Newlywed in 1980s: She became rich after marrying the factory director

Chapter 154 Chapter 154: Zhang Yi records Jiang Kai’s actions after the shattered reality

"This person is so strange. Fortunately, he woke up early, otherwise he would have been kissed and I wouldn't know what he was thinking. He is obviously a student, so why can't he study hard? There must be a cycle of gradual progress when falling in love. Slowly It’s a slow process to get to know each other, isn’t it? How can we kiss each other all at once?”

Under the spring sunshine, cherry blossom petals flutter lightly, exuding a romantic atmosphere. Liu Yan sat under the cherry blossom tree, immersed in sleep. However, the dream was full of terror and uneasiness, causing her to wake up suddenly. Her heartbeat was beating like a drum, and the fear of the dream made it impossible for her to immediately distinguish between reality and illusion. At this moment, Jiang Kai's appearance panicked her, and she couldn't even understand the source of her fear.

She looked at the textbooks scattered on the ground in panic, picked them up in a hurry, and left quickly. She didn't slow down until Jiang Kai could no longer be seen. Hiding in a dark corner of the campus, she was alone, resting her feet against the wall. Her breathing was rapid, her cheeks were red, and her heart was still beating fast. These are not caused by running, but by shyness. That boy named Jiang Kai is so handsome.

She couldn't help but picture Jiang Kai's appearance in her mind, and her heart was racing. She covered her lips, imagining how wonderful it would be if this boy became her boyfriend. She even thought about their future. Even if her academic performance was poor and her family was poor, she was willing to give everything for him. She imagined them living together, working hard on their family, and even thought about naming the child.

When she thought of this, she couldn't help but cover her hot cheeks and scream. Fortunately there weren't many people around, otherwise she would have felt extremely embarrassed and even dropped out of school. She was such a contradictory girl, but because of these romantic fantasies, she began to pay attention to the man named Jiang Kai.

Unexpectedly, after studying in school for several years, she discovered that Jiang Kai was in the same grade and the same class as her - the top class. It was only because he was withdrawn and difficult to approach that she never noticed his existence. Now, when the class bell rang, she returned to her seat. She wanted to take a sneak look at Jiang Kai, but she didn't expect to meet his eyes. He also waved to her and said hello with a smile.

She immediately blushed and her heart started to beat, and her head felt as hot as a kettle. The girls who liked Jiang Kai noticed Liu Yan's existence and gritted their teeth and felt jealous. They decided to punish Liu Yan and make her quit.

Liu Yan spent the whole day uneasy. During recess, the girls who liked Jiang Kai began to provoke her, making her attract more attention in the class. They deliberately talked loudly about Jiang Kai's merits in front of her and belittled her own value. Liu Yan was in pain, but she always kept silent. She was well aware of the gap between herself and Jiang Kai, and couldn't help but worry about the future.

However, just when she fell into despair, Jiang Kai suddenly stood up. He defended Liu Yan and accused the girls of their fault. He spoke sharply and refuted their malicious remarks one by one. The girls were speechless and had no choice but to leave angrily.

Liu Yan looked at Jiang Kai in surprise, she didn't expect him to defend her. The gratitude in her heart was beyond words, but she still lowered her head, not daring to meet his eyes. She could feel the warmth he conveyed, which was a kind of firm support that gave her courage.

In the days that followed, Liu Yan's life began to change. Jiang Kai became her friend. They went to class together, after school together, and studied in the library together. Liu Yan's heart was filled with happiness, and those worries and fears gradually dissipated. Jiang Kai's company made her feel an unprecedented sense of security. She knew that she had fallen in love with this brave boy.

The spring cherry blossom petals continue to flutter, and the story of Liu Yan and Jiang Kai continues. They spent their youth together, supporting each other and growing together. In the days to come, they may encounter more difficulties and challenges, but as long as they have the power of love, they will be able to move forward bravely and write their own beautiful chapter.

