So Liu Wangxue didn't rush out and went back to the room to turn on the computer and check emails.

When he called Du Yunkai last night, he mentioned the cancellation of his account by the way, and then conveniently sent him the email he was currently using.

Du Yunxiang was very sincere. He had already asked someone to draft the screenwriter's contract and sent it to his assistant.

Previously, Du Yunkai only mentioned that his sister owned an entertainment company, but he did not say which one.

Liu Wangxue looked at the Party A column on the contract that said "Haishi Junxi Cultural Communication Co., Ltd.": "Ha, I should have thought of it earlier, Du Yunkai, Du Yunxiang, isn't this obvious?"

She applauded and cheered in her heart: "That's great, we're definitely guaranteed this time!"

The name "Junxi" represents quality.

Du Yunxiang started her career in film and television investment. She has a very unique vision. Whether it is a TV series or a movie, there is no one that will not make money.

The only time he overturned was not in the show itself, but in the starring role. He was caught taking drugs, entered the show, and was banned from the entire network.

It was a fantasy fairy tale with a huge investment, with a solid script, rich selling points, a wide audience, and excellent acting skills per actor. Some of the special effects and post-production could not be produced domestically, and a foreign team was specially hired, which was really a waste of money.

At that time, it was still a year when fairy tale dramas were very popular. I thought it was the right time, the right place and the right people. However, because of the starring role, Du Yunxiang lost almost all the money he made before.

Du Yunkai was still abroad at that time. After hearing about it, he praised his sister: "If you want to be strong in life, you have to choose the biggest fall."

Investment is bound to be associated with risks. Du Yunxiang knows this very well, so he just thinks that he has been busy in vain in the past few years, trying and making mistakes at zero cost.

After that, Junxi Entertainment came into being. Du Yunxiang felt that it was better to invest in other people's homes than to invest in her own. She wanted to make the "risk" controllable.

So almost everyone in the industry knows that Junxi Entertainment treats artists very strictly.

It is said that before signing a contract, you have to do a back-up examination. If you don't pass the back-up examination, it doesn't matter whether you are as good-looking as Pan An or an immortal, no matter how talented you are, you won't be accepted.

After signing the contract, there are still a lot of courses waiting for you. What's the point of dreaming about the college entrance examination? Just go straight to hell.

Can't learn it? It's okay, I'll give you another chance. Still can't learn it? Sorry, the contract is void, so I won’t give it away.

At the end of the course, artists who meet the assessment standards will first receive tailor-made resources. After that, the company will continue to provide support and pave the way. It depends on the artist himself where he can go.

By the way, there is a joke in the industry - even if you are on the 108th level, as long as you shout "I am eliminated by Junxi", there will be companies vying for you.

This shows how strong Junxi’s artist business capabilities are.

In addition to business capabilities, Junxi will also have appropriate supervision over other aspects of artists.

Some people used this to slander him, saying that Du Yunxiang created a modern version of an entertainment prison. There are also artists who feel that Junxi's control is excessive after becoming popular, and even say that their personal freedom has been interfered with.

After Du Yunxiang heard about it, he directly issued an internal announcement. The core idea was: "If you want to leave, you can. Junxi will never stop you. As soon as the liquidated damages are paid, the termination contract will be given to you immediately."

There are so many art students in major colleges and universities across the country. Would she, Du Yunxiang, worry about not being able to sign anyone?

Training cost? What's that? Compared with what was earned in the later period, it was a drop in the bucket.

After the announcement was made, some artists actually terminated their contracts and left. See you later, in the entertainment news about the collapse of XXX house.

Then, as far as the film and television part is concerned, Junxi Entertainment produces a high-quality drama every year, which is financed and produced by itself, and the main cast and crew are basically their own. In the past two years, market feedback on the production model of "traffic + big IP + S-level" has gradually been sluggish, while the "old drama + originality" model has become increasingly popular.

Although Junxi Entertainment does not follow the path of traffic and does not need to transform, Du Yunxiang still plans to seize this trend and while looking for original scripts, he also tries to cultivate his own team of screenwriters.

So when Du Yunkai came to her to borrow someone, she was no longer interested in just the script of "The Case of Da Zhao 21".

After Jiao Jiao and the three of them came back, Du Yunxiang specially asked the screenwriting teacher to hold a small meeting for them, and also assigned creative tasks based on the themes that they were good at.

She was very satisfied with the results.

These three newcomers worked as assistant screenwriters for Liu Wangxue in just three weeks, and their abilities were significantly improved.

For example, Jiao Jiao is good at suspense themes and has a good grasp of story rhythm and logic, but her shortcoming is the dramatic tension of the characters. The works submitted this time have obviously improved a lot.

Therefore, Du Yunxiang wanted to meet Liu Wangxue, and it would be best to sign the contract with him and the copyright.

Liu Wangxue read the contract and emailed his assistant back, saying he had no objections to the terms and allowing him to send the official version directly.

In addition, the assistant asked her in the email whether she was free the day after tomorrow. Du Yunxiang wanted to meet her online.

Of course Liu Wangxue has time.

When she was about to switch to the search window, another little red dot appeared on her inbox. She clicked on it and saw that it was the assistant's reply.

"Are all big companies so efficient?" Liu Wangxue downloaded the official contract with a smile, read it over, signed it, and sent it over.

By the way, she also told her assistant the ID of her chat software. She rarely checked emails when she wasn't working, so she thought it would be more convenient to add her as a friend.

After a while, the friend application prompt came not only from the assistant, but also from Du Yunxiang.

After Liu Wangxue passed, Du Yunxiang sent a message: [Happy cooperation]

Liu Wangxue replied: [Thank you Mr. Du! 】

The assistant also gave a brief hello.

Then Liu Wangxue switched to the search window, entered keywords, and started searching one by one.

After the last internet farce happened, she stopped paying attention to the follow-up of the original "Early Spring Stream" crew. She felt that this story, which had been changed beyond recognition long ago, would either die young or be remade with a new creator.

Wenxi herself didn't care, so she just turned a blind eye. Even when she was scrolling through videos during that period and was pushed relevant content, she would always brush it aside and say, "Unlucky."

After watching for nearly an hour, Liu Wangxue closed the computer with a "pop", took the eye drops, raised his head and dropped two drops.

"Ah, my eyes hurt." She leaned back on the chair, and for a moment she couldn't tell whether the pain was physical or psychological.

Liu Wangxue didn't expect that she still underestimated the internal entertainment. The bombing of the fanciful website was not the end, but the beginning of another melee.

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