This incident actually happened in the next village. The mother-in-law despised her daughter-in-law, but her son insisted on marrying her.

On the day of the wedding, when the bride got out of the car, she saw that the door of her husband's house was closed, and there was a white plastic stool at the door.

You can't get in if you don't sit down, and you can't get in if you don't sit for half an hour.

Who can bear the strong sun at noon?

The groom stood at the door with the bride, urging the parents inside to open the door. The best man and bridesmaid gathered around, and the guests inside and outside the courtyard tried to persuade her, but the door wouldn't open.

When the groom was about to kneel down, the bride picked up the plastic stool and slammed it on the door. With a bang, the whole world fell silent.

She cursed at the man: "Useless thing!"

She took the bridesmaids and got into the wedding car without looking back - just in case, she told the driver in advance that after delivery, the car would not be able to leave unless the door was open.

The groom's family was talked about as a joke for many years.

Qiu Xiangrong's parents didn't care whether they would be treated as a joke, because they saw that Tao Huaxin was tender-faced, small in stature, and easy to handle in a delicate manner, so they felt that this new daughter-in-law would definitely be able to establish her power when she entered the house.

After the wedding car arrived, the door of Qiu's house was closed, but there was nothing at the door.

Qiu Xiangrong's mother shouted through the crack in the door, saying that the bride's filial piety must be seen, otherwise the door would not be opened.

On a hot summer day, there was no shade at the door. Qiu Xiangrong calmly went to his neighbor's house to borrow some parasols and let the bridesmaid and Tao Huaxin use them together.

Be polite before fighting.

As his brother-in-law, Tao Huayu stood with his sister and watched his brother-in-law's perfunctory persuasion.

Some of the guests around were trying to help and some were just watching the fun, wondering if the scene from many years ago would still happen again.

A moment later, Tao Huayu saw his brother-in-law take off his suit jacket and hand it to the best man beside him. His eyes immediately shone with excitement.

After getting along for such a long time, Tao Huayu also understood what kind of character his brother-in-law is now: he seems honest and honest, but when things really happen, he is very able to handle it and will not be timid at all.

The other best man didn't know when he had a speaker in his hand. It was a speaker with a recording and playback function. When Qiu Xiangrong handed over his suit jacket, he gave the speaker to him.

The weather was so hot that Qiu Xiangrong didn't even bother to say anything. He directly pressed the play button and put the speaker on the ground.

The contents inside were all recorded by him in advance, without any sensational words, and were all straightforward and objective descriptions.

Everything he has experienced in this family since childhood was summed up in just a few sentences. The focus of this recording is entirely on the demons his parents made during the preparations for the wedding.

If you have ever met a vendor selling goods on a tricycle, or a scrap collector, then you must know how powerful this horn is.

At this moment, Qiu Xiangrong also turned up his voice to the maximum, and everyone present could hear it clearly, especially the last sentence: "I didn't spend a penny on your wedding, so my wedding has nothing to do with you. I will count to three." ,Please open the door."

As soon as the sound of "three" fell, there was the sound of broken glass.

This kind of self-built house with a courtyard in rural areas usually has two rooms on both sides of the courtyard door.

Like Qiu Xiangrong's house, there is a wing room to the east of the courtyard gate and the kitchen to the west. There are generally no valuables placed in these two rooms, so there is no need to install security windows.

When their family built their house, they considered lighting, so they made the windows large enough and the window sills low. Before the wedding, Qiu Xiangrong had a premonition that his parents might do something like this. He had warned before, but it was obvious that his parents did not listen.

Qiu Xiangrong's original idea was that if they didn't listen and refused to open the door no matter what, he would climb in through the window and say that he would not let Tao Huaxin suffer this injustice.

But his parents also locked the windows to prevent this.

Qiu Xiangrong tried both sides, but couldn't open it. So he picked up a brick on the side of the road and smashed it directly against the window glass.

There was a "crash" and glass shards shattered all over the floor.

Qiu Xiangrong climbed in easily, walked around to the inside of the door, and opened it.

When he climbed over the window, Tao Huayu rushed over, picked up the speaker, and shouted to him with a smile: "Peace every year, prosperity every year, today is the same every year, today is the present every year -"

As soon as the door opened, he shouted: "The bride, come in."

The people who came from Taojia Village immediately followed suit and crowded around the bride and groom into the courtyard. A welcome avenue was manually opened for them.

Qiu Xiangrong still refused to give up. He went to knock on the door of the newlyweds early the next morning, asking Qiu Xiangrong to pay for the glass, and also wanted to set rules for Tao Huaxin.

In anger, Qiu Xiangrong took his suitcase and took Tao Huaxin back to Taojiacun, where they stayed for a week.

His parents once again became a joke in the village. During that time, whenever he went out, he would be ridiculed: "What's the use of having more sons? Two of them have no home, one is going to marry into the family, and when they get old, they don't even have anyone around to take care of them." No."

After Qiu Xiangrong heard about it, he sighed sadly: "Why didn't I think of it at the time? Why did you have to marry me? I should just marry you, otherwise they wouldn't have the chance to deal with it."

Seeing that Qiu Xiangrong had no intention of going home after staying for a week, Tao's father and Tao's mother asked them to go back quickly: "What's the point? How can a married daughter bring her uncle back the day after the wedding?" My mother’s house only lasts a week.”

Qiu Xiangrong had no choice but to discuss with Tao Huaxin and go back to stay for two days and then come back.

Unexpectedly, the couple went back after breakfast and came back just after lunch time.

After hearing the reason, Tao's mother couldn't laugh or cry.

When Qiu Xiangrong saw the couple back, he opened his mouth and said, "Hey, isn't this the Tao family's son-in-law? The married son threw water, why did you come back?"

Without saying a word, Qiu Xiangrong took Tao Huaxin and left. He didn't even have time to put down the things he was carrying, so he took them back with him.

His mother was so angry that she went back to her room and fell on the bed, covering her heart and screaming "Ouch, ouch".

At night, Qiu Xiangrong received a call from his neighbor saying that his mother had been admitted to the hospital. He calmly rode the electric scooter to the town. When he took a look at the test results, he found that nothing was wrong and he was in good health.

From then on, his mother learned this trick. Whenever she wanted to talk to Qiu Xiangrong about something, she would fall ill in bed. If she was offended by gossip in the village, she would fall ill in bed.

If Qiu Xiangrong doesn't come back, she will never get better.

Therefore, for a long time after the marriage, only after receiving the notice that he was "sick", Qiu Xiangrong would take Tao Huaxin back to stay for two days.

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