Buy a house with 30,000 yuan and live in a small town

Chapter 197 Shooting location selection

Gu Xuelan used a fruit knife and a toothpick together, and put the picked pulp into another small bowl: "That's right, when your grandma was ill in bed, I didn't take care of her so carefully."

With so much going on, who has time to peel pomegranates and remove their seeds? Squeeze the most juice.

"Alas, you can't use a juicer to feed them." Gu Xuelan was quite regretful.

The main reason is that pomegranate seeds will affect the health of the three animals. Liu Wangxue's is a wall-breaking machine, so it must not be used.

Liu Wangxue said to the three: "Look, how enviable your life is."

The three of them seemed to understand. One was wagging its tail, one was meowing slimily, and the other was jumping happily.

Without picking out much of the fruit pulp, Pengpeng fed him a mouthful of fruit. Cuigui pinched a little and fed it to give it a sense of psychological satisfaction. Xiaoci let it lick the remaining pomegranate juice in the bowl.

There was a full bowl left, and it was still piled a bit high. Liu Wangxue held a spoon in his hand and asked Niu Niu: "Did I eat it?"

The little girl moved her little head to push the bowl, but she didn't push it.

Liu Wangxue thought it was reluctant to part with it, so she asked again with a smile and pretended to scoop it up: "Did I really eat it?"


"Mom, look!" Liu Wangxue pointed at Nui Ni and showed it to Gu Xuelan.

"Oh, this little guy!" Gu Xuelan looked surprised.

Liu Wangxue asked again, and Nui Ni nodded again.

Xiaoci then stretched out her paws, and Pengpeng's head came over. With a hook of her chin, they both pushed the bowl towards Liu Wangxue.

Liu Wangxue handed the bowl to Gu Xuelan, but Gu Xuelan refused to eat: "You can eat, I'm going to take a shower and go to bed. Don't be too late, go to bed early."

"Okay." Liu Wangxue hugged the bowl and nestled on the sofa, with the three of them cuddling next to her. From time to time, she said a few human words, as if practicing her spoken English.

After eating less than half of it, Liu Wangxue suddenly remembered and picked up his phone to take a photo and send it to Xu Qingsong.

Xu Qingsong replied instantly: [Big pomegranate? 】

Liu Catkin: [Yeah]

Xu Qingsong: [As expected of the bird you raised, my heart is with you]

Liuxu: [No, come over tomorrow and I will discuss it with you so that you can benefit from me]

Xu Qingsong: [Oh, that’s so good, you can eat it openly]

Liu Wangxue sent an emoticon of Xiaoci: [Thank you soon.jpg]

Xu Qingsong: [Bonbye.gif]

Xu Qingsong: [Nie Wei: Shouldn’t I be the one who should be grateful the most?]

Liu Wangxue collapsed with laughter, flipped through the collection, found the naughty one and sent it: [I don't care.jpg]

Xu Qingsong: [I have sent all the videos to your email, please check them when you have time]

LiuXu: [Okay, Xu Da cameraman]

Xu Qingsong: [It’s getting late, go to bed early after eating] Liu Wangxue: [OK]

Xu Qingsong: [Good night]

Catkins: [Good night]

Liu Wangxue finished eating the pomegranate, washed the dishes, and then brushed Pangpeng and Xiaoci's teeth. She went back to the room and downloaded all the videos before going to bed.

The next day, news came from Jing Yujun, saying that the shooting location had been decided, and it would be Taojia Village. The flower and bird market and technical school would be in the city.

On the same day, the location producer brought someone over to discuss the shooting with the village committee.

The village party secretary personally received it. After hearing about it, he took the matter very seriously.

The development and construction of the village is a major concern of the village party secretary and the village committee. For example, when Du Yunkai came to rent a house to set up a studio, they also carefully considered it.

Du Yunkai graduated with a master's degree from a prestigious university in Country M, and Xu Qingsong, a boy from the Xu family, also graduated with a master's degree from Peking University. The two of them joined forces to start a business and achieved such good results. In a way, isn't this a model of studying hard?

The village rented a house to him and publicized it openly and secretly, hoping to set an example so that the adults in the village would value education and the children would value learning.

The effect is quite good. For example, the Tao Guoshan family did not agree with their youngest son Tao Qinglei to learn painting before, but now they have sent him to the city to participate in art training, which paved another way for the child's future.

Also, it is normal for children to like to play games. In the past, parents would just stop them blindly. Now they can finally say: "If you really like it, if you have the ability, just like Boss Du and the others, make a game yourself." You can both play and make money.”

These are all good signs. Make changes little by little and add up to a little.

In addition, the population loss here is also relatively serious. Very few young people stay in their hometowns. Most of those who have passed the entrance examination have stayed outside. Those who have dropped out of school or failed the entrance examination have basically gone out to work.

The village party secretary said: "Development is most inseparable from people. How can we talk about development without people?"

But there is a shortage of jobs and no money to be made, so how can we retain people?
The village party secretary also thought about engaging in eco-tourism like other places, but what they wanted here was nothing. There were no famous mountains, rivers, or historical sites. He also considered being like Taoyuan Town, but was limited by geographical conditions and could not produce special agricultural products.

So as soon as he heard that a film crew was coming to shoot the scene, the village party secretary paid special attention to it. He has learned that some places, which were originally unknown, became famous all over the world because of a play or a movie.

The local area took this opportunity to develop tourism, which boosted the economy, created more jobs, and returned the lost population, creating a prosperous scene everywhere.

After discussion, the village committee felt that this might be a good opportunity. Negotiate the conditions first and let them shoot.

The person in charge who came to negotiate said that it would not be until the beginning of next year until the show was aired, so the village committee would slowly decide on how to develop the drama.

After negotiating with the village committee, Wang Junpeng acted as the intermediary for the location production, and went to the homes of several villagers whose houses were chosen by the director for on-the-spot inspections. The main thing is to choose a small farmhouse as the home of the heroine in the play.

The appearance and structure of self-built houses in rural areas all look very similar, and the difference is basically the number of floors.

If your family has money, you will definitely build at least a two-story building and decorate it beautifully and comfortably inside.

People who don’t have money don’t necessarily know how to build it. Most of them borrow money to build it just to look good. But after it’s built, they don’t have the money to decorate it and make do with it.

Some people are pragmatic and act according to their ability. They knock down the old house and build a bungalow because they can no longer live in it, so that they can build on it later when they have money.

But generally in the village, as long as a small building is built, it is considered that the family is well-off, regardless of whether you emptied your wallet for this building.

Due to the family conditions of the heroine in the play, the location producers chose houses that were either old brick houses or half-new bungalows according to the director's requirements.

The first place they went to was a small courtyard with a blue brick house, and some idle villagers followed to watch.

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