Perhaps starting one day in the distant future, [Qingming Riverside Garden] will have become a famous attraction, attracting countless couples to come here to find inspiration. They made their vows here and looked forward to eternal love. And that quaint wooden bridge seems to tell the eternal love between Tai Youqian and Feng Xin, making everyone who stops here can't help but sigh at the flow of time and the greatness of love. This fairyland has witnessed the life-and-death love between Tai Youqian and Feng Xin, as well as human beings' yearning and persistence for beautiful love. Between the mountains and rivers, birds chirping and flowers fragrant, love is like poetry and spreads forever. And [Qingming Riverside Garden], the starting point and end point of this love story, will continue to accompany every explorer, telling that eternal memory.

[Qingming Shanghe Garden, Liqiao, and Jade Pavilion]

On a sunny afternoon, Tai Youqian leaned against a solid wooden pillar, stared at the flowing waterfall, looked up at the sky, and sighed deeply. In his ears, birds sang happily, fish jumped, rivers rushed, waterfalls rolled, the breeze blew, and green leaves rustled, seeming to be singing softly, trying to comfort him who was in a heavy heart. However, although everything around him was so beautiful and pleasant, he was troubled by the worries in his heart and could not laugh.

Tai Youqian's eyes passed through the water curtain of the waterfall and cast towards the mountains and rivers in the distance. His eyes sparkled with expectations for the future, but he was also worried about the current predicament. He sighed, picked up the wine bottle placed on the stone table, and drank one cup after another. At this moment, he seemed to have entered a world of his own, possessing the magical power to isolate himself from all the hustle and bustle, and indulge himself in it selflessly.

Tai Youqian's thoughts drifted away as the wine flowed, and he remembered bits and pieces of the past, those joys and sorrows, successes and failures. He was deeply moved, but helpless. He tried to find solace in wine and free himself from the shackles in his heart, but found that he was sinking deeper and deeper.

At this time, the sunlight shines on Tai Youqian's body through the gaps in the leaves, forming mottled light and shadow. The breeze blew gently, and the leaves swayed, as if they were dancing for him. He looked at the beautiful scenery in front of him, but his heart was still full of worries, unable to truly relax and enjoy life.

As night falls, Tai Youqian is still immersed in his own world, looking up at the stars and looking for answers. He hopes to get rid of the troubles in his heart and regain his faith in life. However, reality is always cruel, making him unable to get rid of the shadow in his heart. He could only drink to drown his sorrows, trying to find some solace in the alcohol.

In this way, Tai Youqian spent one night alone in the beautiful nature. He knew that he needed to face his problems and face reality bravely. However, he could not get rid of the worries in his heart and find his former self. In this complicated world, when can he regain his joy and his firm belief? Only time can give the answer to all this.

The real him has lost his way in the whirlpool of hatred. He no longer exists after the Yiyou organization killed Feng Zhichuan and Feng Renji's sister Feng Xin. At this moment, he only had one thing in mind, and that was revenge. After his revenge, he plans to fulfill his promise to her and bring peace to the world. It wasn't until the early morning of the fourth day that he received the call. It was a phone call that gave him a glimpse of hope for the future.

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