Liu Wangxue understood clearly that this was a bird with its own aesthetics.

After Bangpeng and Xiaoci finished combing their hair, they jumped to the designated position. Heidou stared at Liu Wangxue, making sure to watch her take out her special comb.

Liu Wangxue scratched its chin and took out a gorgeous comb - a plastic Barbie powder with some sequins in it. The back of the comb was shaped like a flower and studded with sparkling rhinestones. As long as it is facing the light, it will flash and flash.

Wei Nie likes it very much.

After buying the comb, Liu Wangxue seemed to suddenly understand why Niugui didn't like the birdcage he bought for her, but preferred the one made of cardboard.

Because the cartons were colored, she also used ribbons to make handles. She felt that Gui Wei probably liked such bright and shiny things.

Liu Wangxue guessed that maybe it was not combing its hair to join in the fun, but thought it was a way to increase its beauty?

"Come, princess, please dress up~" Liu Wangxue took out its small comb and pretended to comb it from the top of its head to its feather tail, then from its chin to its lower abdomen, and finally its two wings.

"Okay, it's beautiful~" Liu Wangxue touched Guo Nui's head.

Nui Nui fluttered her feathers, rubbed Liu Wangxue's fingers with satisfaction, and then flew to the sofa to play with Bang Bang.

Xiao Ci stretched out on the small platform of the cat climbing frame, then lay down on his stomach and stared at the dog and the bird playing with their toys.

Sometimes, the bird would deliberately scratch its paw, and then it would lazily wave its paw to drive the bird away.

Liu Wangxue just sat there, staring at them, with a smile on her face that couldn't stop.

After a while, she gathered the two furs in her hands and took them to the small box in the room. Recently, even combing has been squeezed out. As you can imagine, there is no time to practice poking with felts. The small box containing the two furs is almost full.

From today on, she, like Gu Xuelan, has a lot of time, and can finally develop this new hobby in depth.

Liu Wangxue took the tool bag to the living room, settled on the sofa, set up a small table, and continued to practice by following the video tutorial.

You really can’t do anything without practicing in a day! Before immersing herself in writing scripts, she would take some time to practice every day. Originally, her hand feel had improved, but after not practicing these days, she seemed to have returned to her original state.

Not long after, Gu Xuelan came back and not only bought things for making soup at noon, but also bought some other vegetables, some fruits and snacks.

She parked the battery car in the stairwell and carried her things to the kitchen. I washed the fish and marinated it first, then went back to the living room and sat with Liu Wangxue, one doing cross stitch and the other making poke fun.

The two adults were doing crafts quietly, while the three little cuties beside them were playing and quarreling from time to time. Nuanui occasionally flew to Liu Wangxue's small table and played rhythm with her, pecking at the tabletop, and occasionally chirping without knowing what she was talking about.

Time seemed to be stretched out all of a sudden, slowly, leisurely and comfortable.

Gu Xuelan watched the time and went to the kitchen to make lunch, and Liu Wangxue followed to help. When the three little cuties saw the two adults moving, they quickly followed.

First simmer the rice and then stir-fry some vegetables.

Liu Wangxue rummaged through the refrigerator and said she wanted to eat fried pork with double peppers. Gu Xuelan readily agreed. When she went to buy groceries in the morning, she was thinking of eating this for lunch.

Cut the tiger pepper into hob pieces. After the pan is hot, add the pepper without adding oil and stir-fry until the tiger skin is slightly charred on the surface. Take it out of the pan and put it on a plate.

Then pour the diced pork belly into the hot pan, stir-fry the fat until the diced pork becomes brown, then add the lean meat and stir-fry. Then add the seasonings and bean paste, stir-fry, then add the freshly prepared tiger peppers, stir-fry for a while, then add the red bell peppers cut into small pieces, stir-fry until raw, and then serve.

Liu Wangxue fanned the air with her palms, took a deep breath, then picked up a piece and tasted it: "Wow, it's full of color, flavor and flavor!"

Gu Xuelan divided the dishes into two plates, leaving one for the three people next door and one for themselves.

In addition to this, Gu Xuelan also fried eggplant with minced meat and cabbage tofu.

After the dishes are done, simmer the soup.

Fry the marinated crucian carp in oil until the surface is golden brown, then use oil-absorbing paper to absorb the oil on the surface. Cut the lean meat into pieces and blanch them, wash the tangerine peel and fresh lily, and cut a few slices of ginger.

Put all these ingredients into the stew pot, add some cooking wine, pour in boiling water, select the soup button, and let it simmer slowly.

When the three people next door woke up, they were almost ready to drink.

The mother and daughter took a nap after lunch, and when they woke up, Xu Qingsong and the others happened to come over. Also arriving at the same time were Gu Qingyue, bringing Youyou and Jinghe, as well as Tao Huayu's sister Tao Huaxin.

As usual, the two children said hello after entering the door and went straight to Pangpeng and Xiaoci.

Liu Wangxue teased Tao Huaxin: "Ah, why is my brother-in-law willing to let you out alone?"

Tao Huaxin had come here twice before, but both times were when Liu Wangxue was writing the script. She didn't bother her much, sat there for a while and then went back.

However, his brother-in-law Qiu Xiangrong was always with him when he came here. Including the last time he met Tao Huaxin when he went to the village canteen to buy a comb for Niu Ni, Qiu Xiangrong was by his side to protect her.

"Don't worry about him, he will make a fuss all the time." Tao Huaxin scolded his brother-in-law from afar, and said to Liu Wangxue, "I heard that you had finished writing the script, and I had time, so I just wanted to come over and take a look. Your three little cuties.”

Liu Wangxue was surprised: "How did you know?"

Tao Huaxin pointed at Xu Qingsong.

Xu Qingsong smiled and said, "That should be what Tao Huayu said."

When he was just about to go to bed in the morning, Tao Huayu called and said that the first small stage of renovation at the old village committee site was completed and asked him if he wanted to go over and take a look. Tao Huayu called Du Yunkai first, but failed to get through, so he asked him to help.

Xu Qingsong was so sleepy that he just wanted to sleep. He said that they had read the script all night and needed to catch up on some sleep. There was no rush for this kind of thing and they would talk about it tomorrow.

When Tao Huayu made the call, Tao Huaxin was nearby, so he learned about it. Then on his way to the old site of the village committee, he met Youyou and Jinghe who were playing with the children in the village, and told them the good news.

The two children were very happy when they heard it. They hurried home and told their parents that they would go there to play in the afternoon.

Ever since Liu Wangxue began to concentrate on writing scripts, Shen Nian'an and Gu Qingyue had restrained their two children from disturbing them. The same goes for the three people next door. They come to have tea less often unless Liu Wangxue takes the initiative to call them.

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