Is Chapter 319 difficult? (Second update!)

"Are you serious?" the Prime Minister asked.

This time, Sani didn't make a sound, but nodded instead!
Seeing his beloved general nodding, the white-bearded Prime Minister of Bharat could only sit back in his chair resignedly.

Staring at the ceiling in trance.

After being lost in thought for a moment, he said softly: "Let the people from the resources department take stock and then add icing on the cake!"

“Also, let the people from the Immigration Bureau speed up the immigration!”

"I think if the space elevator is repaired, the five good people will definitely have a lot of benefits!"

"When the time comes, all of England's roster will be ours!"

"Understood!" The official in charge of immigration responded and then disappeared into the crowd!

The Prime Minister in front of them stood up, walked to the window, and looked out the window without saying a word!
Meanwhile, England.

King William III sat in a chair with a decadent face, pouring wine into his mouth one after another.

Next to him is British Prime Minister Ryan.

Both the monarch and his subjects are equally decadent!

After another glass of red wine, William III suddenly asked: "Ryan, do you think it will be difficult if we want to build a space elevator?"

His voice was very soft, and it didn't last more than 5 seconds in the magnificent palace!
Ryan, who was next to him, heard the movement and tilted his head to look at William III for a while.

A surprised look flashed in his eyes.

Then a wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, he shook his head, poured a glass of red wine into his mouth, and then said:

"I don't think your Majesty needs to ask this question!"

"This question has been answered since decades ago!"

"In the past few years, the answer has only become clearer!"

"We have a boring parliamentary system with a governing platform that changes every four years!"

“Keeping us from completing a project that spans election cycles!”

"Similarly, it is impossible to complete a large project that spans the century!!"

"Perhaps, your Majesty, if you speak of this idea today, it will probably take until next year for this idea to reach the hands of the parliament!"

“By the time they decide to vote, I’ll probably be out cold!”

"By the time they finish voting, Your Majesty, there will probably be several meters of grass on your grave!"

"Then, after review, they found that the proposal was not very good, so they rejected it and went through the process again!"

"By then, a baby will grow into a passionate young man!"


William III couldn't help laughing.

Smiling and laughing, he couldn't stop laughing!

Because that’s what the subway in England is all about!

It needed to be renovated a long time ago!

However, three years have passed since the revision plan was proposed to the parliament and then voted on!

The final result is that we have no money for the time being, so we have to call it back and have it re-examined!

Since then, William III has never seen that proposal again!

After smiling bitterly, he raised his head and continued to watch the scene on the TV!
Thousands of excavators are working at the same time, and tens of thousands of various loading trucks and other machinery work together!
Seven days a week, 24 hours a day, three shifts, people stop and machines don’t stop!

The work on site is very orderly!
No trace of chaos can be seen!

After watching for a while, William III picked up the red wine and poured it into his mouth, his eyes full of bitterness.

In England.

If workers are allowed to work three shifts, they will ask the union to come forward and go to court to accuse the workers of persecuting them!
If we let workers from England do this project! Until now, maybe even the turf on the ground has not been cleaned!

Sighing softly, he suddenly asked: "What if we unite Europe?"

"Unite together and build our own space elevator!"

"At least we have to fight in court!"

As soon as these words came out, Ryan stopped eating and slowly turned back to look at his Majesty the King.

Eye to eye.

He saw a hint of hope and a little bit of fear in the eyes of this older man!
There are so many things!

Getting up from the chair, Ryan walked towards William III, struggled to kneel down, and said softly:
"Your Majesty, I am willing to go to Europe and join forces!"

At this moment, tears burst out from William III's eyes, and he used all his strength to pull Ryan up!

"Ryan! I really saw you right! Come on!"


Capital of Prussia.

Ryan looked at the solemn building in front of him, took a deep breath, arranged his clothes, and took the lead in walking in.

After him is the cabinet think tank he formed!
Specially make suggestions for him!

As soon as he sat down at the round table, French Prime Minister Roy lightly knocked on the table and asked: "What kind of wind blew Prime Minister Ryan to the European continent?"

"The pound swap some time ago was very lively! How was it that day? I heard it was all very popular!"

His behavior of not opening or picking up any pot was noticed by others, but they did not stop him.

The people present are all prime ministers of various countries!
They are all powerful people!

I came here today just for the benefit of my country!
Naturally, we need to kill and hit others!
Faced with the ridicule, Ryan did not answer the question. He slowly opened the document in his hand and said, "We need to have our own space elevator!"

"Dragon Kingdom didn't say not to let us use it!" The French Prime Minister took the lead in arguing!

Ryan responded nonchalantly: "But they also didn't ban Rakshasa people from using it!"

"We can rest assured about Dragon Kingdom!"

"But do you dare to trust the Rakshasa hat?" As he asked, Ryan's eyes started from the French Prime Minister and swept over them one by one!

On the faces of these people, he saw the expression he wanted to see - fear!
Fear of Lao Maozi!
The fear of Rakshasa Maozi!
Afraid that order will escape from one's hands and one will become a third-rate country!
The feeling that the order is beyond your control!
very dangerous!
Looking at the sad faces of everyone, Ryan continued to threaten:

"Such as installing bombs on our aircraft, or eavesdropping devices!"

"By then, it will be too late!"

"So, based on national security, we must have our own space elevator!"

Exciting words came out of his mouth!

It also wakes others up from fear.

Seeing him extremely excited, the French Prime Minister coughed dryly and asked: "Mr. Lane, where should we choose the construction site for this space elevator?"

"After the site is selected, who will be the overall person in charge of the project? Who will control the construction?"

"The project has officially started construction, how can we ensure the supply of materials?"

"You know, we have shut down all nuclear power plants in Europe so far!"

“We don’t even have enough electricity to heat ourselves!”

“Not to mention the extra electricity used for production!”

While speaking, the French Prime Minister noticed that Ryan's eyes were wandering. He immediately raised his hand and said loudly:
"I agree with England's idea to build our own space elevator!"

"At the same time, I also agree to let Mr. Lane serve as the commander-in-chief of the project! Fully responsible for project launch, coordination, and construction work!"

(End of this chapter)

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