However, the girls who were kicked out were still full of unwillingness and felt that they had been treated unfairly. They hid in a corner of the stairwell, with no one around, and began to secretly discuss how to take revenge on Liu Yan without being discovered. They discussed many plans, including how to pour water on Liu Yan in the toilet without being discovered, how to accidentally spill hot coffee on her body, or inadvertently make her trip, or how to go down the stairs. When he accidentally hit her, she rolled to the ground. As long as they acted quickly, Liu Yan would not be able to determine who did it. As long as they don't act in Jiang Kai's presence, he won't be able to find out who did it, so they can escape responsibility. This plan seemed perfect, and they felt that as long as they were executed carefully, they could successfully evade Jiang Kai's pursuit.

So they began to implement the plan in secret. They look around campus for suitable opportunities and locations. They waited for Liu Yan to be alone, and then took the opportunity to act. They cooperate with each other and have a clear division of labor. Some are responsible for creating chaos, some are responsible for misleading Liu Yan, and some are responsible for carrying out revenge actions. They carried out the plan carefully and achieved their goals step by step.

However, these plans did not go as smoothly as they expected. During the implementation process, they encountered a series of problems. First of all, they found that it was not easy to find Liu Yan alone on a crowded campus. She could always detect their movements in advance. Secondly, when they carry out revenge actions, they are always accidentally discovered or captured by cameras. These accidents made them panic and uneasy, and they realized that this plan might not be as perfect as they imagined.

Despite the difficulties, they did not give up. Instead, they began to adjust their strategies and try to retaliate in more cautious ways. They began to cause chaos in class, deliberately interrupting Liu Yan's study, or deliberately bumping into her during recess, causing her to fall. Although these actions did not cause serious harm to Liu Yan, they felt that they could at least make Liu Yan feel their anger and dissatisfaction.

However, this approach did not last long. Because of Jiang Kai's vigilance and Liu Yan's tolerance, they did not achieve the expected results. Instead, Jiang Kai became suspicious of their behavior, and he began to pay close attention to their every move. Finally, when they tried to knock down Liu Yan, Jiang Kai appeared in time and stopped their action.

Jiang Kai looked at them angrily and asked why they did this. They hesitated and couldn't give a reason. In the end, they had to admit that they took revenge on Liu Yan out of jealousy and dissatisfaction. Jiang Kai severely criticized them and told them that it was wrong to do so and that they should respect others.

After this incident, those girls were in awe of Liu Yan and Jiang Kai and no longer dared to provoke them easily. Liu Yan and Jiang Kai also cherish each other's feelings more and face the challenges of campus life together. They worked together on the road of learning, encouraged each other, and achieved excellent results.

The spring cherry blossom petals gradually fall, and the story of Liu Yan and Jiang Kai enters a new chapter. They took the college entrance examination together, filled out their application forms together, and planned the blueprint for the future together. Although the road ahead is full of unknowns, they believe that as long as they have love by their side, they can overcome all difficulties.

Time flies, Liu Yan and Jiang Kai finally received their long-awaited college entrance examination results. They were admitted to a well-known university as they wished, laying the foundation for their future. The worries and fears that once plagued them have gone with the wind. They entered a new life with confidence and courage.

In college, Liu Yan and Jiang Kai continue to study hard and strive for better results in their studies and careers. They spent many unforgettable times together, laughing, crying, and growing together. They become better people in each other's company. The dream under the cherry blossom tree has long disappeared in the long river of time. Instead, there is the beautiful reality created by Liu Yan and Jiang Kai. They used their own efforts to prove the power of love and friendship. In the days to come, they will continue to move forward hand in hand and write their wonderful lives.

And those girls who have tried to cause harm to them have also been inspired by this love story. They understood the importance of respecting others and cherishing friendship, and reconciled with Liu Yan and Jiang Kai one after another and became good friends. Everyone grew up together and spent unforgettable years of youth together.

As time goes by, the stories of Liu Yan and Jiang Kai continue to compose the splendid chapter of youth under the witness of the cherry blossom trees. They never forget their original aspirations, cherish every relationship, and use their hard work and efforts to write beautiful chapters one after another. And the dream under the cherry blossom tree has become the most precious treasure in their memories.

