Infinite Horror: The Strongest Zhongzhou Team

Chapter 152 The Legion of Descendants of the Pharaoh’s Guards

Chapter 152 The Legion of Descendants of the Pharaoh’s Guards

"We haven't reached an agreement. It doesn't matter. I can leave first and wait for you in England. What do you think?"

Before he finished speaking, Jonathan looked at the clothes and books thrown to him and wailed twice in pain.

O'Connor spread his hands, walked over, grabbed Jonathan's neck and shouted behind him:

"Okay, Evelin, you win, let's go."

"Great, want to go back to England?"

"No, let's go have a drink first, and then get ready to find that unusual weapon!"

"hold head high???"

"Of course, we also need to find helpers to figure out some things."

Hearing the knock on the door, Zhan Lan said:

"It's O'Connor and the three of them."

The first thing the three protagonists saw after they walked in was Saito Kazuo who was still unconscious.

O'Connor opened his mouth, and finally Evelin came over and stared at Zheng Zha and said:

"Guys, I think we need to have a frank talk!"

After everyone sat down.

"So who are you!"

Zheng Zha, Zhan Lan, and Ling Dian subconsciously looked at Xiao Honglu, who had the best brains at the moment.

The twelve-year-old child couldn't help but twitch the corners of his eyes.

When he was in the mental hospital, the last thing he wanted was for the nurses and sisters to treat him like a child.

The result is now completely reversed.

Now in this 1962 hotel, no one really treats him as a child.

It's just that the environment is a bit too depressing.

"Okay, let me do the talking!"

As soon as he opened his mouth, Xiao Honglu's voice suddenly became deeper.

The whole person also leaned back and narrowed his eyes.

"Actually, we are people from the ancient Eastern Kingdom. We are similar in nature to O'Connor. We are also messengers of God."

"We are on a mission to save mankind, and this time it is because we received an ancient prophecy. Under the guidance of the prophecy, a source that threatens the world will sprout from here, so we have traveled thousands of miles to come here."

"Unexpectedly, it was because of our arrival that the following series of events occurred, leading you to release the pharaoh and high priest who had been sealed in the sarcophagus for three thousand years."

"What about them? Who were the ones who fought against you at that time?"

O'Connor is obviously not that easy to fool.

Xiao Honglu put down the hair in his hand: "Since there are messengers of God, there are also servants of the devil, right?"

The three people who heard this metaphor couldn't help but look at each other:

"Okay, that's a reasonable explanation, but I can't even refute it."

O'Connor said helplessly.

"You can regard them as allies of the mummy, and you have also seen that their abilities are very powerful, so we need your help now!"

Just as Evelin was about to speak, her brother held her down and said first:

"No, no, no, mysteries, you warriors of God, we are just ordinary people. Really, I can't even use a gun, and my sister is even a historian who dare not kill a chicken. How can I help you? ?”

"In your words, it should be called, it's hard for a clever woman to make a meal without rice, right?"

Xiao Honglu smiled and said to this person:

"Really? You don't know how to use a gun. How did you win the fox hunting competition?"

"Also, do you really think that a useless museum administrator who is proficient in ancient Egyptian language can resurrect a mummy by just saying a few words?"

"Oh, Falk? How do you know my champion?"

Jonathan jumped up from his chair, while O'Connor looked unbelieving:

"Is this true? You? Champion?"

"Of course, and this young gentleman was wrong, I will still be re-elected."

After his identity was revealed, Jonathan proudly puffed up his "majestic" chest.

Compared to these two people, Evelin became much silent after hearing Xiao Honglu's words. After a while, she waited for the two of them to calm down before asking: "You mean, I actually also..."

Xiao Honglu shook his head:

"Remember what I said in Hamna Tower, everything is already destined. Whether it is the beginning or the process."

"In our ancient prophecies, there is a saying that to untie the bell, one must tie it."

Looking at the three people who didn't understand, Zhan Lan explained from the side:

"It means that the person who started it all can make it end."

"In other words, the one who can bury the mummy again is the one who resurrects and awakens it, that is, you, Evelin!"

Jonathan and O'Connor looked at each other:

"Well, that's terrible news."

"So what do we need to do next?"

Zheng Zha, Zhan Lan and Xiao Honglu said together:

"Return to Hamna Tower and find the Golden Sun Book."

It's just that these three people didn't notice that something was wrong with Jonathan's expression after hearing the four words of the Sun Golden Sutra.

Evelin let out a sigh of relief at this time:

"Well, this is exactly what I thought. Since the Black Scripture of the Dead can resurrect the mummy, the corresponding Golden Scripture of the Sun will definitely be able to restrain him."

"Then let's leave now?" O'Connor stood up and asked directly.

Xiao Honglu blew the hair out of his hands and stood up as well, but instead of looking at the others, he walked to the window:

"No, today's sun won't be able to dry tomorrow's clothes. Some things have to be done step by step."

"O'Connor, you still have time to have a drink today. We'll leave tomorrow."

After watching them go out, Xiao Honglu said to Zhan Lan:

"They are already here, go ahead!"

Having said this, Zheng Zha and Ling Dian handed her the ring and space bag.

Zheng Zha asked doubtfully:

"Are we just going back with O'Connor? Back to Hamunata?"

"Is this too ostentatious? I'm worried that the Indian team will..."

Xiao Honglu replied with a smile:

"No, it's you, Zhan Lan, and me who are following the three of them back. The three of us."

"Qi Teng was seriously injured and unable to move. As for Zero Point, we can't let it be obvious."

"If the Indian team sees a lineup like this with just the three of us and the pig's feet, what do you think they will think?"

Zheng Zha was stunned for a moment and then said uncertainly:

"Empty city plan?"

Xiao Honglu sighed and walked out without saying anything else.

On the stairs, dozens of strong and unsmiling men in black were seen.

Only then did Zhan Lan understand Xiao Honglu's plan and what he was "waiting for".

"That's it. Let's go. The weapons presented to you are downstairs."

A few minutes later.

Zhan Lan looked at the boxes of submachine guns, rocket launchers, and spiritual ammunition being transported away.

I am very glad that Li Xiao came back from the real world.

All kinds of materials have been evenly distributed, so there are not a few conventional weapons and ammunition in her, Lingdian's space bag, and Zheng Zha's Najie.

And these modern weapons, enough to fully arm thousands of people, are now in the hands of the descendants of the Pharaoh's guards who are not afraid of life and death.

Zhan Lan only remembered now that in the second part of The Mummy, he faced the wolf-headed army resurrected from the underworld.

These mysterious descendants of the Pharaoh's guards have exploded with amazing fighting abilities.

And now it is equipped with modern spiritual ammunition.

In terms of strength, this is not a simple calculation like one plus one.

Also, if there is an army in this world that will still charge without fear of life and death in the face of monsters like the Immorton Indian Team.

Then only these Pharaoh's guards are left.

(End of this chapter)

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