Jiang Kai was speechless. He knew that everything about him had been exposed to the sun. However, he was still unwilling to surrender and whispered: "Haha, do you think that by killing me, the Yiyou organization can be eliminated? No! Yiyou will never be defeated!" Faced with his stubbornness, Gao Changming smiled Answer: "Then I will fight to the end until Yiyou disappears from this world! In my heart, Gao Changming, nothing is more important than the peace of the country and the happiness of the people, even if I pay for it with my life. No matter what!"

At this moment, Jiang Kai was in a desperate situation. He knew that his life was coming to an end. But he still firmly believes that the Yiyou organization will not perish. However, facing Gao Changming's firm determination and fearless courage, he couldn't help but sigh: This is a true hero, a hero who does not hesitate to sacrifice himself for the country and the people. Before he died, he finally understood that they had lost, lost to Gao Changming, and lost to justice.

Perhaps, as Gao Changming vowed, he can really wipe the Yiyou organization from the world and complete the great cause he said. However, this also means that he will bear countless crimes and walk on the edge of darkness and sin. And all of this is just to achieve that lofty goal, for the country and the people, for justice and light.

In this world, everyone has their own beliefs and pursuits. Some people pursue money, some pursue power, and some pursue fame. As for Gao Changming, what he pursues is justice, the tranquility of the country, and the happiness of the people. He is willing to pay for it, even his life. This noble spirit, this selfless dedication, people can't help but admire.

Jiang Kai finally understood that they had lost to such a person and such a spirit. Before he died, he sincerely wished Gao Changming could realize his great wish and that he could bring real happiness to the country and people. Although they were enemies once, at this moment, they are comrades on the same front, working together for a better future.

The world is full of darkness and evil, but it is precisely because of people like Gao Changming that there is light and hope. They are like lights in the darkness, lighting up people's way forward. Maybe, this is the so-called hero? At the critical moment, stand up and sacrifice everything for justice and light.

In this contest between Gao Changming and Jiang Kai, we saw the victory of justice over evil, and the victory of light over darkness. This also makes us believe that as long as we have faith, courage and perseverance, we will be able to overcome all difficulties and achieve our goals. May justice last forever, and may the spirit of heroes always shine on our world.

Facing various difficulties, Jiang Kai accepted everything, lowered his head in frustration, and said in a weak tone: "Sincerely speaking, I am fully aware of the mistakes I have made and am willing to bear the corresponding punishment. However, if possible, Please forgive my family. Please consider it carefully, Mr. Gao!"

Gao Changming raised the knife high, pointed it at Jiang Kai's neck, and said firmly: "Okay, I promise you. After the incident is completed, I will definitely rescue them from the surveillance of Yiyou members and take them away to ensure that they Get the protection of the Gao family!"

"What...what did you just say?" Jiang Kai widened his eyes and asked in disbelief: "Didn't you say that my family has been...arrested by you? I..."

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