"Only by enduring hardship can one become a master." Gu Xuelan and others thought, "Yun Kai is also determined. If Xiaoyu can get such help from him, as long as he can pass this level, his future will be limitless."

"Mom, have you ever heard of a sentence?" Liu Wangxue asked.


"If you are willing to endure hardship, you will have endless hardships." Liu Wangxue said.

"What nonsense are you saying?" Gu Xuelan disagreed.

"I didn't agree with what the aunt said earlier, but now I think it's very correct when it comes to Xiaoyu." Xu Qingsong suddenly laughed and said to Liu Wangxue, "What you said , is also very appropriate. In the next at least two years, Xiaoyu will suffer endless hardships."

The mother and daughter nodded together and shed tears of sympathy for Li Yuju: "I hope Xiaoyu can hold on."

After getting through it, he will become a man and will usher in another transformation.

After eating, Liu Wangxue received a call and went back to the bedroom.

Xu Qingsong helped put the bowls away in the sink. He had the dishwashing liquid and dishcloth in his hands, but Gu Xue refused to let him wash them: "Didn't you just say that the issues discussed with Xiaojin and the others have not been resolved yet?" Really? Go back quickly, work is important."

Gu Xuelan said, taking the things from his hand, and then handed him the cloth bag on the island: "Take this, there are only a few ripe ones, I picked them all. You and Hua Yu share it with you." eat."

Xu Qingsong opened the mouth of the bag, looked inside, and asked with a smile: "When did you pick it? This little guy is still generous to his family."

"Why are you so generous? You've been keeping a close eye on me for the past two days." Gu Xuelan put on rubber gloves and squeezed some dishwashing liquid into the bowl. "In the afternoon, I was still counting people on the tree. I took Xu Xu to take him to beat them." I picked it secretly in the threshing floor."

Xu Qingsong gave Gu Xuelan a thumbs up.

Gu Xuelan turned on the faucet and rinsed the detergent out of the bowl. While washing, she said, "Xuxu and I both tasted it. It's really delicious. You can share these with Hua Yu first. I'll watch him." I’m always thinking about it too.”

Xu Qingsong immediately tightened the mouth of the bag as if he was protecting a treasure: "I'll be generous if I take a photo and send it to him. Want to eat? There's no way."

Gu Xuelan really wanted to laugh. How come two of today's young people have such double standards of virtue? I still think that Qiuqiu is stingy. They are not as good as a bird - at least Qiuqiu is very generous when dealing with his own kind.

Xu Qingsong shook the bag, with a smile on his face, pretending to be jealous, and said: "You don't know, I just miss the ripening season of the cherries at my house and the pomegranates in this yard every year.

The second master only sends such a small box every time, and the family will lose even one cent, which is not enough to fit between teeth. That boy Tao Huayu is close to the water. He eats a lot every year and even sends photos to annoy me. "

Gu Xuelan stopped washing the dishes and looked at him funny: "Then are you going to repay the other person with the same method?"

"You feel not enough!"

After saying that, Xu Qingsong said goodbye to Gu Xuelan. He had to go back to work as a coder as soon as possible. Those problems may not be solved tonight.

He walked to the door of the kitchen and glanced specifically at the pomegranate tree and the living room. Fortunately, he didn't find the figure of Nie Wei, and ran out in a few steps.

Gu Xuelan laughed when she saw it, and at the same time she was saying to herself: "The more I live, the more childish I become. It's just a few pomegranates, it's like stealing."

The days are long in summer, but it gets dark quickly at night. Xu Qingsong could still see light when she left just now. By the time she finished cleaning the kitchen, it was completely dark outside, and the sound of frogs croaking in the field could be heard faintly. Gu Xuelan secured the courtyard door, took a shower, sat on the sofa and turned on the projector, selected an old drama as the background sound, and then made a video call to Liu Nanshan.

After the conversation ended, Liu Wangxue came out of the bedroom with the three of them.

Seeing that Gu Xuelan was eating melon seeds, Nui Niu flew over and asked for a few, standing on the coffee table and clicking them.

Pangpeng and Xiaoci seemed to be in a much better mood. They trotted over and asked Gu Xuelan to wipe their paws before going to the sofa to watch a show.

After Liu Wangxue took a shower, she came over and sat down. She crossed her legs and held Xiaoci in her arms. He also adjusted his posture by resting his chin on her knees.

She petted the cat and watched the man in the play speak righteously: "At that time, you only lost a leg. Where was Ziling? She lost half her life! Not to mention that she was given up by you. If you want love, follow me and travel around the world."

"On how a group of people with extremely crooked views can drive a normal person crazy." Liu Wangxue let go of Xiaoci and clapped twice.

"Don't tell me, when I watched this show, no one thought there was a problem." Gu Xuelan peeled off an orange and handed half of it to Liu Wangxue, "At that time, even you were sympathetic and envious of Ziling. ."

"I'm young and ignorant." Liu Wangxue ate an orange and looked back on the past, as if she suddenly realized that there is really a lot of filth in this world in the name of fake love.

Gu Xuelan suddenly remembered and asked her: "After dinner, I heard you answer the phone and talk about the script. What's wrong? Did something happen?"

She thought it was Du Yunkai who called Liu Wangxue, and she was worried that there was something wrong with the script of the PC game. Would she have to stay up late every day like she did some time ago?

Liu Wangxue shook his head and said, "No, someone wants to buy the copyright from me."

The call was from the little screenwriter named Jiao Jiao.

The little girl had just graduated from college. She originally thought that in a place like Junxi Entertainment where big bosses gathered, she would have to wait for several years before she could get ahead. When I signed up to participate in the script of Jingshan Technology's online game project, I just had the mentality of giving it a try, but I didn't expect to be selected.

Before the script was completed, she was already imagining that if this game was really made, it would definitely be a hit.

Du Yunkai also promised in the contract given to the three of them that their names would be added to the screenwriter column, and it is very likely that they will become famous by then.

Jiao Jiao’s recent dreams have been filled with script invitations flying towards her like snowflakes.

In the end, I couldn't hold it back any longer and shared this feeling with a friend. Of course, the content of the script has not been disclosed - this one has signed a confidentiality clause.

This friend is a senior one year above him and is currently a contracted screenwriter for Shenghai Entertainment.

The speaker has no intention, but the listener has the intention. This senior is worried that there is no stepping stone to help him get into the eyes of his superiors, and Jiao Jiao is here.

The senior tried to extract as much information as possible during the call, because it had nothing to do with the script. Jiao Jiao basically answered all questions, including Liu Wangxue's personal information, which was revealed.

The senior turned around and politely handed "this relationship" to his superior.

I have a cold and a bit of a fever. It’s very difficult to code.

Four thousand for the next few days until I recover

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