Infinite Horror: The Strongest Zhongzhou Team

Chapter 222 Morpheus’s Discovery: Prophet

Chapter 222 Morpheus’s Discovery: Prophet

When Zhan Lan walked into the spacecraft again, he was keenly aware of the difference in the eyes of others looking at him.

After all, no matter how much you say, it's not as real as seeing it with your own eyes.

Just when Zhan Lan thought he had conquered them with his strength.

Morpheus, the captain, was the first to say:

"I don't know what you want us to do, but I have a condition."

Zhan Lan looked stunned:
"Okay, tell me!"

Morpheus sat back down and fastened his seat belt:
"Follow me to see the prophet. No matter what you want to do, we can help you without reservation."

Trinity said:

"Morpheus, if she is really a human from the future, shouldn't you ask for information about the savior first?"

In a certain semi-finished building under construction.

"I told Morpheus that my mission when I came back was to protect the savior."

Afraid of getting news from her that he doesn't want to hear.

"Also, do you think that the enemy of mankind in the future will still be artificial intelligence, the virtual world or the matrix?"

Looking in the direction of Tank's finger, Zhan Lan also walked to an empty mechanical chair and lay down.

A lonely old-fashioned rotary phone on the arc-shaped solid wood tabletop was emitting a slightly harsh ringing tone.

"Artificial intelligence is just a toy in their hands."

Morpheus was silent, while Trinity turned her head and stared at Zhan Lan solemnly.

A newly renovated high-rise room without any furniture.

"Yes, Neo is the savior, but not the current Neo."

"Their strongest person even controls the power enough to destroy the entire world. Only the true savior can save it all."

Only then did it stabilize again and connect to the signal of the matrix world.

Morpheus, who was wearing nose-clip sunglasses, was the first to recover and walked up to pick up the phone:
"Tank, we're in!"

"Mouse, you are also following and prepare to respond!"

After making sure not to be chased by a new round of mechanical squids.

Zhan Lan looked at Trinity, the heroine, and said directly:

Morpheus also raised his eyebrows, especially after hearing this specious answer, he became silent.

"of course."

"Finally, I wish everyone a happy and happy journey!"
Matrix world.

The entire battleship also started to move instantly.

"Oh, dear passengers, please note, fasten your seat belts, no smoking, and of course, the main thing is to sit in the chair under you."

"Tank, start moving, Trinity, Servais ready to connect!"

Five men and women dressed in black appeared out of thin air in this room with closed doors and windows.

"So I can only use my own method to determine authenticity."

"Jingle Bell!"

But after thinking about it for a while, he still said:
"Thank you very much for your candor, but what you said and your behavior just now are too unacceptable."

Trinity's face looked like water dripping into a paint box.

"Jingle Bell!"

Except for the abrupt coffee table in the middle.

As all five people were ready, Tank sat back on his driver's seat and said excitedly:

After hearing Zhan Lan's affirmative answer, she first breathed a sigh of relief, and then her whole body tightened when she thought of something.

As he spoke, his fingers quickly typed one command after another on the mechanical keyboard.

"No, the real enemies in the future are a group of lunatics transformed from humans."

Ten minutes later, the battleship flew hundreds of kilometers through a maze of sewer pipes.

"So, we have no choice but to travel back to the past, which is now."

"I want to know, is Neo the savior?"

Then after hearing the second half of Zhan Lan's words, he looked at her blankly.

"And the reason why I found your battleship."

Zhan Lan smiled confidently and said directly without any concern:

The moment Zhan Lan agreed, Morpheus issued his order.

As the bell kept ringing.

Looking at the familiar people, Zhan Lan, who came back to his senses, was once again sure.

The way the main god space descends into a horror movie is completely different from the way the real world descends into the virtual world.

And when walking out the door again.

After feeling the sunshine of the matrix world, it is different from the sun of the real world.

In reality, the bright sun will make people turn around and lower their heads unconsciously.

But here, Zhan Lan subconsciously looked up.

The superficial layers of her brain were constantly transmitting signals, telling her that this object should not be looked at directly.

But Zhan Lan just wanted to see it.

What a scorching sun.

