A few people sat under the grape arbor until dusk, and then took the three of them to the threshing floor to play until dark.

The two children really felt that they had less time to play each time, so they cherished it very much. When Shen Nian'an came to take them home, he looked reluctant to leave.

After Liu Wangxue returned home, she told Gu Xuelan about it. Gu Xuelan liked these two children very much, so she wanted to give them something small as a souvenir before they left.

Then his eyes fell on Liu Wangxue's poking fun: "How many of those cat and dog hairs have you saved?"

Liu Wangxue understood what Gu Xuelan meant after a moment's thought: "Mom, do you want to make a bumper or a small porcelain for the two children?"

"Why, you can't bear it?" Gu Xuelan asked.

"How is that possible!" Liu Wangxue was very happy and immediately went back to the room and took out the two boxes.

She had this plan in the first place, but her skills seemed to have been struggling to crawl to the bottom of the mountain. The flat thing is almost ready to be taken out, but the three-dimensional one is still hard to see.

"Come on, let's do it together!" Liu Wangxue opened the box, and with Gu Xuelan escorting her, she was not worried at all that the finished product would make a fool of herself.

The shape was designed by Liu Wangxue. Pengpeng is standing with his head held high, with a lotus leaf on his head, while Xiaoci is sleeping on a lotus leaf with a small wild flower in his mouth.

These three were quite difficult for Liu Wangxue, so they were basically completed by Gu Xuelan.

Liu Wangxue made the lotus leaf and the little flower, and then she got excited and made a small colorful house, which was fixed on the base together with the three.

When she bought glue materials for embossing, she bought some small pieces of acrylic sheets. She used shadowless glue to glue a square mask box and put the finished product into it.

The mother and daughter worked together. Because they were in a hurry, the three of them were not very big, and it took a whole day to add other bits and pieces of decorations.

"Mom, a work of art! This is definitely a work of art!" Liu Wangxue raised the transparent box to his eyes and looked at it carefully.

"Not bad, I can do it." Gu Xuelan commented.

"You are humble now." Liu Wangxue put the box away, tied it into a bow with a ribbon, and said with great conviction, "Youyou and Jinghe will definitely like it!"

After breakfast the next day, everyone went to Tao Huayu's house to see off Shen Nian'an and his family.

After Tao Huayu knew that they were leaving, he specifically asked for the specific time and planned to take them to the airport. A family of four has a lot of luggage, and there are no taxis in town. If we take a minibus, we have to wait a long time, which is also very frustrating.

Originally, Shen Nian'an didn't want to trouble everyone, but Tao Huayu said that he just had to go back to the city to do some errands, and it was difficult to refuse such kindness, so he shouldn't let down their good intentions.

After breakfast, the couple dragged their suitcases and came over with their two children. Both children have their own small boxes. In order to exercise their hands-on skills, they are allowed to pack their luggage themselves.

Youyou used the box as a bicycle, and Jinghe not only had to pull his own, but also used it as a boost for his brother so that he could run on the box. Fortunately, the main roads in the village have been built into concrete roads, otherwise it would be really difficult for the box wheels to travel.

When they arrived at Tao Huayu's house, the little boy didn't want to come down yet, so he continued to let Jing He push him to run and play on the cement floor in the yard.

Liu Wangxue was holding the cat and carrying a gift, with Pengpeng carrying a little parrot beside her, as well as Gu Xuelan and Xu Qingsong. Before the three of them reached the door of Tao Huayu's house, they could hear Youyou's cheerful laughter in the courtyard.

When Jing He pushed him to run a new lap, he passed the entrance of the courtyard and happened to see the arrival of the three people and the third pet.

"Brother, Cat! Cat is here, I want to get down!" Youyou shouted happily.

Jinghe immediately stopped the box and let Youyou get down. The two brothers ran towards the door together.

The older one ran to Pengpeng, the younger one ran to Liu Wangxue, and Xiaoci jumped out of Liu Wangxue's arms and ran towards Youyou in both directions. "Ah, Maomao, are you here to see me off?" Youyou hugged Xiaoci, the child and the pet were extremely sticky.

The whole dog stood up, put its front paws on Jinghe's shoulders, and gave each dog a bear hug.

Nuo Nui, who was standing on top of Bumper's head, was caught off guard and was thrown down. Fortunately, as a bird, it had excellent balance. It flew up as soon as its wings spread, and then stepped on Bumper's head. Angrily, he fell back on Liu Wangxue's shoulder.

Liu Wangxue was amused and reached out to touch it as a comfort.

The adults stood together and chatted. After the two children and the two were sticky enough, Liu Wangxue gave them gifts.



The two children held the box together with faces full of surprise. Jinghe asked Liu Wangxue: "Sister, did you make it?"

With a big smile on her face, Youyou said, "It looks great!"

The adults on the side also gathered around to take a look. Tao Huayu started directly, picked up the box with the ribbon and looked at it: "Wow, it's so realistic. You can tell it's the three of them at a glance."

Youyou jumped and reached out to take the box back, but Tao Huayu lifted it up and down to tease him.

Tao Huaxin also liked it: "Xuxu, do you still have this talent?"

Xu Qingsong applauded: "Screenwriter Liu, you can do all decathlon!"

Gu Qingyue asked: "Does it take a lot of effort?"

Liu Wangxue quickly stopped everyone from boasting: "No, no, I'll just take action. It's mainly my mother who did it." She didn't dare to take credit for it alone.

"I saw that the two children liked Bangpeng and Xiaoci so much, so I wanted to make something as a gift to them. Now that you are gone and we won't see each other for several months, I must be panicking," Gu Xuelan said.

Shen Nian'an and Gu Qingyue quickly thanked her: "We were talking about it when we went to bed last night. One said he missed the cat, and the other couldn't bear to touch it."

Gu Qingyue continued: "Now it's better, you can see things and cherish them."

Jing He leaned against Shen Nian'an and said to Gu Xuelan, "Thank you, grandma!"

Youyou on the side was still jumping up and down to reach the box in Tao Huayu's hand. Then he got angry, crossed his arms over his chest, stamped his feet, and his little curly hair trembled, and said very seriously: "Uncle Huayu, You’re not cute anymore!”

Tao Huayu held the box in his hand and said with a smile: "Uncle is an adult, and adults have the right to abandon cuteness."

"Hmph!" Youyou stamped her foot again, then ran to Gu Qingyue and hugged her leg, "Mom——"

Gu Qingyue touched his head and encouraged him: "Man, don't be timid. Go and negotiate with him again."

Tao's mother slapped Tao Huayu hard in the face: "You are so old, and you are still making trouble with a three-year-old child, please return it to others as soon as possible."

Yesterday I made up for the Hua Shao Silk Road season. I have to work hard to save money and go there in my lifetime\(^▽^@)ノ

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