Fan Yinuo couldn't get up by himself, so Liao Xiangmei paid two big men to take him to the hospital. Upon examination, it was found that the leg was fractured and would take at least three months to heal, and the rest were all skin injuries.

Liao Xiangmei breathed a sigh of relief when she heard this.

After applying the medicine, the pain was not that bad. Fan Yinuo said angrily: "Mom, I even said I wouldn't go, but you forced me to go."

"No, I want to call the police. I want the police to arrest that girl."

Liao Xiangmei was so angry that she cursed: "Would you rather be beaten by Jia Xin or expelled from school? If you want to be expelled, then go to the police. I don't care."

Then there is no choice. Just get a good meal and recuperate for a while. If you are expelled from school, your future will be gone. But Fan Yinuo still felt dissatisfied: "I asked you to break off the engagement when I was in junior high school, but you and dad just didn't agree. If the engagement was broken up, nothing like this would happen. Aunt Ding wouldn't be caught, and neither would Siyi." Got kicked out of school.”

Han Chuang studied hard for more than ten years and finally got into college but was expelled from school by Lu Jiaxin. Thinking of this, he felt even more sorry for Siyi.

Liao Xiangmei was so angry that she almost fainted, but she finally managed to hold on. She said, "Let me tell you Fan Yinuo, as long as your father and I are alive, that person named Zhao will never even think about entering my house."

After saying that, he picked up his bag and went out. Instead of going home, he went outside to call his husband.

Fan's father asked: "It's just a fracture, is there no problem?"

Liao Xiangmei said with some worry: "No other vital parts were injured, but the bones were broken for a hundred days, and this fracture will take three to four months to heal. Yinuo's homework will be delayed."

Fan's father said: "Let him take the final exam. If he fails, he will make it up next semester. He can't suspend school. After graduation, I will arrange for him to go to work elsewhere."

Liao Xiangmei hummed and said, "This kid Jia Xin is too cruel."

Father Fan was silent for a while and said: "I had dinner with Lao Li at noon. He felt very sorry for me. He couldn't tell you how to cherish such a golden doll."

Liao Xiangmei was confused: "What golden doll?"

Father Fan's voice was very low: "It's a rumor that Lu Jiaxin went to Yangcheng to do business and lost money. Lao Li said that she made one or two hundred thousand yuan for the batch of shoes she made."

His annual salary was less than 3,000 yuan, and he had to go without food and water for thirty years to save 100,000 yuan. Lao Li said she was a golden doll, and he was absolutely right.

Liao Xiangmei was so frightened that she asked after a while: "Did you make a mistake? Jiaxin came back after staying in Yangcheng for more than half a month. How could he earn so much?"

Father Fan sighed and said, "She is back, but Lu Jiajie stays there. Forget it, there is no point in talking about it now."

Being able to make money comes second. What Lu Jiaxin has shown is the means and abilities he values. If the younger son marries him, he will definitely have a successful career in the future. Now, thank God if there is no enmity.

Liao Xiangmei went back and saw Fan Yinuo, and became more and more angry. She chose such a good wife for him but didn't know how to cherish it, but instead fell in love with such a rag. The most important thing is that her relationship with Jia Xin is now estranged.

Seeing her staring at him with an unkind look, Fan Yinuo said, "Mom, what's wrong with you?"

Liao Xiangmei said angrily: "What's wrong with me? You look down on Jia Xin who is so good, but you treat Zhao Siyi as a treasure because of his bad character and vicious mind. How could I have given birth to a debt collector like you who is blind in both eyes and heart?"

“范一诺,我告诉你,你若执迷不悟非要娶那个恶毒女人,我跟你爸就当没你这个儿子。” 陆家馨将范一诺胖揍一顿的事很快就传开了,大家They all thought they played well. He is the culprit, but he has been hiding it and not showing up. He is incompetent and cowardly.

Lu Jiaguang knew that Lu Jiaxin's health was almost intact, so he came over to ask her about returning to school: "Has Ms. Gu arranged a good school for you?"

Lu Jiaxin shook her head and said, "My aunt has chosen three schools, but I couldn't tell them clearly on the phone. Let's wait until I get there and decide!"

Lu Jiaguang was a little reluctant, but still asked: "When will you leave?"

Lu Jiaxin said without thinking: "I will go over after Ding Jing is sentenced. Brother, when will this woman be sentenced?"

"The evidence is conclusive and a verdict should be made before the end of the month." Lu Jiaguang said. There were only five or six days until the end of the month, and he was reluctant to think about Ding Jing being sentenced and Lu Jiaxin going to Hong Kong City.

Lu Jiaxin said: "I'm going to Gangcheng. Xue Mao and Xiaoxiao are going to Pengcheng. I originally wanted Xiaoqiu to live here and help me look after the house, but she said she was scared to be alone. The second brother and second sister-in-law didn't want to live there. When I'm here, you can't take advantage of me."

Lu Jiaguang said, "I'll go tell them about this. Jiaxin, if your second brother and second sister-in-law live here, they have to pay rent according to the market price, and you have to collect the money."

Lu Jiaxin knew that if she didn't collect money, Lu Jiazong and Lu Ersao would not come to stay. She smiled and said, "Okay, I will give you the market price when the time comes. Except for my bedroom and study, they can use all other rooms."

Three days later, Ding Jing's sentence was handed down. She was sentenced to 12 years in prison and her illegal gains were confiscated. Lu Jiaxin was quite satisfied with this result. Twelve years later, when Ding Jing came out, no one looked up to the old man who was old and lustful and wanted to be with the rich.

After Ding Jing was sentenced, she asked to see Lu Hongjun, but he was still bedridden and unable to get up. Finally, Zhao Siyi went to the prison to visit.

Seeing only her daughter, Ding Jing's expression showed uneasiness: "Why didn't your dad come? Is he going to divorce me or ignore you?"

If this was the case, she would not make it easy for Lu Hongjun. These days in the detention center have really been like a year, and I really regret that I was too soft-hearted. If he had directly arranged for someone to abduct this stinky girl into the deep mountains and forests, how could she have ended up like today?

Zhao Siyi shook her head and said: "Dad didn't want to divorce you. He said he would wait for you to come out. He didn't care about me either. He promised to ask someone to find a job for me when he was discharged."

What she didn't say was that she rejected Lu Hongjun's proposal. The work assigned by Lu Hongjun must be dirty and tiring. She wouldn't want to do it if there was no money and no prospects.

"Hospitalized, what happened to him?"

Hearing that it was a cerebral hemorrhage, Ding Jing blamed Lu Jiaxin: "Sooner or later, a daughter with such a black heart will be angry to death."

Zhao Siyi was impatient to hear this, and asked: "Mom, it's useless to talk about it now. Mom, do you still have any money? Dad's money has been used to pay for medical expenses. I only have six yuan in my hand now." , will starve to death soon."

Ding Jing said: "I have handed over all my money. If you don't have money, go to your father. The medical expenses are reimbursed by the unit, but he has not yet officially processed the retirement salary."

Zhao Siyi said: "I asked him for it, and he would give me twenty or thirty at most, which was not enough."

He came to see her empty-handed and asked her for money. Suddenly, Ding Jing felt that she might have raised her daughter to death.

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