"It's just a pity. It seems that this is not as spectacular as the Sun Gold Sutra..."

"What's wrong Zhan Lan?"

Trinity, who was lagging behind, felt the sluggish pace of the person behind her, and turned back to interrupt the writer's sudden thought.

"It's okay, let's go, I also want to see the prophet you talk about!"

"Do you really know everything?"

Morpheus at the front patted the mouse on the shoulder:

"We'll be back in about an hour."

"Be safe."

The rat in a fitted suit lived up to his name and was unusually thin. After nodding, he stayed by the phone.

Looking at the black sedan in front of the dilapidated building, Zhan Lan once again sighed at the "excellence" of the virtual world.

This kind of world, where anything you think can come true, has an inexplicable attraction for a writer with divergent thinking.

"Unbelievable, right?"

After noticing Zhan Lan's eyes on the car, Morpheus turned his head and said.

After getting on the bus, as we turned onto the main road, there were gradually more pedestrians.

Only then did Zhan Lan realize that he had lived here for more than 20 years in his memory.

When passing by a bright restaurant nearby, Zhan Lan said in surprise:

"Oh my god?"

Trinity, who was sitting aside, followed Zhan Lan's line of sight and looked:
"what happened?"

"It's okay, it's just that my memory tells me that I used to go to that restaurant to eat when I was at work, and the noodles there taste pretty good."

"Even now, I can still find this smell in my memory."

"Isn't it ridiculous?"

Figures kept passing by outside the car window. Zhan Lan continued:

"The memories in my brain have become iron chains binding my thoughts at this moment."

Morpheus looked at the reversing camera and said without looking back:
"This is why we awaken, because the matrix cannot define you."

“You can always discover the irrational aspects of the world from every bit of life.”

Zhan Lan sneered and then said:

"Then can a prophet be defined?"

Trinity murmured:
"Maybe you don't believe it, but these are two different things."

Zhan Lan chuckled lightly and did not provoke them any more about this issue.

Because she is also looking forward to the "prophet" she is about to see.

Of course Zhan Lan prefers to call it the "Mother of the Matrix".

In The Matrix.

The matrix world consists of three parts.

Mother of the Matrix: Prophet. (Has the ability to foresee the future in the matrix world.

It is also the intuitive program of the Matrix. It is one of the important programs used by the Matrix World to learn human emotions. It is also an existence above the rules. Not only will it not be bound by the Matrix World, but it can also use these rules. )
Father of the Matrix: Architect.

(One of the creators of the Matrix, the Prophet merely exploits the rules, while the Architect creates them.)
Part Three has many names.

Among Zhan Lan's many titles, one of his favorite pronouns is "Machine Emperor".

Because such a name is worthy of this dual master of the matrix world and the real world.

The shaking of the car interrupted Zhan Lan's thoughts.

Turn a big bend.

"Here we are!"

Morpheus said calmly.

The vehicle finally stopped at an alleyway covered in graffiti.

After opening the car door, the foul smell under his breath made Zhan Lan rub his nose impatiently.

Looking at Trinity and Service who were motionless in the car, Morpheus explained:

"Just in case, the two of them are guarding the vehicle. Come on Zhan Lan, I will take you up!"

Red spray paint covered the walls. After walking in, the pungent smell of the paint hit Zhan Lan's brain.

Morpheus, on the other hand, was much more normal and seemed to be used to the smell.

While waiting for the elevator, Zhan Lan couldn't help but look back.

Because it's on the elevator seat.

There was an old man with white hair wearing sunglasses. It is worth noting that this old man also held a guide stick in his hand.

"Who is he?"

Morpheus stared at the elevator that was about to come down and said:
"Followers of a Prophet."


"Yes, it is said that the first awakened human being relied on the prophet to return to the real world."

"So no matter what your identity is, as a newly awakened human being, it is always right to meet the prophet!"

"So you're saying that all awakened humans have seen the prophet?"

"Of course, this is also Zion's established rule."

"Because she has been supporting us from the beginning."

"Ding dong!"

Arriving with the elevator.

Both of them agreed not to discuss it.

Only Zhan Lan looked at the closed elevator and showed a thoughtful look to the people outside the door.