It's just that only Liu Yan herself knows how much of Liu Yan's own fantasy is mixed with all this beauty.

Behind this beautiful world, Liu Yan's heart carries many illusory elements of her own imagination. I'm afraid only she can understand. We are often moved by the beautiful moments in life, and these beauties are often closely related to our inner expectations and fantasies. Liu Yan is also driven by such emotions, constantly adding beautiful expectations to her world.

Liu Yan is an imaginative person who is always good at discovering those intoxicating moments in life. However, the authenticity of these beautiful moments is open to question. How much of the perfect world she desires in her heart actually exists, and how much is her own imagination? I am afraid that only Liu Yan himself can answer this question.

We can imagine that when Liu Yan encounters a warm family, a sincere friendship or a beautiful relationship, whether she will feel these beauties with her heart and amplify them infinitely until they become something she cannot let go of deep in her heart. fantasy? When she is immersed in these beautiful fantasies, will she ignore the shortcomings in real life, making her seem somewhat powerless when facing real challenges?

In short, there may never be an answer to the question of how much of the beautiful world in Liu Yan's mind contains her own imagination. Only she, Liu Yan, would know.

Late at night, the whole city is sleeping and silent. In a dark apartment, Jiang Kai sat alone on the sofa, with his back to the window. There was not enough light in the room to see his face clearly. The coin in his hand turned back and forth between his fingertips, making a soft sound. He seemed to be expecting something, or perhaps thinking about something important.

At this moment, the door opened quietly and several people walked in. They walked up to Jiang Kai, handed him a document one after another, and said: "Mr. Jiang Kai, according to your request, we have completed the tracking of Miss Liu Yan. These are the relevant records of her every move. The remaining I’ll leave it to you.”

Jiang Kai took the document, read it carefully, then nodded and said, "Yes, you did a good job, and the rest will be dealt with as you wish." After a few people left, he sat alone for a while, and then He stood up and walked to the window, looking at the night scene outside the window, and fell into deep thought.

Not long after, the door was pushed open again, and this time several young girls came in, with a hint of nervousness and expectation in their eyes. They sat down next to Jiang Kai and asked, "How was our performance just now? How long will it take for this scene to end?"

Jiang Kai smiled and replied: "Wait a little longer. When I get Liu Yan, this scene will be over." When the girls heard this, a trace of envy and jealousy flashed in their eyes, and they said softly: "We are a little bit Jealous."

Jiang Kai smiled and responded: "Then I will reward you well." Then, there was a strange sound in the room, which seemed to be them playing. Three hours later, Jiang Kai got up and took a shower, then arranged his clothes, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and walked out.

He answered the phone outside, and the person on the other end of the phone asked: "Are you satisfied with everything we have given you? Do you still want to have this glory? If so, then join us Yiyou."

Jiang Kai replied: "Don't rush, take your time. You just saw my potential to kill people. If I didn't have it, you wouldn't invite me." The voice on the other end of the phone laughed and said: "Hahahahaha, then you can Wrong, you will join us sooner or later."

Jiang Kai smiled and asked: "How can you see it?" The other party replied: "Your parents don't love you. If they knew you were a murderer, would they leave you? I think you would rather have a perfect wife." Family, otherwise you wouldn’t destroy other people’s families, show disgrace to them, and kill their whole family? Isn’t that right! Jiang Kai!!”

"Humph, boring." Jiang Kai hung up the phone before the other party finished speaking. He clenched his fist tightly, crushed the phone to pieces, and then said: "Damn bastard, sooner or later I will kill you too!"

After saying this, he walked towards the window and looked up at the night sky. Thinking of Liu Yan's face, his heart began to tumble. The corners of his mouth raised, and he said evilly: "Liu Yan, wait for me, I will give you medicine tomorrow, and then let you enjoy the happiness of family with me~hehehehehe~" (End of Chapter)

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