation of the Tao also involves cultivating the mind. The Patriarch did not say what kind of mind it is. If you can attain the Tao, it is enough. Why do you need so many rules?

"Mother?" Tian Yunxiang called.

Meng Tan came back to his senses and looked at the county government office not far away, where Hetian Yunxiang passed hand in hand.

When he arrived at the back gate of the county government office and asked the gatekeeper, he found out that Cui Ping had gone to Jinle and had not returned yet.

Meng Tan's heart sank. He didn't know whether the things in the dream happened on the way back or on the way out.

She took out the amulet and gave it to Menzi, saying that she must give it to Cui Ping when he comes back.

At this point, it took a lot of effort to let the disciple understand what it meant.

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