"Thirteenth floor?"

Seeing the button Morpheus pressed, Zhan Lan couldn't help but ask.


Zhan Lan stood behind Morpheus:

"Then does she really know everything?"

"She knows everything she needs to know."

Zhan Lan smiled half-heartedly; "Have you never missed it?"

"Don't judge what she says by right or wrong. She is a guide. She can ensure that humans find the right path!"

"She told you that you would find the savior, right?"

Morpheus hesitated: "Yes."

"We're here, let's go."

After the elevator opens, there is a long and narrow corridor.

It's so long that you can't even see the end at a glance, with a distance of hundreds of meters.

At the top of the corridor, there is a bright incandescent lamp at every other section.

But Zhan Lan discovered that even though it was so bright, there was still obvious darkness between each one.

Morpheus in front has opened a small door on the right.

A ray of light that was clearly not as bright as the incandescent lamp penetrated through the crack in the door.

It gives people the illusion that there is paradise behind the door.

Zhan Lan, who saw these little tricks, didn't react at all and walked forward directly.

After opening the door.

Inside the door was a beautiful black woman wearing white clothes. She looked up and down at Zhan Lan:

"You're here just in time, please come in."

After entering the house.

"Morpheus, Zhan Lan, please come with me."

After passing through a curtain, what you can see is a huge living room.

Well, how should I put it, it feels like the most ordinary living room to Zhan Lan, and it even gives people a messy atmosphere because there are too many children.

The woman in white smiled and explained:

"There are other awakened ones here, who are also prepared saviors. Wait a moment, I will tell the prophet."

Zhan Lan looked at the living room, the Rubik's Cube floating out of thin air, and the bent spoon. If he hadn't known that this was the matrix world, he would have seen it.

Then Zhan Lan will definitely think that he has walked into a magical family.

Thinking of Neo's experience in the movie, Zhan Lan squatted down and picked up a spoon at his feet under Morpheus's doubtful eyes, and put it in front of his eyes.

And the little white boy who had been playing with the spoon suddenly spoke like a triggered program:
“Don’t even think about bending a spoon with your mind, because that’s impossible.”

"You need to recognize reality because there is no spoon in front of you!"

Zhan Lan rubbed the iron spoon in his palm and said to the child with a smile:
"You are young, and you may have not seen too many things, but it doesn't matter."

"I think you'll understand in the near future."

"Not to mention bending a spoon with your mind, you can even make iron with sand and gravel on site and condense a steel spear."

Looking at the little boy with a confused expression,
Zhan Lan returned the spoon to him and stood up slowly.

"Let's go, Morpheus, the prophet should be able to see us!"

"Is it right?"

Only then did Morpheus realize that the woman in white who had just left had returned at some point.

Hearing Zhan Lan speak first, the woman in white was stunned for a moment and then nodded:

"As you said, you two come in."

In the kitchen, this is a fat black woman wearing a big green skirt.

When the two of them walked in, they saw a ding-dong sound coming from the oven.

The woman put on insulated gloves and took out a baking pan that exuded a tempting aroma.

Then he turned around and said:
"Oh, Morpheus, how long has it been since we last met?"

"Master Prophet, the last time Tobeka awakened, I sent her here."

"She is living a good life in Zion, and she asked me to thank you for your enlightenment."

The prophet placed the baking sheet on the long kitchen table:
"No, you should understand what I said, it's been a long time, right?"

"After all, you avoid me every time you send someone over and wait at the door."

Murphy paused, this time he took off the sunglasses from his nose clip, stood at the door and nodded:

"Yes Prophet, long time no see."

The prophet wiped the oil stains from the oven with an unclean rag and said at the same time:

"You firmly believe in my words, but you are also very afraid of me."

"So let's start with the simplest question."

With that said, this one also finished wiping.

Take off your gloves and sit at the table.

And Morpheus also asked questions that already had answers in his heart.

"So, you're not human, right?"

First, he took a whiff of the fragrance of the biscuit, then picked it up and handed it to Zhan Lan, who was standing next to Morpheus.

Zhan Lan stepped forward and took it without any hesitation, savoring the prophet's craftsmanship in sips.

(End of this chapter)

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