Whose little lady is so crazy?

Chapter 170 Guilty Conscience

Lu Deyin actually wanted to ask, if you are looking for tea for a customer, shouldn't you look for it in the tea cabinet behind the counter?

"Oh, it's Miss Hong who said she wanted to drink this tea." Duan San'er, the waiter, turned around and said holding the tea can he just found in his hand.

The boy was very happy about his good memory, wasn't he? How amazing that he could find the target so quickly among the pile of tea cans hidden by his boss!
He didn't panic at all when asked by his boss and didn't feel at all that he had done anything wrong.

The owner has always been generous to special guests, such as Miss Hong's group of guests who have been here during the New Year's Eve.

"She's here again?" The owner asked after being stunned for a moment.

Duan San nodded: "Well, we just ordered the dishes. I'll go over first, the host. The guests are waiting for tea." After saying that, he walked around the host in front of him and left in a hurry.

Lu Deyin raised his hand, opened his mouth and tried not to shout to the waiter to stop.

I just patted my thigh hard in annoyance. I deserved it. Who told me that I didn't have a long memory and didn't put away the tea leaves in time?
It wasn't that the tea was expensive, so he didn't want to give it up, but that it was a wild tea picked by a close friend who lived in seclusion in the mountains and roasted by himself. Once when he went to visit a close friend, the other party took him to see where the wild tea grew, which was growing on a cliff more than 3,000 meters high.

He just stood on the edge and looked around, and his legs were shaking with fear. His best friend was tied up with a rope and risked his life to pick the tea.

The fresh leaves collected in spring, summer and autumn every year only add up to about ten kilograms. About four kilograms of fresh leaves can only be used to make seven or eight taels of tea.

Only about two kilograms of tea are produced a year. A rich man wants to buy a kilogram for a thousand taels of silver, but his best friend is reluctant to sell it. He gives him a can of tea every year, which is about half a kilogram, but he is usually reluctant to drink it.

Lu Deyin also didn't expect that Sanshier's own words in the evening, there were so many kinds of tea in the cabinet, why did Duan San touch this tea?
And that little lady Hong, didn’t she say she didn’t understand tea, so she could make any kind of tea? This mouth is quite naughty. After drinking it once, you will be obsessed with it?

In the private room, after Duan San served tea, he told several children that there was a monkey tied up in the backyard and it belonged to a guest.

As soon as the children heard this, they lay down at the back window and looked into the yard to watch the monkeys. Yaoguang even took out his own hidden peanuts and secretly threw them to the monkey.

"Have you ever thought about the consequences of this matter? What if you are taken to jail?" There were two adults at the table, Quan Jinghuai thought for a while and asked.

Hong Xiaoduo sniffed the tea soup in the cup. She didn't understand tea, but she thought the aroma of this tea was very good. She responded disapprovingly: "Who said I didn't think about the consequences? If I really lose to them, I will be arrested." If you are put in a cell, don't you still have Brother Quan?

You will definitely find a way to break the prison and rescue me. "

"Do you trust me so much?" Quan Jinghuai asked with a very complicated mood.

Hearing his question, Hong Xiaoduo looked over seriously: "Of course, aren't we our own people? Besides, you have that ability, and you also have that courage."

This was true, but she was so sure that she would not just sit idly by and trusted herself so much that Quan Jinghuai felt warm in his heart.

"I'm a little curious. Don't you have the concept that more is worse than less?" Quan Jinghuai asked with a smile.

Hong Xiaoduo smiled and nodded and said: "Brother Quan, as you travel around the world, you know more clearly that many things are happening before you. The more cautious you are to avoid them, the more you cannot avoid them.

Those who have no choice but to act cautiously for the sake of their future, family interests, and the children of the family, but for a carefree person like me, I don’t have that kind of worry. I am barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes. , I don’t want to live so useless. Her words are not unreasonable, but: "How do you say you are carefree and have no worries?" Quan Jinghuai looked at the seven disciples by the window and asked in confusion.

"They, hey, aren't you the powerful brother here?" Hong Xiaoduo said with a smile, hiding his guilty conscience.

After finishing speaking, seeing that Quan Jinghuai's expression was not quite right, he felt excited and quickly added: "Actually, to tell you the truth, brother Quan, I was nervous when I took them alone before. A kind of worry, afraid that I can't protect them, afraid of this and that.

However, they and I were lucky. When we met you, Brother Quan, the tight string in my heart finally relaxed. So, maybe I got a little carried away with happiness? "

Hong Xiaoduo said while paying attention to the changes in Quan Jinghuai's expression, and he was indeed a lot more relaxed.

"Well, it is indeed not easy for you. But you should also know in your heart that although I am their master now, after all, I cannot compare with your status in their hearts.

Although people cannot live cowardly, for them, sometimes you still have to be a little more tolerant about certain things.

Of course, I went overboard by saying this, Xiaoduo, don’t be angry. "After Quan Jinghuai said these words, he was also a little worried.

He is just the teacher of the children. Just because she calls him Big Brother Quan does not mean that he is qualified to teach her how to behave!
"Brother Quan, what you said makes sense. You are doing it for the good of the children and me. How could I be angry? I will pay attention to it in the future." Hong Xiaoduo expressed his sincere attitude.

While they were talking, the dishes were served. Hong Xiaoduo secretly breathed a sigh of relief and called the children back to sit down.

"It's delicious. Let's go shopping and buy the necessary necessities." Hong Xiaoduo gave Yao Guang a piece of fish belly meat, checked there were no fish bones, and said to the children.

Several children nodded in agreement. In the past, for them, being able to have a full meal once in a while was a luxury.

But now, in addition to having enough food and clothing, we can also have all kinds of 'necessary necessities'.

The two adults and seven children did not drink, so they finished their lunch quickly. After Tianshu paid the bill, everyone went out.

"Young lady, are you ready to eat now? Are you coming tomorrow? Is there anything you want to eat so that I can ask the kitchen staff to buy it early?" When they were about to walk out of the restaurant door, Lu Deyin came over and asked with a smile. .

"Boss, you are too polite. However, we are leaving here on the eighth day of the Lunar New Year. We will not come back in the next two days. The food in your restaurant is delicious, but coming here to eat every day is a bit luxurious.

By the way, I have a suggestion for you. Look, it’s not convenient for guests to place the dishes on a large round table. You can ask a carpenter to make a tabletop smaller than the big round table and place it on it. Let the carpenter think of a way to make the small tabletop above rotate.

In this case, wouldn’t it be much more convenient for guests to pick up food? "Hong Xiaoduo felt that this old Dong's family was good, so he kindly came up with an idea.

Hong Xiaoduo gestured with his hands as he spoke. Lu Deyin understood, and his eyes suddenly lit up. This was naturally a good idea: "Thank you, little lady, for your advice."

"Nothing, I wish the boss a lot of money." After Hong Xiaoduo finished speaking, he took Yao Guang's hand and left.

While thinking about what to buy, he was also thinking about whether he could know the major cases that General Lin brought to the governor during the two days he stayed here...

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