When Liu Wangxue was in college, he was invited by the senior director of the directing department to help him write a script for a micro-film and basically followed the entire filming process.

But this was just a whim of the senior, and he was just trying to get people to join him as a team for fun. After the production was completed and submitted to the competition, he didn't win any prizes.

Later, he joined Shenghai Entertainment. Because of Tang Songhe's deliberate attempts to make things difficult, Liu Wangxue had no chance to join the team.

She heard many situations from newcomers or some seniors in the same period. Looking back now, she can still remember a lot.

Generally speaking, there are two types of screenwriters. One is to change the script according to shooting needs.

The so-called "shooting needs" come from many aspects, such as actors' schedule adjustment, which needs to be finalized in advance; due to financial problems of the crew, indoor scenes are changed to outdoor scenes; the scenes in the script cannot be realized; advertising placement; Special effects, makeup, art, etc…

These need to be temporarily adjusted by the screenwriter according to the actual situation.

The second type is to be responsible for writing unfinished scripts on the set.

For example, when some crews started filming, they only finalized the scripts for the first few episodes. What to do with the rest? They were filming in the front and writing in the back.

Liu Wangxue remembered that a newcomer at the same time was doing this second type of work. He went to Hengdian for three months and lost ten pounds. After I came back, I felt like I was surviving a disaster. I had spent the whole day pouring out the bitterness with her.

Normally, the work of the first group of screenwriters is relatively less arduous, and you can still have a lot of free time. After work, you can go to the studio to watch the filming and go shopping around.

Sometimes the crew's funds are tight, and they will be invited to make guest appearances.

No matter which one it was, Liu Wangxue remembered that they all had the same feelings and emotions after they came back.

Liu Wangxue remembers someone saying: "As a screenwriter, if you can go to the filming site, you must go. The sooner you go, the greater the help. And you must be calm and soak yourself in the filming site for a period of time, immersively and intuitively." Experience the whole process of transforming your script from words into images. In this process, you may feel that your creative concept is being reshaped."

Someone also said: "My teacher is indeed right. The most effective and fastest way for a screenwriter to grow is to throw him into the filming scene. If he can cope with the demands of all the people on the crew, then no matter where he is, From a technical level to a psychological level, he will make a qualitative leap compared to before."

Someone else said: "If you have the opportunity to participate in a large-scale film and television project, you must seize it, because it will be a very precious experience. During this process, any emotion you experience will be amplified a lot." times."

After the first day of filming, these words kept playing in Liu Wangxue's mind. She was very lucky that she did not refuse Du Yunxiang's request. If she insists on not joining the group, she may never experience these things.

Liu Wangxue also understood the feelings expressed by her colleagues after they came back from the set to tell her their bitter feelings: "The most profound memory I have from working as a team member is neither about suffering and being criticized, nor about the connections I gained, but Every time after the filming started, in the quiet scene, each group of people performed their duties, and I saw the scene created by the actors, director and others through the monitor. This was the most wonderful experience."

However, at the end of the day's shooting, it seems that only Liu Wangxue and the villagers of Taojia Village had a wonderful experience.

Needless to say, Liu Wangxue's career is a form of sublimation in his career path.

The villagers of Taojia Village have another topic to talk about after dinner.

The first scene we started filming this morning was the conflict between boys and girls at the dinner table.

The reason is that the heroine realized her lack of professional knowledge in the process of making Hanfu, so she wanted to go back to high school to re-enter college and study fashion design, so she could go home and discuss it with her parents. But her parents didn't support her and thought she was wasting time and money learning useless things, so they asked her to return to the city quickly and work in her cousin's flower shop to earn money while supporting the family.

The heroine originally wanted to have a good talk with her parents, but her younger brother, who is in his first year of high school, came back from school at noon. The first thing he said when he entered the house was to ask for money to buy a new brand of sports shoes, saying that all the classmates in the class were wearing them.

When the mother heard that it was more than a thousand yuan, she was shocked and immediately refused. But the younger brother kept making a fuss about buying it, and the whole family was having trouble eating lunch.

In the end, there was no other choice, so the mother asked the heroine to pay for it for her brother.

Of course the heroine is not willing. In the past few months when she was working, her brother asked her for pocket money from time to time, and she gave it to her. But buying shoes was a huge expense, and now she almost didn’t even have enough money to buy fabrics.

Immediately afterwards, the father and grandparents pressured her and said some patriarchal words.

The heroine has heard these words since she was a child, and she just listened to them before, and she did the same thing, but today she felt that these words were particularly harsh, so she put down her chopsticks and retorted a few words.

A conflict broke out, and the mother became so angry that she went straight to the heroine's bag, took out all the cash in her wallet and gave it to her brother, and also confiscated her bank card.

The heroine failed to win, but was accused of being unfilial. She stormed out of the house in anger and did not come back for many years.

Jing Yujun placed the intense family conflict in the first scene after the film was started, hoping that Ni Jia could quickly understand the characters and get into the mood.

Jing Yujun's attitude towards new actors is evenly split between good and bad.

If he meets a talented newcomer, he is willing to spend time polishing it. If a newcomer can develop a role in his hands, then this person's future acting career will be much smoother.

Therefore, Jing Yujun also has the title of "touchstone for newcomers" in the industry. But he is too strict, and some people will call him a "whetstone", saying that he has broken his own giegie's good knife.

The drama "Moonrise in Spring Stream" has a tight time schedule and heavy tasks. Jing Yujun originally did not want to spend time training newcomers, and preferred to choose the experienced Tan Xin as the heroine, but Tan Xin did not live up to expectations.

So, he had no choice but to use this method, hoping that Ni Jia could do it quickly.

Ni Jia is a young girl with very good acting skills. It should be said that the people signed by Junxi Entertainment have good qualifications and have such a rigorous training course. Everyone thinks she should be qualified.

It is true that her performance in the current circle can basically beat a lot of little flowers.

But Jing Yujun's favorite thing to do is to strive for perfection. Moreover, this drama is going to be sent to the national channel, so he can't relax even a little bit of his requirements.

He stared at the monitor and sighed in his mind: "I still have to spend some time polishing it."

As a result, the first scene was shot from morning to afternoon.

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