In the boundless universe, time is like a vast river, and every life is a grain of sand in it. In this vast space and time, every individual can make mistakes. Some people may have lifelong regrets due to a momentary impulse. This is the case with Jiang Kai. He has committed irreparable crimes that have broken many families and hurt people's hearts. However, when he realized the pain and despair of those whose lives he had taken away, he deeply realized the seriousness of his mistakes.

In that endless darkness, Jiang Kai saw his past self, the one who was ruthless and ruthless, taking away the lives of others at will. He began to reflect, began to struggle, and began to look for a glimmer of light in the darkness. It was a glimmer of light that symbolized kindness and hope, a part of him that he had lost. He longs to find his lost self, the self that was once full of love and responsibility.

The love of his family and his understanding of responsibility allowed Jiang Kai to repent and turn over a new leaf when his life was about to come to an end. He began to sincerely repent, began to know how to cherish, and began to reflect on himself. He no longer struggles with himself, but feels guilty for his family. This repentance and love may be the most precious legacy he left to his family.

As for Gao Changming, what choice will he make in the face of Jiang Kai's accusation? Should we continue to adhere to wrong moral principles, or should we listen to our inner voice and seek salvation? Perhaps only time will tell us the answer to this question. But no matter what, we should firmly believe that justice will eventually defeat evil and light will dispel darkness.

In this ill-fated world, we are all small existences. However, it is this smallness that gives us the courage to face life bravely. When we learn to cherish our families and embrace love and hope, we can find inner salvation even on the edge of life and death. And this is the most beautiful gift of life.

Life is always full of ups and downs and challenges, and we are always exploring ourselves and growing in it. Perhaps it is these hardships and challenges that make us cherish those ordinary days more and understand the importance of family more. No matter what difficulties we may encounter in the future, as long as we have love and a sense of responsibility in our hearts, we can all find our own light.

Let us look forward to that day coming. When evil is defeated by justice, and when darkness is dispersed by light, we will feel the endless warmth in the arms of our families. At that time, we will no longer be afraid or confused, because we have found our true self, the love and hope that belong to us.

In this long journey of life, we may make mistakes, but as long as we have the courage to face it and correct it, we can find the way to the light. Let us have hope, let us embrace our families, let us move forward courageously and pursue a better life. In this world, everyone makes mistakes sometimes, but as long as we cherish our family and embrace love and hope, we can find the true meaning of life and our own happiness.

Let us work together, let us work hard for our families, for love and hope. When we face difficulties, let us remember the love of our families and let us stick to our responsibilities and beliefs. As long as we have love and hope in our hearts, we can overcome all difficulties and move towards the light.

Let us wish together, that every lost soul can find his way home, that every person who makes mistakes can be redeemed, that justice conquers evil, that light dispels darkness, that our families will always be happy, and that our lives will be filled with joy. Love and hope. In this beautiful world, let us move forward together and work together for our families and happiness. (End of chapter)

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